Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Vol 2 Chapter 943: Misfortune comes from the mouth

The sentence has been handed down and exiled overseas.

Mrs. Liu, the former chief executive of the political affairs hall, felt that he was too wronged.

He does everything and has accepted the fate of being deposed.

As a result, he was grilled on the fire by a group of villains who were afraid of the chaos of the world. In his name, he made a stir in the court, and then forced the palace to try to force the emperor to regress.

Then it was gone.

All were sent to prison and all were exiled!

Master Liu gave himself a handful of bitter tears.

Who is unlucky for him?

The days of going home for retirement seemed to be within reach, but he was exiled overseas.

This day is so sad.

The fleeting year is not good!

It must be that he did not go to the temple to burn incense and worship the Bodhisattva during the New Year.

The bodhisattva of clay sculpture is just a brick.

Do not burn incense on weekdays.

The scholars are 100% false to the Bodhisattva.

Presumably the Bodhisattva has already seen through the true colors of scholars.

This group of scholars is too bad, and Ben Bodhisattva refused to bless them.

Master Liu wanted to cry without tears.

He is about to embark on the path of overseas exile, whether he wants to die first.

Master Lu brought a drink and came to the prison to visit Master Liu, the elder of the former political affairs hall.

All the grievances and grievances of the past have disappeared.

"Master Lu is righteous, don't forget to visit the old man at this time. Whether you are sympathizing or having trouble, if you are willing to come to see me, I will accept your love!"

"It's just a sympathy, and it doesn't mean to fall into trouble."

"Very good! The conditions are simple, I hope Master Lu doesn't mind."

The conditions are indeed very simple.

The damp ground is covered with straw.

The straw has become moldy and rotten, giving off a pungent smell.

There is a wooden board in the corner of the wall, which is cushioned with a turning head, which can barely be used as a bed.

Of course there were no stools in the cell.

Master Lu didn't pay attention, and sat cross-legged on the straw.

Master Liu laughed, "Master Lu is happy."

Master Lu poured the wine himself, "I toast you a glass!"

Master Liu took the wine glass and said with a smile: "This shouldn't be a wine with intestines."

"The official has not been vicious to poison the wine, and your majesty allows anyone to treat adults like this."

Master Liu drank the wine in one sip and wiped the corners of his mouth, very happy.

This is the most joyful day since being taken into custody.

He said: "What an adult, I'm just a prisoner."

"Master Liu does not have to be arrogant and self-satisfied. Your Majesty will wait for you to be exiled overseas, and you have a deep meaning."

Master Liu shook his head repeatedly, "Master Lu doesn't need to comfort the old man. Exile is exile, so there is no deep meaning. It is said that in the Lingnan area, the population has skyrocketed and it has become very prosperous. Go to such a rich place. Exile overseas, fend for itself and understand."

Master Liu looked resigned.

Master Lu smiled, "What the official said is not comfort, but the truth."

Master Liu was stunned on the spot, squinting, "I don't understand."

Master Lu thought about it, "The official doesn't know the details, so I can only talk about my own opinions."

"The old man listens very well."

"When Emperor Chengzong Wende was still king, he already started operating sea trade. At that time, it was mainly to cooperate with various sea merchants to extract profits. When Emperor Chengzong Wende became emperor, the current majesty and the current queen Niangniang changed her strategy and took the initiative to organize the fleet to go to sea for maritime trade."

"What does Master Lu want to say?" Master Liu asked curiously.

Master Lu continued: "Your Majesty and Empress Empress have invested in them for many years. It is estimated that tens of thousands of people have gone overseas to explore. It is said that overseas resources are rich, with countless minerals, fertile fields, forests, and indigenous people who do not listen to education. Overseas bases have begun to take shape. The scale, but suffers from the lack of talents. Your Majesty is the master and exiled you overseas will have profound meaning."

Some things, stop there.

Too deep is not beautiful.

