Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 66 The Demon Cult Leader 1

"Master, the strange doctor has just arrived." A man in his thirties stepped forward and told the strange doctor's diagnosis and treatment results.

Although the leader has just been diagnosed as possessed and temporarily unable to use his internal power, his aura has not weakened at all.

Everyone was so depressed that they didn't dare to take a breath. Except for the person who reported the report, everyone else looked at their noses and noses, and the atmosphere in the room was very dull.

"Well -" Yang Yan nodded to show that he understood, and said expressionlessly, "Go get the medicine!"

Then he looked at the people who were bowing their heads in silence and said, "You all should go down too."

"Yes." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief almost imperceptibly. After bowing respectfully, they filed out. Only one man with a gray face stayed hesitantly.

Yang Yan didn't make a sound, and looked over with a sideways glance. He was immediately frightened to the point where his legs weakened and he knelt on the ground.

"This subordinate has disturbed the leader, and please punish him."

"Go to the Hall of Life and Death to receive the ten whips yourself," Yang Yan's face showed no emotion or anger. He said it lightly and then asked, "What did you say happened to the saint before?"

"Thank you, the leader, for not killing me." Although the ten lashes from the Hall of Life and Death were uncomfortable, the man who saved his life showed a look of tears of gratitude.

"Returning to the leader, the saint was captured by Qin Feiying, the young master of Qinjiazhuang a few days ago. These bold thieves actually held a so-called martial arts conference and said they would execute the saint in front of everyone!"

"What a courageous dog!" Yang Yan's face showed anger, "Niu Geng! I have recorded your ten whips first. I order you to immediately lead the men of the Wind Hall to rescue the saint, and disturb this dog's martial arts world. At the conference, kill all the people in Qinjiazhuang!"

"This..." Niu Geng said hesitantly, "With the martial arts skills of my subordinates, I am afraid they are no match for those people."

"It doesn't matter," Yang Yan finally pulled out the silver needles on his head and threw them on the small table beside the bed, saying, "I will send the right protector to help you. Ning Xun's skills are only inferior to mine. This trip is sure to be a success."

Niu Geng's downcast face changed slightly, and he said: "As the leader knows, his subordinates and the right guardian have never dealt with each other very well. However, the left guardian is young and promising, and his subordinates are brave enough to ask the leader to change the candidate to the left guardian."

"Lian Xiujie's martial arts is still a little behind," Yang Yan shook his head and said, "Xiaoman is in trouble now, so I don't worry about sending him here."

"But..." Niu Geng raised his head eagerly, but his next words were interrupted by his cold gaze.

"What's the matter?" Yang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "I need you to teach me how to do things?"

"I don't dare!" Niu Geng hurriedly bowed to the ground, "The leader is wise and powerful, and he has thought very carefully."

Yang Yan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Go ahead and do it."

"Yes, I am resigning." Niu Geng did not dare to say any more and respectfully accepted the order and retired.

After he was alone in the room, Yang Yan lowered his head and pressed his forehead with helplessness. The sequelae of the injury to his soul were more serious than he imagined.

Not only did his ten thousand years of hard work come to nothing, but the pain that followed him also made him uneasy. The key was that the client this time left him with a mess waiting to be solved.

The original owner's name is Xie Yangyan, and he is the current leader of the Red Flame Sect.

Ten years ago, the previous leader went crazy while practicing Kung Fu, and finally exploded and died. As his adopted son, Xie Yangyan took over the position of leader.

However, the original owner was a martial arts fanatic who spent all his energy on cultivation and did not have much interest in managing academic affairs. Normally, the affairs within the academy were taken care of by his foster brother Lian Xiujie.

The original owner was able to devote himself entirely to martial arts training. He was extremely talented. At the age of only 23, he had surpassed his master's achievements and had cultivated the Red Flame Divine Art to the seventh level.

After achieving great success in martial arts five years ago, in order to prove his level, he broke into the martial arts conference held at that time alone. Unexpectedly, he defeated all the masters in one fell swoop and was regarded as the best master in the world.

After becoming famous, the original owner did not let it go. Instead, he practiced hard day and night as before, hoping to surpass all previous masters and practice his magical skills to the tenth level of perfection.

After several years of hard work, the original owner had successfully reached the eighth level and was very close to his goal. However, something unexpected happened today.

When he learned that the saint in the sect had been captured, Xie Yangyan went to rescue her personally, but he didn't want to step into the trap of Qinjiazhuang and other major martial arts sects.

Although the man was successfully rescued in the end, he was also seriously injured.

After the original owner returned to the church, he began to retreat to heal his wounds. Unexpectedly, when he was getting to a critical point, he was suddenly led into the secret room by Qin Feiying, the young master of the Qin Family Village.

He had to stop and fight with him. Although he was seriously injured and was further injured when he was interrupted from training, his skill was much higher than that of his opponent, and Qin Feiying slowly began to fall into a disadvantage.

