Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Demolition (three shifts)

Cao Dalang was almost frightened when he saw the black crowd.

He stood with other refugees.

I thought they came early enough, but I didn't expect the Xiaomin in Beijing to be earlier than them.

Many people are holding a pony, looking sleepy.

Others were wrapped in quilts.

Even the couple was wrapped in a quilt.

What's more, just lie down and sleep under the eaves. With one foot stretched out in the crowd, the right to line up.

Cao Dalang asked curiously, "Are you staying here all night?"

"Yes! I came after dinner last night. Someone came earlier than me. The line started at noon yesterday."

Go crazy!

"You lined up all night, aren't you tired?"

"If you’re tired, I’m afraid of anything. As long as you can buy shares in Universal Transport, you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking in this life. Did you know that the old wealth of the rural landlords who invested money to build the cement roads have already recovered their capital? Lie down and earn money."

As soon as this remark came out, a lot of admiring eyes were drawn.

Everyone talked about each other.

"At the beginning, the cement road from Beijing to Luozhou was built. The whole world asked the old wealthy landlords of counties and towns along the way to raise funds. There were people who were unwilling to send it to the door. Those who didn't invest money in the first place have regretted their bowels."

"Who doesn't envy those old wealthy landlords who invested money in the first place! One by one leans on the concrete road and can eat for decades."

"There's nothing to envy. Cement roads can last for decades, and we can last a hundred years for the shares of Universal Transport."


"Maybe it can last for two hundred years!"

"If you can eat for two hundred years, your children and grandchildren will be blessed. If you have money to study, maybe our family can be an official."

"Dream! If you want to be an official, it would be nice to be admitted as a talent."

"If you can't pass the exam, you can apply to Huanyu to work as a cashier. After a few years, you can still get employee shares."

"Who would have thought that those craftsmen had a day of turning over. I went to work in the iron workshop for two days and it was too bitter. It was also the bitterness of those clay legs. Hey, now it's my turn to regret it. . If I knew I could get the employee shares, I had to go on whatever I said."

"Have you heard?"


"Every iron workshop in Beijing has received invitations from Huanyu Transportation. I don't know what to do."

"Could it be that it is not allowed to fight iron workshops to grab business?"

"Nonsense! Doing business from all over the world never runs on small merchants, but will take care of small merchants. It must be a good thing."

"The four seas are the four seas, and the universe is the universe."

"It's all one owner, and the world is equal to the second world. I bet it is definitely a good thing. It's a pity that my family doesn't strike iron, and there is no such good opportunity."

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, or think about buying shares, how much money is left on you? Is it enough to live."

"Don't worry about your old man, there will always be money for food."

The old man grunted twice.

It has only been a few years, and the pain of the year has become so big. Even dare to speak out, there is always money for food.

Don't think about the days when I had a last meal but not a second meal. At that time, every household had to borrow money to survive.

As soon as the New Year comes, everyone is crying for sadness.

The world has changed, and people's hearts are not old!

More and more people.

Cao Dalang clutched his chest tightly.

The registration certificate is the same as the bank note, which is placed next to the body in the clothes.

I heard that thieves like crowding people most, so they can start.

He was afraid of encountering a thief, so he did not dare to leave his chest with his hands.

Finally opened!

The team finally moved.

At the gate, someone holding a tin horn shouted loudly, "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze. Anyone who has a registration certificate has a share! Those who don't have a registration certificate, don't just join in the fun and go back."

"That's right! I don't have a registration certificate, and I just join in the fun. Go back, go back!"

"My fellow, do you have a registration certificate? Purchase at a high price!"

Cao Dalang bluffed.

Suddenly, a monkey-like monkey-like person appeared by his side, with eyebrows and mouse-like eyes, and his eyes were rolling around. At first glance, he is not a person who is responsible for life.

Cao Dalang shook his head again and again, his head shook like a rattle, "No, I have nothing, you go away quickly."

As a refugee, Cao Dalang felt a little confused when facing the person in front of him.

After all, it is someone else's place. In case something happens, he is a refugee, and I am afraid there is no place to ask for an explanation.

The kid of the monkey essence, originally a beggar, has only lived a normal life in recent years.

He smiled, and when he saw Cao Dalang's appearance, he knew that he was a foreigner.

It's best to be fooled by outsiders.

He gestured with his fingers, "Three is one, two and one, how many strands do you have on hand?"

Cao Dalang hummed twice and did not speak at all.

"Thirty-one taels. You can make a tael of silver if you change hands. Where do you find such a good thing? You are also a coolie. Can you make a tael of silver a month?"

Cao Dalang still ignored the other party.

The other refugees couldn't see it, and they scolded, "I told you to leave! Did you bully us outsiders? Believe it or not to beat you?"

