Wendy took the Sky Harp, looked at it carefully, and finally shook her head.

"No, there is no power left in the Skyharp. It is now just a slightly more refined harp than an ordinary harp. There is no way to bring Tevarin back to his senses."

"Without the elemental power above, it's like this piano only has the appearance of a piano but no strings. The music played by it... maybe it can be performed in a tavern?"

"Doesn't that mean that our actions tonight were in vain?"Diluk frowned,"Is there any way to replenish the elemental power above?"

While everyone was discussing, the door of the tavern suddenly opened, and Lin Mo walked in alone. The moment they saw him, Qin and Diluk immediately tensed up and were on guard, fearing that he would start to attack without saying a word.

There was no way, the two of them felt guilty, they had just robbed the camp, and now the leader of the Fatui came to their door

"I said I missed something……"

Lin Mo shook his head, took out a scarlet crystal, came to Ying and handed it to her.

Wendy recognized the crystal at a glance.

"Are these...Tevarin's tears?"

"Ying, next, this is what you want."


Ying took the scarlet crystal from Lin Mo's hand. Under the influence of an unknown force, the scarlet color gradually faded, revealing the original pure blue.

Wendy, who witnessed this scene, suddenly seemed to realize something.

"So that's how it is... Tevarin's tears are the purest wind element, but they were originally polluted. Now the Honor Knight can purify the filth in them. In this way, as long as Tevarin's tears are collected, the Sky Harp can be restored to its original function!"

Ying and Paimon suddenly realized.

"So that's how it is!"

But Diluk was not happy at all.

"Why is the Fatui's executive officer here now?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but sighed.

"I also wanted to ask you something. I clearly told you to keep the noise down, but you guys kept making noise all the way from the first floor to the sixth floor. You even woke me up even though I live on the top floor."

"Ah this……"Ying was sweating profusely."This... um, it's an accident. I didn't explain it well. My problem"

"Forget it, I'm awake now, so I came to see you guys."

Lin Mo looked at the Sky Harp in Wendy's hand.

"It seems that you have entered the next stage, so I have nothing to say."

After that, he walked to the counter and took a look at the names of the wines on the menu.

"Hmm...Mr. Diluk, how about giving me a bottle of your dandelion wine? I will keep it well."


Diluk's expression is a little weird

"Just pick one of the bottles at the back and take it away."

So what is this executive here for? Just come here to give us a hint and then do nothing?

After hearing Diluk's words, Wendy's eyes widened.

"Can you give me one too?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Mo and Diluk rolled their eyes.

This drunkard poet is really……

"Well... this bottle looks good, so I'll take it away. Bye~"

Lin Mo turned around and was about to leave the angel's gift, but was stopped by Qin.

"Please wait, Mr. Stellius.

Qin's words made Lin Mo stop.

Turning back, he happened to see the slightly tangled expression on her face.

"Why are you telling us this?"

"Why? I am still looking for the answer now.

Lin Mo waved his hand.




After Lin Mo left, everyone looked at each other, but none of them could come to a conclusion.

"What is his purpose in coming here?" Diluk frowned and thought,"Moreover, he also told us how to restore the Sky Harp... What is his intention?"

"I don't know." Qin shook her head."But from what I can see now, he seems to be different from the other arrogant Fatui. Perhaps he is waiting for what will happen after Tevarin recovers."

"……I won't comment. He has helped me a lot. If I say something here, I'm afraid it would be unfair."

Ying was silent for a long time and replied with this sentence.

For her who has just started her journey, being able to tell her about Kong's information and giving her powerful power, she doesn't want to and shouldn't stand on the opposite side of Lin Mo.

Moreover, the current Lin Mo did not hinder them from restoring Tevarin's sanity, and even helped them.

"Perhaps this Fatui executive is a special case."

Wendy chuckled and told everyone not to worry about so many things.

"What is more important now is to collect Tevalin's tears, and then use the power of the Knights of Honor to purify the filth in them. In this way, Tevalin's mind can be awakened!"

Wendy was right. What needs to be solved most now is the matter of the Wind Dragon, so everyone decided to go to various places in Mondstadt to collect them tomorrow and gather here at night.

And Lin Mo...

He returned to the Goethe Hotel, which was reserved by the Fatui, and returned to his room. Looking at the clear night sky, he sighed.

It's really not a good feeling to be both a father and a mother.

However, according to Linnet's report, Ying can already use the Flame Sword Liehuo and [Dragon of Courage] to transform into a Flame Swordsman smoothly, and the speed of progress is still quite fast.

Well... After they solve Tevalin's problem, they should give her [Storm Eagle] and [Legend of Journey to the West]. I believe that with her talent, it shouldn't take much time to use the three volumes.


And now, Rosaline, who had just returned to Mondstadt and heard her subordinates report that the Sky Harp had been stolen, came to Lin Mo's door and frowned.

"What on earth are you planning? With your power, the Sky Harp cannot be stolen."

"Don't be so impatient, Rosalin."

Faced with her questioning, Lin Mo chuckled lightly.

"I have already found the whereabouts of Barbatos, the god of wind. Do I need a harp that has no wind power on it? It is at most a gift that is better made. If you want it, you can buy it in Mondstadt."

""You have mastered it?"

Rosalin was stunned. She had just started to guess, why are you progressing so fast?

But then she thought, since he claims to be omniscient, he must have known it a long time ago.

And he didn't tell her...Since Lin Mo did this, there must be a reason behind it.

""Okay, Rosalin, don't worry. Once Tevarin regains consciousness, you can vent your five hundred years of resentment on Barbatos."

He chuckled.

"Well, you do it."

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