"Ying, what did you say in there? Linnet kept holding me back from eavesdropping. I was so anxious!"

When Ying left Lin Mo's room, Paimon, who had been staying at the other end of the corridor with Linnet, hurried to her side.

She was really curious about what Lin Mo wanted to say to Ying in private. Could it be that he had threatened Ying with something and asked her to do something in a place where no one was around?!

"Well... he helped me solve the problem of weapons, and gave me great strength by the way."

As a traveling partner, after spending some time together, Ying was still very relieved about Paimeng, but she didn't plan to use this power here, so she smiled mysteriously at Paimeng.

"Paimon, just wait and see. When you see the true form of this power, you will be surprised!"

Paimon scratched his head in confusion.

"Huh? Oh, so that's how it is. I thought Lin Mo would use the excuse of helping you provide information about your brother to get you to do something.……"

Ying's expression froze on her face. She looked at Paimon in disbelief.

"Paimon, is this really how I appear in your mind?!"

"But is it possible that you said this yourself?"Paimon spread his hands, indicating that he would not take the blame."Just yesterday, when you and Lin Mo were in the private room of the Deer Hunter Restaurant, you said this to me last night."

Ying was silent.

It seemed that she really said this.

"……Ahem, that's not the case. Lin Mo is a gentleman. If he wants to attack me, I have no ability to resist. Why bother with so much trouble?

After these two times of being alone, Ying still believes in Lin Mo's character.

"Is that so?" Paimon said without a doubt,"Then traveler, do we still have to go to the Adventurer's Guild to accept commissions today? Miss Caitlin told us yesterday that we can accept up to four commissions a day. If we complete all of them, there will be extra rewards."

"Why not?"

Ying nodded decisively.

"It's a good opportunity for me to try out this new weapon."

So, Ying and Paimon left the Goethe Hotel and headed towards the Adventurer's Association.

But... on the way to the Adventurer's Association, they met a green bard.

But this had nothing to do with Lin Mo.

"Linnet, tell me, to what extent can the traveler from the sea of stars unleash the power of the holy sword?"

"Sir, did you give her the holy sword?"

"Yeah." Lin Mo nodded, and he didn't mean to hide it from Linnet."She might be able to give me a surprise, so I gave her the Flame Sword Liehuo.……"


"The previous owner of the Flame Sword, Liehuo, eventually defeated the Demon King who wanted to destroy the world."

And the power used by the Demon King is the [Magic Guide] he uses.

Linnet tilted her head.

"You seem to be looking forward to her performance."


Lin raised his eyebrows and came to the window. He happened to see Ying and Paimon being entangled by Wendy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Everything has been decided. Even if I can temporarily escape from the established trajectory, I will be pulled back into the script by the [world] itself... I expect her to change and help me gain new strength."

But those are not things he needs to worry about.

"Linnet, pack your things, we're leaving Mondstadt for a while."

"Leaving Mondstadt?" Linnet paused and agreed,"I understand. I'll start packing now.""

"Where do you think our next destination is?"

Lin Mo's words did not receive a response. After all, no one could guess his thoughts.

He chuckled.

"We are going to Fontaine to discuss some things with the [Justice] Lady Fukaros. Linnet, when you get to Fontaine, you should go find Linni first. I will call you if I need you."

"I see"



"Lisa, did that Stellius tell you anything today?"

In the office, Qin was reviewing government documents as usual, while Lisa, who had spent the whole morning with Lin Mo to gather intelligence, sat next to him and drank tea.

This was unlike her.

Qin was a little worried and guessed that Lin Mo had not told Lisa anything, so she didn't say a word.


Putting down the cup of black tea in her hand, Lisa calmly glanced at her good friend and pursed her lips.

"I learned a lot this morning."


"But unfortunately, Qin, I can't tell you this.

"Why, did he threaten you?"

"Threaten?"Lisa smiled bitterly and shook her head,"He doesn't need to threaten me at all. To him, the word threat is probably a joke in itself."

It was precisely because she knew so much that Lisa couldn't reveal it to Qin.

Qin looked at Lisa deeply.

The relationship between the two was very close, so she knew that Lisa was not the kind of person who would be afraid of threats. There was only one answer.

That is, Lisa knew something, which was very dangerous, so she couldn't tell him.

"……Lisa, how should we treat this executive officer in the future?"

She looked at Lisa.

Because of her understanding, Qin believed that Lisa could give a good solution.

"The best way is to treat it as usual.

Lisa sighed.

"But... to be honest, all the information I know was revealed to me by him. If I really want to say it, it would be best if I don't have any contact with him."

"Unfortunately, we have already had an intersection, so I think it is best to please him."

With the power of omniscience and omnipotence, Lisa believes that even if Lord Barbatos, who is deeply trusted by the Mond people, takes action, he will be powerless in front of Lin Mo.

Qin hesitated for a while.

"How strong is he?"

"……If he wants to destroy Teyvat, we probably don't have the ability to resist."

Hearing this, Jean slumped down in the chair somewhat powerlessly.

With such strength, Mond should have been in his hands.


Lisa seemed to think it was fun to tease her best friend. She deliberately put the most important thing last and said

"But what?"

"Well... he doesn't seem to have any ill will towards Mond, nor does he have any intention of destroying the world."

At this point, how could Jean not understand that Lisa deliberately created the atmosphere that Mond was finished to tease her.


Qin sighed helplessly

"I am so lucky to have a close friend like you.……"

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