"It’s really amazing……"

On the way back to Mondstadt, Lisa's flashing eyes would occasionally linger on Lin Mo. He followed her gaze several times and met her eyes, but Lisa smiled without restraint, turned her head away, and within a few minutes she started staring again.

Lin Mo no longer paid any attention to her.

"Linnet, you did a great job this time."

Walking behind Lin Mo, Linnet was stunned for a moment when her name was called unexpectedly.


"You are able to use the ability of smoke very skillfully, and you no longer feel the discomfort at the beginning after the transformation. You did a good job."

"……Yes, thank you for the compliment."

Linette lowered her head slightly to hide her raised mouth.

Strangely, she didn't feel her heartbeat quicken when she was praised by her"father" before. What's going on?

Keeping this slightly weird atmosphere, the three of them returned to Mondstadt and came to the office of the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius.

As expected, Kaia, Amber, Qin and Ying, who were responsible for cleaning the other three temples, had already returned to the office.

"Lisa? You're back."

Sitting at the desk, Qin, who was originally a little anxious, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw her friend return safely.

"Why are you here too?"

Ying came to Lin Mo's side, pulled his clothes, and asked with a little curiosity.

"I was dragged here." Lin Mo spread his hands,"Didn't I go to look for you yesterday? I had to stand up Miss Lisa, so Miss Lisa came to block the door early this morning and asked us to follow her to clean up the temple."

Ying: Ah this……

"After cleaning up the temple, Mondstadt's ground veins should be a little smoother, and the pressure from monsters outside the city should be less. In this way, there will be time to deal with the problem of the wind dragon."

"Wind Dragon……"

"Is there anyone willing to flip through the book?"

There was a knock on the door, and Diluk walked into the office. He glanced at everyone, and after his eyes stayed on Lin Mo for a while, he spoke to everyone.

"According to the records, I found the identity of the Wind Dragon. It should be one of the four wind guardians, a follower of the wind god, the East Wind Dragon Tevarin."


After learning the true identity of the Wind Demon Dragon, Qin's expression suddenly became a little ugly.

"Why... did Tevalin, the dragon of the east wind, attack Mondstadt?"

"I think it might be related to something that happened five hundred years ago."

Lisa, who was familiar with Mondstadt's history, glanced at Lin Mo and said,

"Five hundred years ago, a dark disaster attacked Mondstadt, along with the dragon Durin.

At the call of the people of Mondstadt, Tevarin appeared to fight Durin.

According to records, he bit off Durin's throat...

Perhaps it was at that time that he drank Durin's poisonous blood by mistake, and was tortured by it for five hundred years.

He wanted to seek help from Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, but failed.

He wanted to seek help from the people of Mondstadt, but found that they had forgotten him and even began to drive him away.

That's why he attacked Mondstadt so angrily.


"how come……"

Qin sat on the chair, feeling a little weak.

Was the whole story of the Wind Dragon actually caused by the Mond people themselves?

Then...how could they calm its anger?

"Everything has its cause and effect."

Lin Mo said this in a pretentious manner, then looked at Ying, stared at her for a second, and stood up.

"Linnet, we should leave now. From now on, it's up to the Mondstadt people to take care of themselves."

""Yes, sir."

Linnet followed Lin Mo's steps and left the office.

Ying glanced at the knights and Diluk who had fallen into silence, and hesitated for a moment.

"I'm leaving now. If you have any ideas, call me and I'll help you.

Qin looked at her gratefully.

"Thank you, traveler"

"It's a small matter."

Ying took Paimeng out of the office and followed Lin Mo to the Goethe Hotel.

In the Goethe Hotel, in Lin Mo's exclusive room.

He deliberately slowed down his pace, and Ying really caught up.

"Lin Mo, is there anything you need my help with?"

After completing the commission yesterday afternoon, Ying seemed to think that becoming an adventurer of the Adventurer's Association was a very good job.

You see, the Adventurer's Association is spread across seven countries, and each country has its branches. So, as long as Ying takes some time to complete the commission when traveling to a certain country, she will not be short of Mora?

So now, she still hopes that Lin Mo can entrust her with something, so that she can have more Mora.

"It's not a big deal, but it's definitely not something that can be discussed in the Knights of Favonius."

Lin Mo waved his hand, and Linnet understood, pulling Paimon out of the room and closing the door.

Now in the room, there was a situation of a man and a woman alone.


Ying was stunned for a moment.

Lin Mo chuckled, took out a red fantasy-driven book from his pocket, put it on the table, and pushed it towards Ying.

She was quick to catch the fantasy-driven book.

"This is……"

Ying curiously opened the book's title page, and the sound of the book echoed in the room.

[Dragon of Courage]

[Once upon a time, there was a mythical beast that gained the power to destroy everything.]

The roll call ended, and the dragon of courage in her hand burned with flames. In the flames, a driver with a holy sword inserted in it appeared from the fire.

"The Flame Sword, and the corresponding fantasy-driven book, the Dragon of Courage."

Lin Mo looked at her and began to explain.

"You must be worried about the weapon now, right? This weapon can provide you with powerful strength, and you don't need to worry about changing weapons anymore."

"Flame Sword Blaze……"

Ying stared at the Holy Sword Scabbard Driver in his hand, then turned around and looked at Lin Mo.

"How should I use it?"

"Just use it like this."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, all the information about the Flame Sword Liehuo, the Fantasy Driver Book, and the Holy Sword Scabbard Driver were poured into Ying's head.


There wasn't much memory, so Ying was just stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Mo with gratitude.

A good weapon is a warrior's second life. With this sword, her strength can be taken to a higher level.

However, when she came to her senses, she suddenly pursed her lips.

"……Is there anything I can do?"

"Hmm? Oh, no need.

Lin Mo waved his hand nonchalantly.

"If you insist on doing something, then... I'll trouble you with one thing."

"You say." Ying's eyes were firm,"As long as I can do it, I will do it."

"Well... that's probably the way it should be said."

Lin Mo looked at her and smiled.

"When you have the chance to make a choice, don’t let yourself regret it."

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