Since Yang Yan's launcher was destroyed, he found that the wearer had changed the twists and turns of the previous two days and led the entire team towards a goal.

After that, they encountered nearly twice as many strange beasts as before. As time went on, Wei Cang could no longer hide his excitement.

However, no one except Yang Yan noticed this, because they were also very excited. After all, in the competition, the alien beasts represented points. The more alien beasts they had, the closer they were to the championship.

But after two days, everyone couldn't laugh anymore. Suddenly, one, two, three... there were nine strange beasts rushing in front of them. Oh my god, did they stab the strange beasts' lair?

Isn’t it said that the strange beasts all live alone and like to live alone? Why are these animals gathered together?

Everyone has cooperated very well these days. When dealing with single-headed beasts, they rarely suffered any injuries and could capture them with ease. However, facing nine times the number of enemies, their formation was instantly dispersed.

Almost everyone failed in the first round. Fortunately, they reacted quickly and no one was killed. However, if this continues, it will be a matter of time.

"Withdraw!" The captain said immediately, "Lure them away and press the launcher. We have captured enough alien beasts. Even if we exit early, the results will not be ugly."

"Received!" Everyone replied immediately, but someone quickly responded, "What should I do with Si Yangyan? His transmitter is broken!"

If it was safe, he could naturally stay next to them and wait for the spacecraft to arrive and ride away together. But now they are no match for the alien beasts and can only rely on the protective cover to survive for half an hour while waiting for rescue.

The problem is that the protective cover was designed for one person. Even if two people hug each other, it cannot cover the extra person. Now it is a dead end if it is left outside in this situation.

"Give him my transmitter." The captain was silent for a moment and said decisively.

"team leader!"

"No!" Among the exclamations, Wei Cang's voice sounded particularly sad, but no one noticed it at this time.

"Give mine to Brother Yan!" Yang Yan is the youngest in the team, but because he is the strongest, many people call him "Brother", "I am the weakest, and it will be useless against interstellar beasts in the future. If you kill more, you will take it as revenge for me."

"You are flexible and can contain strange beasts, so it would be more appropriate to give mine to Brother Yan."




Everyone was arguing for a while, and those who didn't know thought it was a good thing. Wei Cang wanted to grab their shoulders and shake them hard: "You are going to die, why are you arguing?"

However, in this environment, he had to echo: "I'm lucky, maybe I can escape, so I might as well give him mine."

When he said this, his heart tightened, fearing that Si Yangyan would take advantage of him and take it. After all, there was a life-and-death feud between the two.

Fortunately, his guess did not come true. Yang Yan chuckled and said, "You don't even ask for my opinion and just help me make a decision? Do you think that if I live with a person's life on my back, I will still be able to live with you for the rest of my life?" Can you be happy?”

Everyone was silent for a moment, and the debate lasted for less than a minute. No matter how melancholy and tragic they felt in their hearts, the alien beasts came at them again and again with their sharp claws.

It was difficult for more than a dozen people to hide, and the protective clothing was getting more and more damaged, and some people were even injured. They all knew that they had to make a decision, but no one could open the door and let him die.

"I have a suggestion," Wei Cang said at this time. "We try to hold off these beasts. Si Yangyan drives away first. When the rescue spaceship arrives, we will point the direction to pick him up."

"But if he encounters another strange beast on the road, only one person..." Someone raised an objection.

"This is the only way now." Wei Cang interrupted him.

Everyone really couldn't think of any other way. The time was tight and they couldn't think about it any more. The captain said decisively: "Okay, just do it. Si Yangyan, be ready to get in the car. We will hold them down later."

Yang Yan softly said "Yes", and the matter was settled. Everyone changed their previous dodge and began to actively fight back, trying to attract the hatred of the alien beasts, but he carefully began to retreat to the outside. After a while, there were no more strange beasts chasing him.

When Wei Cang saw this scene, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly. Soon he would find that no matter which direction he ran, he would be chased by strange beasts. There was only one direction that they didn't care about. However, in front of the seemingly calm place, there was a beast of his. Unexpected big guys are waiting.

Si Yangyan, your death has come! What about the protagonist? So what about rebirth? Soon you will die in obscurity here. Let's see who will stand up for you this time!

Wei Cang laughed wildly in his heart, and suddenly a sharp light flashed before his eyes. He hurriedly dodged and was thankful that he was not injured. Then he was horrified to find that the fragments scattered on the ground looked familiar. He hurriedly touched his waist, and ended up touching one. Empty, my mind suddenly went blank.

