Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 255 The Cold Sect Leader 21

Yang Yan knew a lot, far beyond the imagination of his little apprentice. Soul-stealing techniques act on the soul, so they are easy to be discovered. He has a hundred ways to avoid alerting the demons who are sensitive to mental power.

Soon he knocked out the two little demons in a place where they were not easily noticed. After getting the password and things related to them from their memories, he turned them into their original forms and hid them.

The two little demons took the soul-stirring pills, so they could sleep for at least seven or eight days, and they would not wake up in the middle to ruin their good deeds. Yang Yan also considerately helped them add a protective shield to prevent them from being dragged away and eaten by animals while they were asleep.

Of course, the protective shield can also ensure that they will not be discovered by outsiders.

After finishing all this, Yang Yan urged his magic power to turn into the appearance of one of the little demons. The most amazing thing is that even the aura of his demon clan is exactly the same. I am afraid that if one person and one demon stand in front of others at the same time, no demon can recognize who is real and who is fake.

Bai Feng watched the whole thing from beginning to end, and the whole fox was stunned: "Master is so powerful!"

Yang Yan smiled gently: "Try to become that little demon, can you imitate the breath?"

"Yes," Bai Feng said quickly, "but I may not be able to imitate it like Master, without any flaws."

She quickly became the appearance of the little demon, with almost no difference in appearance, but she was indeed a little lacking in breath.

Yang Yan gave her some pointers on the spot, and she had excellent comprehension, and she mastered the trick in a short while. When she looked again, she was no different from the little demon.

The man and the demon did not go to the Demon King Palace immediately, but walked around outside as they had done before, and after two hours, each of them returned with a bamboo basket.

After showing the token and saying the spell, the master and apprentice sneaked in. At this time, the fox clan messenger arrived slowly. The two looked at each other and tacitly carried the basket to the Demon King Palace.

The Demon King Palace is a rare building in the demon world. It was built in imitation of the palaces in the world of cultivation. It has pavilions, towers, carved beams and painted buildings. The garden full of flowers is shrouded in thin smoke. People who don't know the situation would think they have arrived at the residence of a cultivator.

The roads in the palace are winding and complicated. Although Yang Yan has obtained the memory of the little demon, it is not his after all. There is always a layer of separation, so he gave the job of leading the way to the apprentice who is familiar with the terrain.

Bai Feng led him to the Demon King Palace quickly. The two handed the basket to the steward who arranged the banquet, and without waiting for him to give any more instructions, they decisively slipped away and found an inconspicuous corner to hide.

The thousand-year birthday of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be celebrated for a whole month. Now only half of the time has passed. The demons come and go, and there are many demons that need to be entertained every day.

The steward was so busy that he couldn't find them when he looked up, and he didn't have time to look for them. He cursed and had to call other demons to do things.

Just as Yang Yan and the other two hid, the fox messenger was led in. He first respectfully greeted the Demon King, the Demon Queen and the Crown Prince, and then talked about the young clan leader's upcoming nine-tail transformation as planned.

Hongyu's self-cultivation skills were obviously not good enough, and his face immediately changed, and he said in a lost voice: "Bai Feng? She actually came back alive?"

"Look at this child, he was so happy to hear the news of his fiancée." The Demon Queen is also a member of the Blue Bird Clan. She has a lifespan of more than 2,000 years. Her human form is like that of a human of 25 or 26 years old. She is a dignified and generous woman.

The average lifespan of the Blue Bird Clan is about 4,000 years old. The higher the cultivation level, the longer they live, and their appearance can also remain at its best for a long time. For example, the Demon King is now nearly 4,000 years old, but his human form looks like a handsome young man.

Although he looked young, his eyes were full of the depth of time. He glanced at his son, put his hand on the hand of the demon queen, and said, "Feng'er had an accident while looking for Yu'er. It's normal for him to be worried."

The couple sang in unison to cover up their son's misbehavior. When the demons recalled his appearance and the words he blurted out, they would only think that he was too shocked to be lost and recovered, and they could not think that he was actually in an accident.

"How is Bai Feng now?" Hong Yu also followed the words of his father and mother, and his expression turned into concern, "What did she say, why has there been no news for so many years?"

At first, he attacked Bai Feng and caused her to fail in promotion and be seriously injured, and then he dug out her inner elixir with his own hands. He was very afraid that the fox clan would know about this.

But on second thought, several masters of the fox clan have become prisoners now. Even if she told this, no one would stand up for her, and she felt at ease again.

At the same time, if he doubted the fox tribe below, Bai Feng was in that state, and it was good enough to be alive, how could he suddenly turn into a nine-tailed beast again?

"Thank you for your concern, Prince," Hong Yu's suspicion was expected by Yang Yan and the fox elders. The messenger followed the words discussed in advance, thanked respectfully, and said, "When the young clan leader came back, his aura was already a little bit uncontrollable. As soon as he arrived at the clan, he began to retreat. He only asked the younger ones to ask the clan leader to guard him, and he didn't have time to explain the other things."