Master Liu was stunned, and it took a long time to digest the news.

"Master Lu meant that Your Majesty and Empress Empress started operating overseas many years ago, and established bases and stocked a lot of supplies?"

Master Lu nodded, "All this is my guess."

No no no!

This is by no means a mere guess.

This must be true.

If your majesty and the empress do have a base overseas and there are tens of thousands of people, they will be exiled overseas as prisoners, it all makes sense.

Mrs. Liu had a drink after another, his mind was a little confused and there were too many conflicting thoughts.

Master Lu poured wine for him, and whispered: "Master Liu must take care of yourself. If you go overseas, you will definitely be able to do a lot. If he returns to his hometown in the future, he will definitely be able to stay in history and be praised by future generations."

"The old man is a lot of age, whether he can reach overseas alive is still a question."

Master Liu sighed again and again.

It's not that he is unwilling, but that his age is here, and sometimes he has to admit his fate.

"This official believes that an adult can be extremely peaceful. In terms of official positions, among many offenders, the status of an adult is the highest. When you go overseas, you will shoulder the burden and promote my great Zhou Tianwei!"

Master Liu nodded subconsciously, then asked again, "Can there be such a day?"

"There must be such a day, adults must have confidence."

Master Liu smiled bitterly, "Thank you for visiting the old man and giving him hope. Even if the overseas situation is not what you said, the old man is worth it in this life!"

"You should have more confidence in your majesty and empress."

"we'll see!"

Master Liu did not dare to hold too much hope, he was afraid that he would be disappointed in the end.

Before reaching overseas, everything is vain!

A few days later, the prisoner, as well as the prisoner's family members, set off for the south and sailed out to sea. Towards another starting point of their destiny.

With fear of the sea and overseas islands, they spent a long life at sea.

When they stepped out of the cabin and were down to earth, everyone looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Thought it was a barren land.

Unexpectedly, a small city has been built near the harbor, which seems to be quite lively and prosperous.

People come and go on the street, speaking various familiar and unfamiliar dialects, or common Mandarin.

Those people are sturdy in appearance, and look fierce. Some people even got tattoos on their faces, and they looked like criminals.

There are also people with alien faces and tattoos on their faces, obviously prisoners.

Most of them are men and very few women.

These exiled prisoners, including young girls, immediately attracted many coveted eyes as soon as they walked onto the street.

When everyone was nervous and uneasy, a group of soldiers marching in order appeared, escorting them to the Yamen office.

This group of prisoners received a warm welcome from everyone in the Yamen.

In the following days, the criminals headed by Mrs. Liu began to take root in this small seaport city, bringing unexpected changes to this lonely city overseas.


His eyes returned to the capital.

Xiaomin in the capital gradually lost interest in the chatter between officials and Zhou Shian because there was a new excitement to watch.

For a long time, the most happiest thing for the civilians was to go to the construction sites outside the city to watch the clean officials dig ditches.

All coolies are shirtless.

Dirty, tired and hard work, you can't do it without shirtless.

Wearing clothes, this weather is all cumbersome.

When the clothes are taken off, the arms are exposed...

Hey, this comparison is so obvious.

On one side was a dark and sturdy man, and on the other was Bai Shengsheng, an official who looked like white porcelain.

"Look at that official, his skin is whiter than the brothel sister."

"Have you seen sister brothel?"

"Born more white than my wife."

"Not only white but also fat, I must eat meat every day."

"You see that he only dug a few times, so he can't do it anymore. I guess there are bubbles on his hands and feet, and he will cry if he wants to..."


Everyone burst into laughter.

The officials who were punished for digging ditches were ashamed and angry.

It is the greatest shame in his life to be pointed and pointed and compared to the brothel sister.

"Just kill me!"

Killing but nodding your head, why so humiliated!