"Be careful!" The teammate next to him quickly pulled him, and an animal claw rubbed his mask and fell to the ground. It was inserted deeply into the hard ground like cutting tofu. If this fell on him, I'm afraid it won't really be penetrated.

Wei Cang was not in a happy mood, his face was still pale.

"Are you distracted at this time?" The teammate reprimanded in a low voice, but then his expression changed, "Your transmitter is broken!"

"Oops!" Others also exclaimed.

"What should I do?" Wei Cang was already so panicked that he felt extremely regretful. There were more opportunities to kill Si Yangyan, so why did he choose such a risky method?

Yang Yan, who was being muttered by him, suddenly tapped his foot, and a few waves fell in front of him. He reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling it without allowing him to resist, and said: "The plan remains unchanged, I will go with him." Then he Take him and run towards the car.

"Okay!" This is the only method in front of them. Everyone responded and increased their vigilance. If someone's transmitter is destroyed in this situation, they may not have enough manpower to hold these beasts down.

"I don't-" Wei Cang knew that only one of them would die if he followed him, and his face turned pale with fright. However, as soon as he retorted, he swung him away and threw him into the car.

Yang Yan also jumped into the car, and stepped hard. Before he could sit firmly, the car rushed out like an arrow from the string. He was immediately thrown to pieces, and all the rest of his words were lost. Swallowed it back into my stomach.

Then the car rushed straight, braked hard, and twisted left and right. Wei Cang was bumping back and forth in the transparent cover like a ball, and he had no chance to speak.

He was still trying to grab something to steady himself, but he didn't see that the situation outside was just as he expected. No matter which direction the car drove, there were alien beasts, regardless of the ground, until they drove to the east. , those big guys ignored it.

"Let's lead them to the west!" The captain breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no strange beasts were chasing the two of them. "Try to lead them as far away as possible. If we can't hold them back, we will turn on the transmitter to buy them a little more time."

"Yes!" After hearing this, everyone immediately ran away, looking back from time to time to make sure that all the strange beasts were following.

On the other side, Wei Cang managed to get up from under the seat. When he looked up, he saw a huge canyon in front of him. His eyes widened to the extreme and he shouted heartbreakingly: "No! Don't go there. Go there and turn around!"

Yang Yan ignored him and said calmly: "Don't worry, this car can fly short distances, we won't fall down."

Wei Cang saw that he was getting closer and closer to the canyon, and he was almost anxious. He said sternly: "There is danger there. Turn around quickly, otherwise everyone will die together!"

"Is it dangerous?" Yang Yan turned his head and looked at him, "How did you know?"

"I..." Wei Cang got stuck. Of course, it was only after the accident happened in the tournament that he realized that there was something very ferocious here, so he deliberately lured him here, hoping to use that thing to get rid of him openly.

However, these cannot be said. If Si Yangyan knew that he was also reborn, he would probably want to kill him on the spot. Although he did not want to admit it, he knew very well that he was no match for him now.

"I sensed it, please stop quickly!" Wei Cang muttered vaguely. Seeing that he was unmoved, he reached for the steering wheel in a hurry.

However, Yang Yan clamped both of his hands tightly with one hand. The force was so strong that he couldn't break free with all his strength. He was angry: "Si Yangyan, if you fucking want to die, just die yourself, don't Drag me down!"

"Until we explain clearly what the danger is, sit still and don't even think about moving anything." Yang Yan said coldly.

"Is now the time to talk about this?" Wei Cang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. "You fucking stop, let's talk slowly!"

However, Yang Yan was not moved at all. Instead, he stepped on the pedal harder. The speed of the car suddenly increased again. The pointer on the dashboard slowly exceeded the red line. In less than a minute, they would rush into the big gate. Canyon.

"You're crazy!" Wei Cang's eyes were bloodshot, but his lips were completely bloodless. Seeing that he really had no intention of stopping, he finally couldn't help being afraid and shouted in panic, "Stop! There's a head down there. The super-large alien beast is almost like a real interstellar alien beast. If you continue, you will die. "

I see.

Yang Yan finally knew what "surprise" he had prepared for himself. He loosened his footing and stepped on the brakes. However, the speed of the car did not stop and it continued to rush forward rapidly.

"I told you to stop!" Wei Cang shouted in collapse.

Yang Yan spread his hands helplessly and said, "The brakes seem to have failed."

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