"Finally it’s solved……"

In the evening, after completing the daily commissions and receiving their first salary from the Adventurer's Guild, Ying and Paimon bought a decent silver sword in Wagner's blacksmith shop. Half of today's commission rewards were spent here.

"We still have to find a way to get a weapon of slightly better quality, at least one that won't get blunt so easily."

After returning to the room that Lin Mo had prepared for them, Ying put down the silver sword she had just obtained and couldn't help but sigh.

She didn't have the Eye of God, but she could use elemental power, and most of the weapons in the blacksmith shop were only prepared for ordinary people. If they were injected with elemental power, they would soon be damaged. In this way, she would have to replace weapons frequently.

"Hmm... weapons are indeed a big problem."

Paimon came to Ying's side, carefully looked at the weapon that had kept them busy for half a day, and pinched his chin in thought.

"By the way, after we resolve this Wind Dragon incident, can we go to Captain Qin to ask for a better weapon?"

"Want the weapons of the Knights of Favonius?"

"Well, after all, we helped Mond solve such a big problem, so we can take less Mora and ask if we can give him a standard weapon of the Knights of Favonius."

Paimon said

"After all, it is Mond's official weapon. It must be stronger and more durable than the weapons used by ordinary adventurers in the blacksmith shop, right?"

"Hiss... what you said makes sense."

Ying thought about it carefully and it was indeed true.


Seeing Ying agree with his idea, Paimon couldn't help but put his hands on his waist proudly.

"You see, Paimon is still very smart!"

"Yes, yes, Paimon is the smartest."

Ying chuckled.

"But... now that you mention it, there might be another place where we can get new weapons."

She thought of Lin Mo. He was the Fatui executive. It shouldn't be difficult for him to get a good weapon, right?

"Are you talking about Lin Mo? Hmm... the weapons of the Kingdom of Winter are indeed very good, but... how should we ask him for them?"

Paimon spread his hands.

"This is not something Paimon needs to worry about. By the way, Ying, why don’t you go ask him? Weapons are not something particularly confidential. If you really can’t find a way, ask him if you can use Mora to buy one from him."

Ying sighed softly.

"All right, I'll find a chance to ask him later. That's all for today. Paimon, take a rest first."




Goethe Hotel, top floor, Lin Mo's room.

At this moment, he was enjoying a massage from Linnet. He didn't know where Linnet learned this massage. Although he didn't do anything today, he felt very comfortable lying on the bed and feeling the girl's soft hands wandering on his body.

He lay on the bed, as if he felt something.

"Linnet, do me a favor."Lin Mo said lazily,"Please go to [Angel's Gift] for me and buy a bottle of Mondstadt's specialty dandelion wine. I want to taste it."

"I understand."

Linette stopped massaging and walked out of Lin Mo's room, closing the door.

She was smart. Lin Mo never gave meaningless orders. Since he asked her to buy wine, he must have temporarily sent her away for some reason.

Linette went downstairs to buy wine, while Lin Mo turned around, sat up from the bed, and looked out the window.

The breeze blew on his face, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He slowly spoke

"Since you are all here, why not come out and meet each other? This is the most basic etiquette, isn't it?"

After saying this, a breeze blew by, and before he knew it, the green bard had already sat down on a chair on the other side, looking curiously at the bottle of fire water on the table that had been opened.

"Can I have a taste?"

"It's up to you. The hot water in winter is very strong and most people are not used to it."

"Then I will take it without hesitation."

Wendy smiled and looked at Lin Mo's position.

"So, what is the purpose of calling me out here, Solstice Executor, Mr. Stellius?"

"Oh, you are the villain who is complaining first?" Lin Mo said with a smile,"If I don't call you out, are you going to use the wind to spy on me from outside?"

Wendy smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, how can that be called peeping? It was the wind that told me that a friendly executive had come to Mondstadt and asked me to come and take a look."

"Barbatos's words are deceiving.

Lin Mo didn't care.

"Barbatos, it's time for you to take care of Mondstadt. Mondstadt is facing internal and external troubles, but you can still sit still. You are amazing."

"Then you really misunderstood me." Wendy spread her hands,"You should know that Mondstadt is a free city, and I will not interfere with people's behavior."

Lin Mo looked at him with a smile.

"Is that so? But if this continues, your family members will be eroded by the abyss and become weapons of war. Can you still sit still?"


Wendy scratched her head

"Oh, don't worry, I'm trying to find a solution!"

"I'm not in a hurry. I'm never in a hurry, Barbatos."

Lin Mo said

"After all, he is not my family, nor is he someone I know. Even if Tevarin falls into the abyss, it has nothing to do with me."

"You said, if you and the traveler hadn't interrupted my treatment of Tevarin and caused me to be corroded by the poison, there wouldn't be so many things going on."

"Isn't it because you are too weak, Barbatos, that a little poison makes you so embarrassed."

Lin Mo turned his head and looked at him

"Forget it, I am too lazy to say so much, Barbatos, but I can give you a hint, the traveler from beyond the sea of stars may be able to help you."

"Are you talking about the traveler named Ying who was traveling with you?"

"Yes." He said,"She has a special ability to purify the toxins in Tevarin's body. As long as this problem is solved, you can handle the rest by yourself."

"That's right!" Wendy slapped her thigh,"That toxin has been bothering me for a long time!"

"Let's stop here for today, Barbatos."

Lin Mo yawned and felt a little sleepy.

"By the way, Mr. Wendy, since you have already appeared in front of the Fatui, please be prepared to have your Heart of God taken away. Well... anyway, you also think that you owe Rosaline something, right?"


Wendy turned into a stream of wind and disappeared into the room.

With a click, the door opened.

Linnett held the dandelion wine and looked at Lin Mo with some doubt.

"Sir, have you finished your kerosene?"

"I didn’t drink it." Lin Mo said,"The wind evaporated the kerosene."

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