"My lord, you keep saying that you want the people to petition. Now it's just for you to experience the suffering of the people. How come you can't stand it after only a few days? What you dare to talk about in daily life is to serve the people, and it's all about ghosts?"

"Not only coaxing ghosts, but also coaxing the emperor and his old man." The people on the shore sneered.

The officials were dissatisfied and pointed to the people on the shore, "They are all petty people, and they don't need to dig ditches. If the officials want to experience the suffering of the people, why do they have to dig ditches."

"I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding! These little people standing on the shore, everyone has to serve every year. Does the adult know exactly what the service does? That is, repairing city walls, digging ditches, clearing blocked rivers, etc. Bringing bedding and dry food, eating and drinking by yourself, is ten times harder than what adults do now."

"Yes, that's right. We serve in military service for one month every year, which is much harder than this."

"I don't know that the elder brother of the people who are suffering, should come to dig the ditches."

"Absurd! This official is the two-ranked scholars. The hardworking man governs others, and the hardworking man governs others. Digging ditches and such hard work should be done by you folks. Who told you not to study, not to imperial examination!"

"kill him!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and for a while, the crowd was raging.

Everyone picked up the mud on the shore and threw it at the fat officials.

"Kill him, kill him!"

The voice of one person was too weak, and a hundred people shouted and killed him at the same time. That scene was really scary!

The guards used all their strength to control the situation and rescue the fat officials.

It's all right now. The fat officials don't need to dig ditches. The price is that they have to lie in bed for at least three to five months.

The whole story of this incident was published in the "Big Zhou Life Show", which caused heated controversy.

"Shanhe Academy News" followed up on the matter and wrote a review article, and wanted to see how the court would deal with it.

This kind of thing, whether it is big or small, depends on the attitude of the people above it.

Emperor Liu Zhao was very popular.

"Being ashamed in front of thousands of people, how can he still have the face to live!"

Liu Zhao issued a soul torture, and all the officials in the Jinluan Hall were silent.

In fact, the words of the white fat officials are the universal values ​​of this era. Reading is worthwhile, rich and powerful.

Can't read books, can't take the imperial examinations, I'm sorry, I'll be poor all my life. Deserves to be driven to labor.

If the Bai Pang official said this outside the capital, he would guarantee that no one would hit him with the clod, and would even win everyone's approval, saying, "It makes sense!"

Thousands of things shouldn't be wrong, the white fat officials shouldn't say this in front of the people in Beijing.


More than ten years have passed since the first issue of "The Big Week Life Show" was released to the public.

The biggest advantage of Xiaomin in the capital is that he has been bombarded by various magical articles and literary sao operations. Gradually, Xiaomin's chaotic head gradually becomes sober.

Coupled with the promotion of free education, Jingcheng Minzhi has been at the forefront of the world.

Although Xiaomin still follows blindly, he can still distinguish good from bad.

The small people in Beijing are confident, optimistic and calm. The gradually richer life lets them know that if they work hard, they may change their destiny.

Shanhe Academy opens its doors to everyone.

As long as you work hard to take the test, you will have the opportunity to become a student of the emperor.

What a blessing!

This is an era of transformation and an era of violent conflict between the old and the new

Some people actively update their knowledge reserves to prepare for major changes.

Some people cling to the handicapped and stick to the traditions that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

Who loses and who wins, wait and see.

At this moment, Emperor Liu Zhao was very upset.

He scanned every official fiercely, and thoughts flashed in his mind.

Should all these officials be rushed outside the city to dig ditches?

If he really wants to do this, the next one will definitely be a more violent press.

Liu Zhao tapped the desktop, weighing the pros and cons.

Not cost-effective!

Officials dig ditches neither pleasing to the eye, nor pleasing to the eye, and inefficient.

The pay-to-benefit ratio is too hurtful!

Nothing, nothing more, I want to spare these officials.

However, the fat officials who dig ditches must be severely punished.

"With Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei, investigate this matter carefully. No excuses!"

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