Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 67 The Demon Cult Leader 2

But this cold-blooded and cruel real big devil, gave his only true heart to his sworn brother Xie Yangyan, who had no blood relationship with him.

In the book, after the original owner was killed by Zhen Xiaoman and the others, the Chiyan Sect was destroyed. However, Lian Xiujie was lucky enough to escape the disaster because he was not in the sect at the beginning.

When he rushed back after hearing the news, it was already a day later. At that time, the body of the original owner was cold and was hung on a wooden pole for public display.

Lian Xiujie, who sneaked in from the secret passage known only to the heads of the past generations, was furious. He suppressed the hatred in his heart and lurked for three days before stealing the body of the original owner when no one was prepared.

After that, he found a beautiful place to bury the body, and began his road of revenge, becoming the biggest villain boss in the book.

Almost all the hardships of the male and female protagonists in the later period were directly or indirectly caused by him, but it was a pity that he was only a supporting role. In the end, he was killed by the halo and died with his bones gone.

"Is it really okay?" Lian Xiujie pretended to be calm, but his fingers hidden in his sleeves were trembling slightly. "Brother Yan, don't hide anything from me. Do you remember how Zhen Cang died back then?"

Unlike the original owner who remembered the kindness of his adoptive father, he only hated the previous leader because he did not come to the Chiyan Sect voluntarily, but was abducted.

Lian Xiujie was originally the son of a small wealthy family. Zhen Cang saw that he had a good aptitude for martial arts on the street, so he took him back when no one was paying attention.

The five-year-old child had lived in a honeypot since he was a child. Suddenly he came to a strange place and was so scared that he cried all day long.

At that time, only the original owner showed him kindness, comforted him, and gave him a half-melted candy in his arms, and then he got a little tail.

The two of them supported each other all the way, survived the most difficult period, and later survived the days of the mission. They also helped each other a lot. They are truly brothers who have shared life and death.

That's why the original owner trusted him so much and gave him the entire Chiyan Sect to manage, and that's why Lian Xiujie tried his best to avenge him after the original owner died.

After seeing his end, Xie Yangyan felt more grief than when he was killed, and he was willing to give all his soul power to ensure that he would live a safe and happy life.

Yang Yan didn't expect that his self-torture trick would scare one of the mission targets like this, and quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I just accidentally lost my true energy, which is different from the old leader's situation back then."

He couldn't call the selfish Zhen Cang his foster father like the original owner, and it was not easy to call him by his name to avoid being noticed, so he had to use "old leader" instead.

Lian Xiujie didn't notice this detail, and after getting his permission, he went forward to personally check the true energy in his body, and then he was relieved.

"Brother Yan, I know your wish has always been to practice the highest realm of the Red Flame Divine Art," he whispered as he sat by the bed, "but you are still young, and there is still plenty of time to break through in the future. Don't rush for quick success. Zhen Cang's fate in the past is a lesson for us."

He has a handsome appearance and a gentle demeanor. His voice is gentle and intimate, just like an ordinary neighbor's brother, and there is no trace of the bloody means behind his back.

Yang Yan nodded in agreement, and Lian Xiujie finally settled down and picked up the medicine bowl brought by the servant and stirred it gently.

"Have the affairs of the sect been going well recently?" Yang Yan suddenly spoke up, breaking the warm silence in the room.

Lian Xiujie paused, then continued stirring. He used the back of his hand to test the temperature and felt that it was about right. He handed it to him and said, "Brother Yan, aren't you always impatient to deal with these things? Why are you asking about it suddenly?"

"I heard some rumors," Yang Yan took the medicine and drank it all, then put the empty bowl on the bedside, saying, "Although I don't know how to manage church affairs, I also know that blindly suppressing is not a long-term solution. Sometimes you should be gentle."

"Who is so bold as to gossip in front of Brother Yan?" Lian Xiujie's face showed a trace of viciousness. At this time, he was more like the murderous demon described in the book.

"If my methods were not cruel enough, the two of us brothers would have been eaten alive by those old immortals ten years ago. Brother Yan, have you forgotten how they treated us?"

"Of course I won't forget." Yang Yan said.

Ten years ago, Zhen Cang died suddenly, and the Chiyan Sect fell into chaos for a while.

The original owner had no ambition for the position of leader. Lian Xiujie hated this place that made him suffer so much and never wanted to stay here for long. However, he had to stay here because of Zhen Cang's tyranny.

With such a great opportunity, they originally planned to take the opportunity to leave the Chiyan Sect and live a peaceful life.

However, the wind does not stop even if the tree wants to be quiet. As the adopted sons of the former leader, the two are legitimate heirs. Those who want to take the position in the sect do not believe that they will be willing to give up such a great power.

