Refugee camp north of the city.

Refugees come and go, go and come again.

In the summer, the two armies truce.

Upon hearing the truce, countless refugees began packing their luggage and preparing to set off for their hometown.

No matter how the staff explained it, this was only a temporary truce. The war did not really end, or some refugees refused to listen and insisted on going back.

If you can't stop it, it won't stop everyone.

Knowing that the refugees are thinking about the land, the house, and the crops in the field, they are looking forward to a little harvest this year.

The staff sent away batch after batch of refugees.

Throughout the summer, the huge refugee camp looked a little empty.

Part of the refugees who did not leave the camp after listening to the advice at first regretted it when the time entered the autumn.

They blamed the staff and delayed their return home.

Originally, there was still a little harvest this year, but now the autumn harvest has passed and the harvest is completely confiscated this year.

The refugee camp is messy, and people are moved.

Every day, there are people dragging their homes, carrying large bags and small bags, riding in donkey carts and mule carts, planning to go home.

As a result, before they reached their hometown, I heard that the Northern Invalids went south again and the war had started again.

Ever since, these people returned to the refugee camp again.

The people who left in the summer were even more miserable.

Many people live in the vast countryside, where the frontier army cannot guard these places. Of course it was looted by the Beirong army.

The Beirong army looted along the way, one village along the other.

The peasants who had just finished the autumn harvest were brutally looted and killed.

The lucky man escaped.

The unfortunate people died, or were captured and became Beirong’s slaves.

The refugee camps were once again crowded with refugees fleeing from all over the north, all in distress.

There is a sorrow of sorrow in the air.

Many refugees who did not leave after listening to the advice rejoiced.

The court is not reliable, but the occasional words are still worthy of trust.


Master Cao's family has lived in a cement house for several months.

Master Cao went to the shack on the opposite side of the official road every day, and every time he came back, he looked heavy.

"Lao Zhang's first family is left with him and his little grandson. There are ten people in the family, all dead. Hey..."

"Old Li's house in Dongtou, none of the family survived."

Master Cao’s wife, Cao Xu, worshiped the Bodhisattva and chanted words.

Hearing Master Cao's nagging, Cao Xu whispered: "Fortunately, I heard Da Lang's words and didn't go back with them. Otherwise, I don't know how many we can keep as a family."

Master Cao frowned deeply, "I'm afraid this battle won't be finished in a year or a half."

Cao Xu's whispered suggestion, "Listen to Da Lang more. He walks outside all day and has a lot of knowledge."

Master Cao stared at his old wife, "What do you mean? I think I'm old, and I just eat and don't work, and it's a drag on everyone, right?"

When Master Cao became angry, Cao Xu's family dared not gnaw.

Cao Dalang came back, carrying a registration card in his arms, putting it next to him, very precious.

Master Cao yelled at him, "Where did you go? No one is seen all day, and the money is not taken back. Does the family drink northwest wind?"

Cao Dalang panicked, and quickly calmed down, "The son went out to help people run a few times, cut two catties of meat and came back, and today he will have a tooth sacrifice."

"Can you go out? Doesn't it mean that refugees can't enter and leave the refugee camp at will?" Cao Xu was worried about his son.

Cao Dalang chuckled and couldn't hide his pride, "My son has long been acquainted with the guard at the gate, and he has got his waist card. Now he can enter and leave at will. You can also enter the city with his waist card."

"Did you go to the capital?" Cao Dalang's wife looked envious. She wanted to take a look in the capital in her dreams.

Cao Dalang smiled, "I have the trust of his owner. I ran into the city twice today and pulled a few trucks."

Cao Xu got off the bamboo chair, put on his shoes, and pulled out the meat that Cao Dalang bought from his back basket.

"This meat is eaten as a score, and it cannot be eaten in one meal."

With that said, he was about to take the key to open the cabinet and plan to hide half of the meat.

Cao Dalang's wife was very dissatisfied and frequently winked at Cao Dalang.

Cao Dalang hurriedly stopped Cao Xu's family, "Mother, the family hasn't smelled meat for a long time. I have all these two catties of meat tonight."

With that, he stole the pork from Cao Xu's hand and handed it to his wife.

Cao Dalang's wife got the meat, and ran away in a hurry for fear of accidents.

Cao Xu was so angry that he was not a thing to scold his daughter-in-law at the door.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in conflict, but the man just asks.

Master Cao spoke to Cao Dalang with a heavy tone about the fellow villagers who had been hit by the disaster.

After listening to this, Cao Dalang also sighed.

He wiped his face and was very thankful, "Fortunately, the son stopped his father and didn't go back with them, otherwise our family will die a few."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you die, don't talk about it again."

Cao Dalang smiled, "The son listens to his father and will not mention dead words in the future."

Master Cao's forehead was full of ditches.

He stared at Cao Dalang and asked for the first time: Is he old? Can't your knowledge keep up with the times? Can he still be the master of this family?

He pondered his words and asked: "You look at this battle, can you win it?"