The Demon King's mind was unpredictable, and he thought of many things in an instant. Ten thousand years ago, the demon world was still the world of the fox clan. After all the nine-tailed beasts passed away, it was their turn for the blue bird clan to be the master.

Thousands of years ago, Bai Feng suddenly appeared. In order not to affect his rule, the Demon King intended to cut the grass and root it out. It was the Demon Queen who persuaded him to change it to a marriage, so that she could help their son when she grew up.

They originally planned to use this fox as a chess piece to control it, but Yu'er was concerned about others. Considering that Bai Feng had been destroyed and the remaining foxes were useless, they did not blame them too much.

In recent years, many demon tribes have been dissatisfied with their rule and secretly plotted rebellion. In fact, all of this has been seen by the Demon King. It happened that the fox tribe was blindly contacting them, so the Demon King planned to catch them all, except for this thorn in the flesh.

Everything was going well before. Taking advantage of his son's birthday, most of the demons with evil intentions were lured and captured by him. Now he was preparing to use them to get rid of all the fish that slipped through the net, but who knew that Bai Feng would suddenly appear as a variable.

The nine-tailed fox is just one more tail than the eight-tailed fox. The Demon King knows a lot of secrets from ten thousand years ago, but he knows that the difference between the two is almost like heaven and earth.

The magic power of the nine-tailed fox is a hundred times higher than that of the eight-tailed fox. If Bai Feng really succeeds, I am afraid that his strength can fight with him. It is hard to say who will win or lose.

However, the Demon King also doubted the authenticity of this matter. He also knew what his son had done. Bai Feng, the little fox, had lost his inner elixir. How could he practice so quickly and say that he wanted to become a nine-tailed fox?

He was guessing that the Fox Clan might have discovered that he had detained one of their clansmen, so they made up such a lie, hoping that he would release the person out of fear of harm.

After thinking it over, the Demon King stood up and said, "The Fox Clan leader and others drank too much Immortal Drunk yesterday, and now they are all drunk. I am afraid they cannot protect Feng'er. I will go there myself to prevent any accidents."

"This..." The messenger was startled and said hurriedly, "How dare I trouble Your Majesty? Let's wait for the clan leader and the elders to wake up..."

"I am afraid it will take at least three to five days for them to wake up," the Demon King interrupted him, looking very concerned, "Feng'er can't be delayed, and besides, she is my son's wife, and we will be a family in the future, so there is no trouble or no trouble."

"In that case..." The messenger hesitated for a moment and said, "Then please, Your Majesty."

He agreed so readily that the Demon King hesitated. If it was really as he guessed, the Fox Clan should stop him at all costs, otherwise he would be exposed soon after he went there?

But he thought again, even if his guess was wrong, Bai Feng really got some great opportunity, and was able to restore his original cultivation level in just five years after losing the demon pill, what does it matter?

This time, he could do something like Yu'er did when she was promoted, so that she would fail to transform her tail again. This time, he couldn't be as careless as Yu'er, so as to leave trouble.

Ha! The fox tribe is also known for its cunning and scheming, but it did all kinds of stupid things to fall into the trap. If it were him, he would definitely advance quietly and then kill him when no one was prepared.

The demon king, with a proud mood, selected his closest and most trustworthy subordinates and rushed to the fox tribe's residence at a high speed on the demon wind.

Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the demon queen to take good care of the fox tribe leader and other demons in the prison, and deal with them as soon as he got rid of Bai Feng and came back.

He racked his brains but never thought that the person he wanted to get rid of was actually in the Demon King's Palace. After seeing him leave, he quietly gave his master a thumbs up.

Ever since he was rescued, Bai Feng has been in great respect for his master. Now he admires him even more. Before coming, he analyzed the possible reactions of the Demon King. The first one was that he would go to the Fox Clan to see what was going on, and even worse, he would take the opportunity to harm her.

Now the Demon King actually went there. Thinking of the formation set up by the master in the Fox Clan, Bai Feng lit a row of candles for him without sympathy.

The departure of the Demon King did not affect the continuation of the birthday banquet. The Demon Queen greeted the demon clan people on his behalf. The guests and hosts ate and drank happily. Only Prince Hongyu seemed a little absent-minded since he got the news from Bai Feng.

But the demons could understand. After all, she was his fiancée. If he didn't react at all, everyone would think he was cold-hearted!

They never expected that the prince they respected was the demon who killed his fiancée, who was a hundred times more vicious than they thought. The demons advised him that if he was worried about his unmarried wife, he could go to the fox tribe to see her in person. They would not mind.

Hongyu felt uneasy. He felt uncomfortable all over when he heard the words Bai Feng or fiancée. But the demons below kept saying it again and again, and he had to stop the demons from mentioning it.

The mother knows the son best. The demon queen saw his thoughts and handed him a ladder: "Yu'er, Feng'er will be fine with your father. Why don't you go and take care of the fox tribe leader."

"What the queen mother said is very true," Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly agreed, "I will go there now."

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