"Si Yangyan, I fuck your whole family--" With Wei Cang's shrill curses, the car rushed out of the cliff. Just as it was about to fly up, a suction force suddenly came from the bottom of the canyon.

The two people and the car paused in the air for a moment, and the whole car shook continuously. Finally, there was a roar in the car, and hot smoke came out of the gaps in the dashboard and other places, and then it fell straight down.

At this moment, all the instruments failed, including the monitoring and communication equipment built into the protective suits that followed them. There was only a piercing shriek.

Wei Cang's eyes widened with horror. He knew he was dead. His lips trembled and his head was speechless. He turned his head unwillingly and glared at the man who hurt him, but was surprised to find that the other party was still in the mood to laugh.

"How does it feel to be trapped by the trap you set?" Yang Yan gently raised the corner of his lips. Although the communication equipment was broken, his voice was clearly transmitted to the other party's ears.

He knew it! Wei Cang's brain instantly lost the ability to think, and only this sentence was played back and forth.

"Goodbye, little cannon fodder who traveled through books." Yang Yan had no interest in continuing to admire his dying expression. He punched the cover on the car, jumped onto the front of the car, waved at him, and exerted force on his feet, and the car fell down at a faster speed.


Wei Cang stood up and wanted to catch him, but he couldn't even touch the edge of his shoes. He could only watch him hanging in the air, and he was getting farther and farther away from him.

A huge claw suddenly emerged from below, and the car, whose material strength was comparable to that of a spaceship, was torn into pieces by its sharp claws, and the book traveler who followed closely fell straight into his wide-open mouth.

The sharp teeth instantly penetrated his body, and Wei Cang swallowed it with a chewing sound before he could even hum. There was bright red blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, and it was licked clean by its rough tongue, leaving no trace.

Yang Yan watched him being devoured indifferently, without any feeling of grief for the dead. Some people are worse off than animals. Since they deliberately harm others, they deserve to suffer the consequences.

After devouring Wei Cang, the alien beast under the canyon let out a shocking roar, and then spread a pair of flesh wings behind it and flew up. Its blood-red eyes were full of greed for flesh and blood. Obviously, one person did not satisfy its appetite.

Only then did Yang Yan see its full appearance. This alien beast was bigger than any other on Chaos Star, and its size was close to that of a real interstellar alien beast. It also had wings that other cloned alien beasts did not have.

And as the records said, they have an extraordinary interest in human flesh and blood. Even through the protective suit, they could smell the human smell on him, and were drooling at him.

While he was observing, the alien beast had already rushed towards him impatiently, with its mouth wide open, and some flesh and blood stuck between its sharp teeth.

Yang Yan dodged its attack easily with a slight move, turned on the laser sword and swung it backhand, hitting it in the center of its back, but there was no trace left. The defense of its skin was obviously higher than that of the alien beasts it had encountered before.

The alien beast was not punished for its attack and was hit instead. Although it was not painful for him, the resistance of the little insect obviously angered it. It turned in the air and turned its head to bite him again, while waving its eight claws to block his retreat on the left and right and behind.

Yang Yan was not panicked at all. Instead of retreating, he flew straight towards it, and the attacks of several sharp claws fell in vain.

The alien beast thought that the food rushed to the door on its own initiative, and the light of excitement flashed in its eyes. However, the next moment, it was shocked to find that the prey that was almost certain to be caught actually slipped past its mouth, and then boldly turned over to its head.

The huge roar fully reflected its anger. It suddenly turned its body and flipped three times in the air, all of which were greeted by the little insect.

Unfortunately, none of these worked for Yang Yan. He seemingly casually pressed his left hand on its skin, and it stuck firmly to its body. No matter how it turned, it couldn't get rid of it, and those sharp claws were easily avoided.

Then he turned off the laser sword and put it on his waist, raised his free hand high, and punched the beast's head.

The beast, which couldn't be hurt by even advanced weapons, seemed to be hit by a huge force after being hit by this simple punch. It opened its mouth wide and let out a heart-wrenching scream. Its eight claws stretched out in all directions, and the waving flesh wings stopped for a moment, and suddenly fell down weightlessly.

Yang Yan, who was stuck to it, also fell with it, but he didn't panic. He raised his hand and punched it again.

This time, the beast couldn't even scream. The wings that were waving randomly to stabilize the body lost their strength. It only stopped in the air for a moment and continued to fall.