"With the Northwest Army here, we will definitely win. But my son heard from the people in the capital that there will be a tug-of-war next. It is estimated that within two or three years, there will be no results."

When Master Cao heard this, he was immediately anxious, "Doesn't the land at home have to be abandoned for several years. How is this good?"

It's hard to turn the land into a fertile field. It takes a lot of young people to recover from this waste.

Cao Dalang was relieved, "Our family lives in the capital, we have food, drink and work, and we have wages every day. Even if we don’t go back for two or three years, our Cao family will not be able to cross it. My son plans to save some money while in Beijing. Money, when the war is over in the future, I will buy land and land."

Master Cao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

My son doesn't have the idea of ​​rooting in the capital, it's very good.

He asked: "As long as you eat and drink, can you save money?"

"There is always a way. Father, don't worry."

"I'm not worried. You can also go to the shack next door when you have time to see the fellow villagers. If you can help, please."

"Son knows. My son will visit them tomorrow."

If you are away from home, you need help from your fellow villagers so that you will not be bullied by people from other places.

This evening, the Cao family, who hadn't seen meat for a long time, finally made a tooth sacrifice.

Everyone's mouth is full of oil.

Cao Xu wanted to save a bowl of meat and eat it another day.

Cao Dalang's wife was very disgusted.

What to save a bowl for another day. If the old woman really hides the meat, there is no place for them.

Under the table, Cao Dalang's wife kicked Cao Dalang's feet frequently.

After realizing it, Cao Dalang came back to his senses, "Father, eat meat. Mother, you eat too. Wife, you also eat more. You are busy with needlework every day, and you earn back the household in this family."

Cao Dalang's wife was full of comfort and smiled.

Master Cao was noncommittal.

Mother-in-law Cao Xu was very dissatisfied.

I really want to throw away my chopsticks and lose my temper and not eat. I feel sorry for the meat and vegetables on a table. Wouldn't it be cheaper to eat?


She not only wants to eat, but also eats more.

It is unreasonable for a son to marry a daughter-in-law and forget his mother.

What do you mean by your daughter-in-law? Is this disgusting them for eating for nothing?

The more Cao Xu thinks, the more mad, the more mad, the more he eats.

In the end, I ate, didn't sleep well all night, and had trouble with my stomach.

While serving her mother-in-law, Cao Dalang's wife secretly gloated in her heart.

After being busy until midnight, I finally settled down and can go back to my room to rest.

The couple lay on the bed, physically exhausted, but very energetic.

"Have you bought it? Show me quickly."

After lighting the candle, Cao Dalang took out the registration certificate to his wife.

Cao Dalang's wife grabbed it in her hand, "This is the registration certificate. What is written on it?"

Cao Dalang was smug, biting his wife's ear, and whispered: "The top row of letters is the share registration certificate of the Universe Transport Company. The bottom row is three shares of registration. The date is written at the bottom, and my name is written on the bottom. Hometown and other things. With this certificate, you can buy shares in Universal Transportation."

Cao Dalang's wife was excited, her face flushed, "This paper is really strange, it's hard in her hand, but it's not rough."

"This is a new paper specially made by Wenqing Bookstore for Universal Transportation. I heard that the bank notes of Shaofu Bank use similar paper. This kind of paper cannot be imitated and is waterproof. Do you want to try it."

Cao Dalang's wife pinched him, "How can such an important thing be thrown into the water. I ask you, when will I buy the shares of Huanyu Transportation?"

"In two days, it will be the official subscription period."

"Doesn't the three shares cost ninety taels of silver? The money in the cabinet is still a bit short."

"Don't worry, I'll find a way."

Cao Dalang's wife suddenly became excited, "Could it be that you plan to ask your father for money?"

"It's not easy to get money from the old man. I plan to ask for money from my mother."

Cao Dalang's wife said twice, "That is, you can get the money from my mother."

"Okay, okay, stop talking."

Cao Dalang is very clever, knowing that if he goes on, it will be another conflict between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. He stopped talking quickly.

"Tomorrow I have to get up early and go to bed quickly. I will hold the registration card so that my mother will not find it out."

"You have to talk to your mother, don't run into our room and ruin the cabinet if you have nothing to do. It's as if I'm hiding Jinshan Yinshan."

"I know, I will speak of her next day."

Like Cao Dalang, there are many refugees who know the first opportunity and think of ways to buy shares in Huanyu Transportation.

These people, when they were in their hometown, belonged to a group of people with flexible minds and a happy life.

As refugees, most of them are still outstanding among the refugees, and from time to time they can buy some meat and go back for a tooth sacrifice.

Others do not read newspapers, and they are not willing to spend money to buy newspapers.

Others are not willing to spend money on relationships, they are willing.

When Jingcheng Xiaomin issued shares for Huanyu Transportation, the group of people followed.

And most of these people live in cement houses.

Only a few people live in shack areas.

When the day came to formally subscribe for the shares, early in the morning, they left the refugee camp with their waist cards and headed to the capital.

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