The Monkey King murmured a few curse words, "Just leave, it's rare! You outsiders, there are always times to regret."

"These scammers are so bad that they dare to deceive everyone's registration certificate. Remember, don't be fooled! The newspapers say that real-name registration is not allowed to be sold in private. Trading in private, Huanyu Transportation does not recognize ."

"Since Huanyu Transportation does not recognize private transactions, why do these people lie to us?"

"Are you stupid? The shares are counted. You share one share. We folks buy more, but those rich people can buy less, you know?"

"They lied and said it was a high-priced acquisition of the registration certificate, and when they tricked you into a small alley, they didn't pay for your registration certificate. Who would you cry?"

"Those rich people are too bad. We people finally got a chance to make money, and they even found someone to lie to us. Fortunately, Huanyu Transportation requires real-name registration and private transactions are not allowed."

"I've already said that Huanyu and Sihai are one owner. Huanyu will certainly not let our little people suffer."

"With so many firms doing business, Sihai and Huanyu still have a conscience."

"Those iron workshops are going to be distributed."

The team moved forward slowly.

Compared with the registration scene a few days ago, the team order today is particularly good.

With the registration certificate in hand, don't worry about not being able to buy shares, everyone is patiently waiting for the team to move forward step by step.

Finally it was Cao Dalang's turn.

Cao Dalang carefully took out the registration certificate, bank note, waist badge, road guide, and household registration documents from his personal pocket.

The staff verified that there was no problem, and took the money to register, and Cao Dalang signed and detained it.

The staff then replaced the registration certificate with a certificate of purchase of the shares of Universe Transportation, the paper was very thick.

The staff explained to him, "Remember the row of numbers in the purchase certificate, this row of numbers is your identity certificate. You only need to report the number and surname, and we can find your original record here. In case someone impersonates you. you."

"Am I buying this?"

"Yes! You are already one of the many shareholders of Universal Transportation."

"thanks, thanks!"

"You're welcome! Take your things and don't miss them. Next!"

Cao Dalang squeezed out the crowd, unable to hide his excitement and excitement.

He wrapped the proof of purchase and various documents in cotton cloth and placed them next to him.

Waiting for other refugees at the agreed place.

Everyone reunited, talked and talked non-stop.

Today is a big day, worth celebrating.


Baijiafang in the south of the city.

In the past, this was a typical shack area, with thousands of people living in a square market less than one mile away.

The shed builds a shed, crowded with people.

The house that could only live in twenty or thirty people, after various partition renovations, forced hundreds of people to live in it.

You can imagine how poor the living conditions are.

Every day, quarrels occur every day for fetching water, going to the hut, washing clothes and cooking.

Embroidery guards are not willing to come here to inspect.

The environment is poor, the smell is unpleasant, and the population flow is large and difficult to control.

It means poor security.

Thefts often occur.

Many years ago, Sihai Real Estate planned to demolish and rebuild Baijiafang.

Because the price was not negotiated, the property rights were chaotic, and all kinds of wrangling delayed for nearly ten years, until the patience of the whole world was exhausted and decided to give up, the homeowners of Baijiafang let go and accepted the conditions of the demolition of the whole world.

Last fall, Baijiafang began demolition and reconstruction.

Thousands of people were ordered to move out within half a month, and there was a fight for this. He went to Yin Yamen of the Capital Mansion and fought a lawsuit.

As soon as the half-month period expired, Sihai Real Estate began to demolish.

It's another weapon fight.

All in all, from the planned demolition to the formal demolition of Baijiafang, there was no peace.

The homeowners are not making trouble, but the tenants are making trouble.

If the four seas are not strong enough, they will definitely be bitten by these greedy tenants.

With bumps and bumps, until this year, a brand-new Baijiafang was built.

Here has become the four treasures of the study, a street of books and archives.

Many of the merchants who cooperate with Wenqing Bookstore have rented shops in Baijiafang to do business nearby.

In the innermost part of Baijiafang, there is a huge house.

Imitated Lantai Temple, here became the world and the world and the database, archives.

Inside the Four Seas, it is called the "Inner Study Room".

As the name suggests, the internal study of the world.

In the public room of the archives room, dozens of book offices are burying their heads in registering the information of each shareholder who purchases shares of Huanyu Transportation.

Name, place of origin, date of birth, family members, general appearance, where to live, how many shares to buy, etc., are all registered on the information form in five copies.

Next to it, there are skilled craftsmen who engrave investor information on bamboo.

To prevent accidents, such as water running, there is a chance of salvation.

Most of these book offices are hired from Shanhe Academy.

The carving craftsman is hired from Baigong College.

They have been working day and night in the public room of the archives room.

If they want, they can stay in the inner study and become regular employees here, with a generous salary and various welfare allowances.

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