The next morning, Lin Mo originally wanted to stroll around Mondstadt, or go to the Temple of the East Wind Dragon with Ying, but as soon as he went out, he was caught by the purple librarian.

""Hey, good morning, Mr. Lin Mo. Where are you going? Do you need my company?"

Miss Lisa had a smile on her face, but there was a hint of ruin in this smile.

Lin Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although it was a little different from what he expected, it didn't matter.

""Miss Lisa, if I remember correctly, today should be the day for you to clean up the Four Winds Guardian Temple, right?" Lin Mo joked,"How do you have time to come to the door of the hotel and block me, an ordinary Fatui executive?""

An ordinary Fatui executive?

"Mr. Stellius, you are joking. You are the Zeroth Executive Officer of the Fatui. As a member of the Knights of Favonius, I have to protect your safety in Mondstadt. Otherwise, it is very easy to cause a diplomatic incident, right?"

Diplomatic incident?

Lin Mo chose to remain silent.

What kind of thing would cause him to get into trouble and lead to a diplomatic incident? Was it because Teyvat was destroyed and he had nowhere to go, so a diplomatic incident occurred?

Forget it, since I stood Lisa up yesterday, I will just follow her idea today.

"Okay, okay, Miss Lisa, you mean that I have to follow you when we go to clean the temple today?"

"Well... maybe you can choose to take the little girl named Linnet with you. Monsters may appear in the process of cleaning the temple. At that time, I may not be able to guarantee your safety."

Are you serious?

Lin Mo looked at her with a strange look.

The witch of roses, a genius that Xumi Jiaoyuan has seen once in a hundred years, who has exchanged her own time for the existence of power, may not be able to protect a person in the hands of some small hill people?

Well, well, if he plays like this, then he will have to choose to remain silent.

"Since Ms. Lisa said so, I will call Linnet."

Lin Mo decisively chose to compromise and called Linnet to go with Lisa to clean up the monsters in the temple.

Lisa: Hmm?

Lisa, who had been planning to test it, was stunned.

She wanted to see Lin Mo's methods, but she didn't expect that he would just follow her words and call the girl named Linnet.

This was bad, it was beyond her expectations.

""My Lord."

Linnet came to Lin Mo's side and bowed her head slightly.

"Ms. Lisa invites us to join her in clearing the monsters from the temple. Linnet, you will protect me, right?"


"So, let's go."



The wolf of the north wind, the eagle of the west wind, the dragon of the east wind, and the lion of the south wind. In order to commemorate the favor of the wind god, the people of Mond built a temple dedicated to the four winds.

Although Lin Mo didn't quite understand, the south wind and the west wind were both human beings, so how could they become the favor of the wind god?

"Mr. Executive, I am very curious about something. Can you help me solve it?"

While cleaning up the monsters in the temple, Lisa looked at Lin Mo.

"Oh? Tell me, if I'm in a good mood, I might be able to give you the answer you want."

Lin Mo put his hands in his pockets and followed Lisa like a walk. Those monsters that crossed Lisa and wanted to attack him were all killed by Linnet's sword.

Lisa gave him a meaningful look.

"I heard that those who can become the Fatui executives have some outstanding qualities, for example, [Rich Man] Pantalone and [Rooster] Puccini are good at making money, [Puppet] Sandornie is good at making exquisite puppets, [Young Master] Tartaglia is a battle maniac... But forgive my poor eyesight, Mr. Stellius, I can't see anything special about you."

"Hmm... Can I understand that you want to find out some information about me?"

The smile on Lisa's lips disappeared instantly.

"However, you don't need to be so defensive, Ms. Lisa. After all, no matter how defensive you are, if I really want to kill you, you can't stop me. Besides, I don't want to kill you."

Lin Mo chuckled.

"People always want to seek unknown results, because this can make the unknown become known, but...if there is a power that can make people omniscient and omnipotent, Miss Lisa, would you choose to accept this power?"

Lisa blinked.

"Does this have anything to do with the topic we are talking about now?"

"It is related, of course it is related."Lin Mo nodded slightly,"As long as you give the answer, the mystery will be revealed."

"It will make people omniscient and omnipotent.……"Lisa thought for a moment and said with some interest,"I might choose to accept it. The power of omniscience and omnipotence is no joke.""


Lin Mo did not deny it.

"But what if our world is actually a book, and after you become omniscient and omnipotent, you discover that everything that happens in this world, including what you are thinking now and the papers you have worked hard on, have actually been recorded in this book? How would you feel?"

"This is really……"Lisa's mouth began to twitch."For students from the School of Teaching, that is really a terrifying thing."

The paper duplication rate is 1000%. Lisa feels terrified just thinking about that feeling.

"And now, I tell you, Miss Lisa, that the book actually exists. What do you think?"

Lisa's expression was completely frozen on her face.

"real or fake……"She looked at Lin Mo, who was smiling,"Could it be... No, this kind of thing is too……"

She had a guess.

Could it be that the reason why Lin Mo told her all this was because he had obtained the book that could make people omniscient and omnipotent?

This could explain why he became the executive officer of the Zeroth Seat as soon as he joined the Fatui, and his status was even higher than that of the [clown] Piero!

��Do you think it's incredible?"

Looking at the slightly broken expression on Lisa's face, Lin Mo suddenly felt a little happy for some reason.

He stretched out his finger, stroked Lisa's face without resistance, and hooked her chin.

"What if I continue to tell you that this power was once held by three people, and I am the fourth person to hold this power, guess what happened to the first three people?"

The touch on her cheek brought Lisa back to her senses. She took a deep breath and looked at Lin Mo.

If he was telling the truth, then was everything she did today within his expectations?

No... Did he already know that all this would happen?!

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