"How are they?"

Lin Mo was very satisfied with Lisa's performance at the moment, so he took a step forward and said as he walked.

"The first person, he got incomplete power, that power would destroy people's minds, so he wanted to enslave the whole world and destroy it."

"The second person was a former bard who was addicted to writing and sharing. However, he discovered from this book that the poems he had written with great enthusiasm and could be passed down through the ages were actually already recorded in the book, and the book clearly told him that the world would eventually be destroyed."

Lin Mo chuckled.

"Therefore, he chose to obey the contents of the book, gained omniscience and omnipotence, and used his own way to bring a solemn and poignant end to the world."

"As for the third……"

Lin Mo did not continue

"And I am the fourth person to obtain this power, Ms. Lisa, what do you think I want to do with this power now?"


Lisa had a complicated expression.

When she heard that the second place winner who got omniscience and omnipotence chose to destroy the world because the poem she wrote with great effort had already been recorded, she suddenly felt very sympathetic.

How should I put it... It's like when you are a student in the Order Academy, and you are about to graduate, you have exhausted all your life's learning, and the result comes out that the plagiarism rate is 100%, and you also know that this paper is indeed written by you. If it were her, she would also be unable to hold back.

"Well, but I don't have such vulgar ideas as destroying the world.

Suddenly, Lin Mo looked at Lisa with a gentle smile on his face.

"I already knew the development and ending of the story, so I chose to be a bystander and watch the development of this story. I want to witness with my own eyes those exciting and unforgettable things."

"So, Ms. Lisa, do you understand what I am going to do?"

Lisa nodded in a daze.

"So that's how it is……"She took a deep breath and said,"I understand. Can I tell Qin about this?"

"It's up to you." Lin Mo shrugged indifferently,"But I still want to tell you one thing, don't ask too many questions about many things, and don't say too much, just stop at the right time."

"……I understand."

Lisa looked at Lin Mo deeply, and there was a different emotion in her eyes.

An omniscient and omnipotent existence... As a scholar from the Order Academy, she really had a lot of questions and wanted to know from Mr. Stellius.

It was really... an existence that made people envious, but they didn't dare to have any strange thoughts.

However, Lisa was not overwhelmed by such thoughts at this time. She pursed her lips and moved closer to Lin Mo.

"I didn't expect that, Mr. Stellius, you actually have such a powerful power. I wonder... When I do research in the future, if I don't understand something, can I come to you to solve my doubts?"

Almighty knowledge has no appeal in front of Lisa. What she cares more about is whether she can use this power to do research.

Well, studying in the Order Academy

"If you come here with a pure purpose, I welcome you."

Lin Mo glanced at Linnett who had been groping for a long time.

"Linnet, help Miss Lisa clean up the monsters in the temple. Other places are almost done. We can't fall behind."

"Yes, your will."

Linnet stared at Lin Mo, and after he nodded slightly, she stretched out her hand, and a small amount of smoke emerged from her palm.

A flash of light passed by, and a red and gold-colored, slightly weird-shaped one-handed sword appeared from the smoke and was held in Linnet's hand.

"This is……"

Lisa couldn't help but widen her eyes. The ability to control smoke is not uncommon, but...how did she do it? Did she take out the weapon from the Eye of God while releasing the smoke?

No, it shouldn't be that simple. Since Lin Mo asked her to do this, and she also asked Lin Mo for instructions, does that mean that this power was given to her by Lin Mo?!

Lisa, who was quick-thinking, realized something and stopped talking. She took a step back and watched Linnett perform quietly.

The girl took out a golden-red book that looked like a toy from somewhere, like a magic trick.

Linnett reached out, put the book in the palm of her hand, placed it in front of her, and blew gently.

As if blown by the wind, the fantasy-driven book opened its cover.

[Encyclopedia of Insects]

[[Chapter 1: Fantasy Danced by the Fateless Group]

After closing the book, behind Linnet, the shadow of a book exactly like the [Encyclopedia of Insects] in her hand fell from the sky.


She placed the book in her hand into the card slot of the Yanrui Sword, held the sword in her left hand, and gently tapped the button on the handle of the Yanrui Sword with her right hand. In an instant, the book behind her opened its cover, and the Yanrui Sword in her hand released a large amount of smoke, wrapping her in it.


The book behind him was highlighted, so that Linnet, who was wrapped in smoke, could be seen clearly.

[Flying! Smoke! Stinging needles! Steam!]

With each roll call, Linnet's figure changed, just like a naked girl putting on armor step by step. In the end, she put on her own mask.

[Insects and Bugs ~ Big ~ Encyclopedia ~]

As the last smoke turns into a flash and dissipates, the smoke swordsman, Kamen Rider Sabela, makes a grand appearance

[[Floating ~ edge]

As a spectator, and more as a scholar, Lisa can judge the strength of the opponent at a glance.

Very strong.

If she does not use her life to exchange for strength, the purple lightning that she is proud of may not be able to break the defense of the armor on the opponent.

The unique transformation of Kamen Rider is very loud, which naturally attracted other monsters in the temple. With the Hill Culvert as the core, including Slime, and three or two Abyss Mages, they are all approaching Linnet's transformed Kamen Rider Sabela.

When the monsters are less than ten meters away from Linnet, a huge smoke is released, covering Lisa's sight.

She only felt a flash of light, and then saw the smoke began to dissipate, and Linnet walked out of the smoke unscathed, and those monsters fell to the ground in all directions. The

Yanrui Sword in her hand was waved again, and the light like sword energy flashed, and the monsters on the ground turned into light and returned to the earth veins.

In the entire temple, the only thing left was the darkness above the ground, proving their existence.

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