Countless open and secret arrows, conspiracies and tricks followed one after another. They were chased and killed all the way on the way out. After several times of almost dying, they had to return to the Chiyan Sect and seize the position of leader.

Although they succeeded in seizing the throne, the Chiyan Sect was not peaceful in the first few years. Those ambitious people always wanted to regain power, so Lian Xiujie used cruel means to suppress them.

It was not until five years ago that the original owner's magical power was perfected and he intimidated everyone in the sect with absolute power that their rule was completely stable.

But perhaps because he had tasted the power, Lian Xiujie no longer wanted to leave.

The original owner just wanted to find a place where he could practice in peace. Since he could do that in the Red Flame Sect, he didn't have to leave, so he followed his advice.

"But this is a different time," Yang Yan advised, "Since those who harmed us have been executed, there is no need to be angry with those who did not participate."

"How do I know if these people will harm us in the future?" Lian Xiujie stood up a little excitedly, "No one in this world can be trusted except Brother Yan!"

"Who can know what will happen in the future?" Yang Yan did not expect him to react so strongly, and frowned and said, "How can you guarantee that under strict control, people in the sect will not rebel?"

"Besides, you are a little too extreme in your actions towards people in the martial arts world. If one day they unite to attack our sect, are you sure you can be enemies with everyone in the world?"

"If anyone dares to rebel, then all of them will die!" Lian Xiujie's face was ferocious, "As for those people in the martial arts world, only if they are scared, they will not dare to go against us."

Yang Yan: "..."

It seems that there is no way to talk about this. Lian Xiujie has already determined from the bottom of his heart that only power can stabilize the rule, and he can't persuade him with a few words.

I'm afraid that only by letting him see the end of bloody rule with his own eyes can he change his mind.

If I continue to talk, he might even become suspicious.

"Brother Yan, just practice hard," Lian Xiujie saw that he didn't say anything, thinking that he had agreed with his idea.

He calmed down again, sat on the head of his bed again, and returned to his previous gentle appearance: "Don't worry, what you worry about doesn't exist, no one dares to rebel."

I really can't let go of this thought, brother, do you know that the righteous people are secretly preparing to kill us? And there are people in the sect who have long had rebellious intentions.

Yang Yan silently complained in his heart, but nodded helplessly on the surface.

"Also, don't worry about Zhen Xiaoman, brother Yan," Lian Xiujie was more relaxed at this, and said naggingly, "Zhen Cang raised you for ten years, and now you have raised his daughter for another ten years, which is enough."

"I am in this state now, I can't do anything even if I want to." Yang Yan sighed, "But I have sent Ning Xun and Niu Geng to lead the people of Kuangfeng Hall to rescue."

"Brother Yan, you are soft-hearted," Lian Xiujie was a little indignant, "How did Zhen Cang treat us back then? And you still take good care of Zhen Xiaoman, it's still... They are the winners. "

Knowing that he had deep resentment towards his so-called adoptive father, Yang Yan did not argue with him about this issue, but reminded him: "I don't know if she was interrogated after being arrested. If she revealed the secrets of the sect, I'm afraid..."

"Brother Yan is right!" Lian Xiujie stood up suddenly, "Zhen Xiaoman, that woman, is so delicate and tender that she can't bear the hardship. Maybe she will vomit everything if she is scared!"

"Brother Yan, you should take good care of yourself. I will go to rearrange the checkpoints in the sect."

After that, he left in a hurry.

Yang Yan shook his head, stood up and closed the door, then returned to the bed and started meditating in the posture of five hearts facing the sky.

Before, he deliberately let his true energy go astray, just to have a proper reason not to go to Qinjiazhuang to save the heroine without being suspected. In fact, his internal injuries were not as serious as they seemed on the surface.

The strange doctor's medical skills were indeed superb, but he deliberately urged the true energy to run around in his body when he was taking his pulse, so even he didn't see that his so-called obsession was fake.

However, Yang Yan did need to heal his wounds, but not his internal injuries, but the wounds on his soul.

The Heavenly Dao of the last small world actually exploded resolutely, which was something he had not expected. He was severely injured without any preparation. If it were not for the repeated tempering for ten thousand years, he would probably have been destroyed.

After staying in Xiu□□, although his memory of his origins had not recovered, some common sense things popped up from time to time, and this method of tempering the soul was one of them.

However, he was seriously injured now, and using that method would not only fail to temper the soul, but would make the injury worse. He could only abandon it and use the method of nourishment instead.

Although it was slower to take effect, it was safer, and the original owner's martial arts fanatic personality just gave him plenty of time to practice behind closed doors without arousing suspicion.

While Yang Yan was seriously healing his wounds, Lian Xiujie had already summoned everyone in the sect and began to rearrange the defense checkpoints in the sect.

Ning Xun, Niu Geng and others who were sent to rescue the saint were in a state of annoyance at this time.

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