Yang Yan had no expression on his face. He punched it on the head again and again. After hitting it more than ten times in a row, he finally saw the bottom of the cliff.

The beast had no strength to struggle. Its eight claws and a pair of wings were floating softly in the air. It looked a bit pitiful and harmless.

When it was about to fall to the ground, Yang Yan finally withdrew his hand from it, and stood in the air and watched it fall to the ground with a bang. Its huge body stirred up the sand and dust at the bottom of the cliff. The scene was like a powerful bomb exploding.

The smoke slowly dissipated, but the beast still did not move at all. After twenty minutes, its full appearance was revealed, and it was actually smaller than before.

In the words of the Alliance scientists, this is the alien beast graying. The super alien beast that Wei Cang used as a secret weapon to deal with the male protagonist was actually beaten to death by his fist!

At this time, the captain's voice came from the communication device. Yang Yan replied to his position, then landed on the ground and began to look around. Only then did he find that there were many holes under the canyon, and it seemed that it was not shallow.

Although he hadn't gone in to check and couldn't be 100% sure, he had already guessed in his heart that there were monitoring equipment everywhere on the Chaos Star, but there had been no news that there was a very close interstellar alien beast here.

Either someone controlled the space station next to it, or the alien beast was deliberately hiding from those cameras.

It stands to reason that Wei Cang actually knew about this and planned to use this alien beast to deal with him. Yang Yan should guess it was the former and suspect that the Wei family was playing tricks, but his intuition told him it was the latter.

He had discovered before that the alien beasts were intelligent. Even if they were cloned, they still had the ability to think, but their IQ did not seem to be very high.

The strange beast he had just sent away had been lurking in the canyon. It was obviously smarter than ordinary beasts. It seemed that the nine strange beasts before were under its control, so they kept driving "food" to it.

As for these holes, he suspected that other strange beasts were used to provide it with food and convey messages, but whether it was true or not would be known when the space station sent people to check.

The rescue ship came very quickly and landed in front of him in less than five minutes. The captain and others were all alive and well. The most serious injury was a scar on his hand that reached the bone.

"It's great that you're okay!" Everyone sighed, "Those beasts are really powerful. Our protective shield was almost broken. Fortunately, the ship arrived in time."

Yang Yan thought that if it really relied on the protective shield, half of the people here would not survive. He knew that the book-crosser must have something strange to lead them here, so he put more protection on them in advance, but now it's all gone.

The team members didn't know that he was their savior. After greeting them, they asked about Wei Cang.

"When our car was flying over the canyon, the beast sucked the car down for some unknown reason," Yang Yan pointed at the corpse and said, "I jumped out of it quickly, but Wei didn't have time and was eaten by it."

Everyone looked sad after hearing this. Although they knew from the moment they entered the military academy that they would fight against interstellar beasts in the future and there would definitely be casualties, they would inevitably feel sad when one of their kind died in the mouth of the beast.

Moreover, although they didn't spend much time together on this journey, they all had a good impression of this enthusiastic and easy-going junior. Before, they talked and laughed and agreed to get together when they returned. They heard about his death only half an hour after they separated, and there was no body left, which was really regrettable.

Yang Yan didn't say Wei Cang's malice, not because he thought that the dead were the greatest. In his opinion, a mistake was a mistake, and even death could not erase his sins, but he was just too lazy to complicate things.

Everyone didn't feel sad for long. After seeing the body of the beast, the rescuers questioned how it died.

"When I got out of the car, I was right in the beast's mouth. I thought I was going to die, but at the critical moment, a breath of air suddenly appeared in my body, and then I floated in the air."

Yang Yan had already thought of a rhetoric, and explained, "After it ate Wei, it pounced on me again. I reacted quickly and jumped on its head. All eight claws of the beast came to me. I didn't have time to take a weapon, so I could only use my fist to hit it. As a result, it seemed to be killed by me."

As for why the beast with rough skin and flesh was killed by his fist, he certainly knew that it was because he had spiritual energy in his body. Now that he has established his foundation, how strong the foundation builder is, the beast that was killed has the most say, but it's a pity that even if it can speak, it can't communicate with people.

But of course he wouldn't say these, pretending to be ignorant, and acting a young man who entered the path of cultivation in a confused way.

The rescuers checked the body of the strange beast and were very excited after confirming that his words were true. This was good news for them and even the entire alliance.

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