Zhou Miao left the palace and walked quietly without disturbing anyone.

After the Shangshan Supervisor was replaced by another supervisor, the palace people later realized that Zhou Miao and Father Zhou had disappeared.

Many people feel afflicted, thinking that Zhou Miao was executed for the crime.

There are big moves in the North Korea.

Officials sent to prison were either dismissed from office and ransacked or exiled.

But the place of exile surprised the courtiers.

Overseas islands?

When did Da Zhou have islands overseas and they became exile?

"My Majesty, where are the overseas islands located?"

"Naturally overseas."

"When will Da Zhou own islands overseas?"

"I said yes. I don't know the overseas situation, so why don't I find information to update my knowledge. I only know how to ask me about everything. Is it your teacher who will answer your questions specifically for you?"

Liu Zhao scolded his head and covered his face.

The courtier looked embarrassed.

"This happened too suddenly. I have never heard of overseas islands before."

"I haven't heard that doesn't mean there is no. You Aiqing, many people have cooperation with maritime merchants. Go and ask those maritime merchants. Don't think that overseas is barren land. Overseas without population, how can maritime merchants make money? The ability of maritime merchants to make money back proves that there are not only islands, but also land, and a large population of people, as well as countries and nations that we don’t understand. Don’t stare at our harem, one acre and one-third of the land. Look at the world. The dignified Zhou courtiers are like a frog at the bottom of a well, which is really embarrassing."

The words embarrassing are equivalent to slap all courtiers in the face.

Every courtier felt a burning pain in his cheeks.

Looking at the Great Zhou, they are the group of people standing at the top, and they are also disgraced as frogs at the bottom of the well. Which is tolerable or unbearable.

It's not overseas, besides some rare treasures, what else deserves attention.

"Your Majesty, is it inappropriate to exile these criminals to overseas islands? It is difficult to survive overseas. Exiled to this overseas island, it is better to sentence them to abandon the city.

Liu Zhao sneered, "Is it better for Aiqing to go to prison and ask those officials sentenced to exile, whether they would like to go to exile overseas or be sentenced to abandon the city?"

A bunch of idiots!

Don’t understand the importance of population?

Don’t understand the scarcity of management talents?

These officials who were sentenced to exile were all of Jinshi background, and they were talented. And after many years of experience in Yamen, he has a set of management methods.

Talented, understand management, and be a mature man.

Such talents, even if they spend a lot of money, will not be able to recruit anyone willing to go overseas.

Does the imperial court send officials to go to sea?

The appointed officials are expected to resign on the spot! Then I didn't forget that cursing the court is not a thing.

Only when the prisoners are treated will they be sent overseas.

This is the simple concept of Da Zhou people.

The ordinary people would not go out to sea if they had a bite of food.

What's more, it is a two-ranked scholar, a magnificent court commander.

Nowadays, there is a group of ready-made officials who have committed crimes with the two rankings. It happens that there is a shortage of such talents overseas. Exiled overseas, a perfect match!

The officials who proposed to abandon the city were completely stupid in Liu Zhao's eyes and bad his overseas plans.


Liu Zhao left angrily.

The officials' vision couldn't keep up with his plan, which made him very worried.

He finds Gu Jiu to complain and asks that the students from Shanhe Academy be sent to him.

Gu Jiu said: "This year's imperial examination year, Shanhe Academy has nearly forty people on the list. Your Majesty chooses slowly."

"What I want is not only the two-ranked scholars, but also students with a wider range of hobbies and excellent results in other subjects."

"Shanhe Academy is not bad for all the students who can get into the two rankings. At least two selected subjects are excellent. I will let the academy organize a file for you. You can choose what kind of talent you need."

"I need Yang Ji."

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes, "Yang Ji is going to Jiangnan, so I can't leave it to you."

To this end, she deliberately sent Zhou Miao to Jiangnan to be a dung-smasher and a thug for Yang Ji.

Liu Zhao was depressed and broke.

"Then give San Yuan Gong to me, he can still use it."

Gu Jiu stared at Liu Zhao, "What a lack of people? I remember you have a lot of talents at your disposal."

"I do have some people in my hands, but not enough."

Gu Jiu thought for a while, "If you can persuade Ren Qiu, I won't grab someone from you. If you can't persuade Ren Qiu, I will find a few more suitable talents for you."

The talent Liu Zhao really needs is Ren Qiu, not San Yuan Gong.

Sanyuangong teaches scholarly scholarship. When it comes to the overall situation and the understanding of officialdom, Ren Qiu is better.

However, Ren Qiu was irritable, did not go out and did not speak, he wanted to resign.

Liu Zhao simply gave Master Lu a task, "In any case, Ren Qiu must be kept in the court. I can promote him to serve as a errand in Zhongshu Province, provided that he has to work hard for me."

Master Lu is under great pressure, and this task is too difficult.

"Weichen is not sure to convince Ren Qiu."

"Then find a way to convince him."

"Why don't your Majesty invite the Queen Empress to come forward."

Liu Zhao was annoyed, "The queen and the empress are required to come forward in everything, so what is the use of your courtiers."

As soon as Gu Jiu came forward, nine out of ten Renqiu would be fooled into teaching at Shanhe Academy.

And Gu Jiu also said that he had to convince Ren Qiu on his own.

Liu Zhao refused to say such a shameful thing, and asked people to watch his jokes.

Master Lu had no choice but to bite the bullet.