At this time, Saint Zhen Xiaoman appeared in the secret room. The original owner thought she was here to help him, and even asked her to stand behind him and told her not to interfere.

Unexpectedly, she stabbed him from behind and penetrated his chest directly. Qin Feiying took the opportunity to slap his Tianling Cap with her palm, and the original owner died in frustration.

Xie Yangyan could not figure it out until his death. He was grateful for his master's upbringing and teaching, and he had always been kind to Zhen Xiaoman, the only bloodline he had left.

When he first ascended to the position of leader, he made her a saint, gave her the honor second only to himself, sent servants to drive her, and spent a lot of money to raise her up.

Why did she bite him back in the end and join the enemy in dealing with him?

It was not until he read a book after his death that Xie Yangyan realized that he was actually a villain in the book, and the male and female protagonists were the saint of his sect and the martial arts leader Qin Feiying.

During the ten years when he was not in charge of the Chiyan Sect, it had become a demon sect in the mouths of the righteous because of its cruel and bloody methods, and Xie Yangyan was the big demon that everyone wanted to kill.

Zhen Xiaoman, as the saint of the demon sect, was also among the people of the righteous to kill. Qin Feiying got to know her because of an assassination attempt on her.

But of course he did not succeed, but fell in love with this witch who was actually very simple and kind. Zhen Xiaoman also secretly developed feelings for him during their interactions.

After experiencing many hardships and misunderstandings, the two finally came together. Zhen Xiaoman turned to the righteous path and conspired with them to kill the original owner. The so-called capture was just a show for him.

Unfortunately, the original owner's martial arts far exceeded their expectations. Although he was seriously injured, he still escaped from the net they set.

Zhen Xiaoman then came up with a new evil plan. While he was healing, she transferred the people outside the secret room and led Qin Feiying and others in. Finally, they joined forces to successfully kill him.

At the same time, a large number of righteous martial artists attacked the Chiyan Sect. An insider revealed the secret fortress in the sect. The famous demon sect had no time to form an effective resistance and collapsed overnight.

It was not until this time that Qin Feiying asked the question in his heart that the original owner's doubts were solved.

It turned out that Zhen Xiaoman had always believed that her father died strangely, and the biggest beneficiary, Xie Yangyan, became her first suspect.

He knew that the person he had protected for many years had always regarded him as the murderer of his father, and there was no evidence at all. He was convicted based on his guesses, even if he was good to her, he was regarded as having ulterior motives.

Xie Yangyan was extremely angry at that moment, and his strong resentment was captured by the system, and he reached a deal with him.

After reading his memories, Yang Yan felt sorry for him. The previous leader of the Chiyan Sect did not adopt him as his adopted son out of kindness.

Zhen Cang adopted more than 20 children in total, and he raised them like a poisonous insect. In the end, only five of them survived.

Three of them died while performing their missions. When he died of infatuation, only the original owner and the current left protector Lian Xiujie were left.

The original owner knew that his adoptive father was using him, but he was still grateful to him for saving him from the brink of starvation. After he passed away, he treated his daughter well, but he didn't expect to raise an ungrateful person.

Zhen Xiaoman made a presumptuous guess just because he succeeded to the position of the leader, and she never even verified it. She convicted him in her heart without considering his ten years of care.

Yang Yan, who had obtained all his memories, knew whether the original owner had murdered his adoptive father.

The reason Zhen Cang became possessed was because he knew that he was not qualified enough, but he still practiced the seventh level of the Red Flame Divine Art, which eventually led to him losing control and being attacked.

"Brother Yan," a young man in his twenties suddenly appeared at the door when Yang Yan was lost in thought. "I heard that you became possessed. How do you feel now?"

There was only one person in the entire Red Flame Sect who would call the original owner like this. The person who came was the last survivor among the more than 20 children, the current left protector Lian Xiujie.

He obviously rushed here after hearing the news. He was so full of internal strength that his face was red and his forehead was faintly sweaty.

"It's okay, just rest for a few days." Yang Yan looked at the handsome man in front of him with a slightly complicated mood.

The reason why the Red Flame Sect became a demon sect in the eyes of the world can be said to be all due to him.

Since Lian Xiujie took control of the power in the sect, he has been suppressing the followers loyal to the former leader, supporting newcomers to take the position, and killing those who disobeyed at will, and his methods are extremely cruel.

Moreover, he was suspicious by nature, and gave everyone in the sect except the leader a chronic poison. If there was any abnormal movement, they would be tortured to death.

When the original owner became the world's number one master, relying on his intimidation, Lian Xiujie's claws extended to the entire martial arts world. As long as the sects in the rivers and lakes blocked the way of the Red Flame Sect, or were unwilling to accept the recruitment of the sect, they would only be exterminated.

However, the bloody rule was destined not to last long. Although the people in the rivers and lakes were very afraid of the Red Flame Sect, the power of resistance had long been lurking and was slowly growing.

It can be said that even without the male and female protagonists, the Red Flame Sect would sooner or later suffer a catastrophe.

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