He returned to the mansion and knocked on Ren Qiu's door.

"It's me, let me in!"

Ren Qiu was humming a little song and was painting for the brothel sister.

Ren Qiu is the most popular figure in the brothel. He is called a talented man.

The sisters in the brothel went upside down and asked Ren Qiu to paint. If you can roll the sheets, there will be no regrets in this life.

He was disturbed, naturally unhappy, and roared at the door, "No time!"

Master Lu was furious, "I have something serious to talk to you. If you don't open the door, I will ask someone to smash the door."

"If you dare to smash the door, I will go back to the mountain and never go down again."

Master Lu was about to die of anger.

"I have very important things to talk to you about your resignation. Can you open the door at all."

After a long silence, the door opened from the inside.

A fragrant wind rushed towards Master Lu.

The brothel sister's eyes were like silk, "Master Lu comes to sit in the building when he is free."

After finishing speaking, leave lightly.

Lu Da's popularity was depraved, referring to Liability Qiu, "You actually recruited the brothel girl into the house, it's absurd!"

Ren Qiu rolled his eyes, "If you just scold me, you won't accompany me."

Said it was about to close.

Master Lu resisted the door, "Let me go in and talk to you about business."

"What's the matter, I'll listen respectfully."

"Your Majesty agrees that Li resign from the position of Qintian Supervisor."

"But?" Ren Qiu knew very well that there was no free lunch in the world.

Master Lu rubbed his eyebrows, "Your Majesty hopes that you will work as an errand in Zhongshu Province, and you'd better enter the political affairs hall."

"I am so young and enter the political affairs hall? Your Majesty is not worried about courtiers criticizing?"

"Since your majesty became the throne, have courtiers criticized less? Your majesty doesn't care about the views of courtiers at all. Would you like to enter the Ministry of Science and Technology, enter the political affairs hall? As long as you nod your head, you can enter the core of Da Zhou's rights. And see your majesty It means that more and more attention is paid to the Zhengshitang, and it is very likely that the Zhengshitang will replace the three provinces in the future and become the true core of the court."

Ren Qiu pinched his chin and thought deeply.

Master Lu said so much in one breath, he was thirsty. Sit down and pour a glass of water to drink.

He noticed the portrait on the table and commented: “The portrait is more beautiful than himself! The woman in the brothel just now is not worth your time to paint for her. Your painting is worth a thousand dollars!”

Master Lu reminded Ren Qiu and told him to recognize his own value.

Wizards like Ren Qiu, of course, have many vests.

One of the vests is a great painter, known as a ghost in the painting world. The paintings are worth a lot of money, and they are still too expensive to buy.

Many people have been asking about this mysterious painting ghost, but they have found nothing.

No one thought that the cynical Qintian Supervisory Committee was a legendary painting ghost.

No one can connect these two people.

Ren Qiu put away the paintings and indifferently throw them in the wastebasket, "Paint as you please, you take it seriously."

Master Lu hurriedly rescued the paintings. Prodigal!

It is rare to write a complete painting, but was thrown away as garbage.


Ren Qiu rolled his eyes, very disgusted.

"Do you like the girl in the brothel just now? I will introduce it to you and tell me my name for no money."


"The official likes your paintings, not the woman."

"This painting is based on the woman in the brothel."

"Not exactly." Master Lu admired the painting, "Obviously other feelings are placed in it. Did you see others through her?"

"Nonsense! Thinking too much!" Ren Qiu denied, his eyes were particularly disgusting.

Master Lu put the painting away and put it in the painting tube. It was very precious.

"Remember the title, use your pen name in the painting circle, and don't forget to stamp it. When the official comes home and has no money, I will sell this painting for a daughter."

Ren Qiu yawned and became impatient.

Master Lu rubbed his hands, unable to conceal his excitement, "Have you thought about it? Your Majesty has given you very good terms. With your talents, you should shine brightly in the court."

Renqiu Taotao ears, "Not interested. Being an official is tired and not fun, it's boring!"

"You have no ambitions?"

"Eating, drinking and having fun is also an ambition."

"Absurd! Your Majesty values ​​you so much, you shouldn't live up to His Majesty's expectations."

Ren Qiu looked lazy and sloppy, "How good is your Majesty to let you persecute me like this."

Master Lu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "A penny is of no benefit, but a scolding. If you refuse to be an official, with your majesty's violent temper, my career will come to an end."

"You put a hundred hearts on it. You have written an edict, and your Majesty will keep you in the court anyway."

"Your Majesty never sorts out the cards according to the cards. Don't speculate about your Majesty with the inherent patterns in the past. By the way, the officials who have been imprisoned have been dealt with. Except for a few individuals, most of them are exiled overseas."

When Ren Qiu heard it, he was a little interested.

"Sure it's exiled overseas?"

Master Lu nodded, "This is absolutely true. In a few days, these prisoners and their families will go south by boat and go to sea."

"Exiled overseas, it's a bit interesting." Ren Qiu laughed, "You tell your majesty that I will go out for about ten days. After I come back, I promise to report to the Ministry of Education. Remember to leave a good position for me, I don't want to As a pawn, I only want to be a decision maker."

Master Lu had a big head, "Where are you going? What will take ten days to process?"

"You leave me alone. Remember my words, I want to be the decision maker."

Ren Qiu put on his clothes and shoes and ran out.

Master Lu chased out a few steps and gave up.

Because he can't catch up.

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