It's another night.

After a day of hard work, Ying, Diluc, and Jean collected several Tears of Tevarin in Mondstadt, but these tears were scarlet in color and contained a cursed aura.

Therefore, except for Ying, the other two did not dare to touch these tears for a long time. After finding the tears, they had to bring them to the tavern quickly. As a result

, [Angel's Gift] was closed all day, which made some old drunkards miserable. However, the tavern was opened by Diluk, and he chose not to open the door. Those people did not dare to have any opinions and could only choose to drink in the Cat's Tail Tavern next door.

Ms. Margaret of the Cat's Tail Tavern chose to accept this fortune from heaven and raised the salary of the bartender Diona in the store.

And just today, Eula, the captain of the guerrilla knight team, had just completed her mission and returned to Mondstadt.

""Huh, I'm finally back."

Eula complained as she walked towards the location of the Knights of Favonius.

In order to prevent the merchants who came to Mondstadt to do business from being disturbed by the dragon plague, Eula and her guerrilla team have been patrolling the trade routes between Mondstadt and Liyue, clearing out nearby monsters.

She turned a blind eye to the hostile looks from other Mondstadt people.

So many years have passed, so much suffering has passed, she has already joined the Knights of Favonius, it's just some looks, when she is in a good mood, she can completely ignore them.

"Jean, I'm back."

After returning to the Knights of Favonius, Eula pushed open the door of the acting leader's office, but did not see Jean. Instead, there was Lisa and a boy she had never seen before.

"Hey, Eula, you're back."

Lisa was sitting at her desk, handling official business. She looked up and smiled at Eula with some tiredness.

"If you're looking for Jean, she's not here right now. If my guess is correct, Jean should be outside Mondstadt, looking for the Wind Dragon's scattered tears."

"Correction, Miss Lisa."

Lin Mo sat on the other side, but compared with Lisa who was handling the copywriting, he was quite leisurely.

"Qin is now collecting the last tear of Tevarin in the wind. As long as they collect this one drop, their mission will be completed."

Eula looked at Lin Mo in confusion.

She had never seen this man before.

Noticing Eula's gaze, Lin Mo turned his head and smiled at her gently.

"Hello, Ms. Eula Lawrence, my name is Stellius, the 0th Fatui Executive Officer, codenamed [Sage]. I was invited here today to help Ms. Lisa with her work."


Fatui Executive Officer, helping the Knights with their work?

These three words don't seem to be related, right?!

Eula's face showed an unbelievable look, and she wanted to ask Lisa for confirmation, but she nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Stellius, you were invited to come and help with the work, but the result is that you have been drinking coffee all day here."

There was a hint of grievance in Lisa's tone.


Am I crazy or is Lisa crazy?

"Wait, wait, Lisa, what's going on? When did the relationship between the Knights of Favonius and the Fatui become so good? How come I don't know anything about it? Could it be that you have excluded me?"

Eula crossed her arms and snorted.

"I've remembered this grudge."

"The Knights of Favonius don't have such a good relationship with the Fatui, Eula, you misunderstood."

"To be more precise, we just have a good relationship with Mr. Stellius."

Lisa shook her head, summarized what happened during this period, and told Eula.

She concealed a little bit and did not tell Eula that Lin Mo was omniscient.

Eula took some time to digest the information and took a breath.

"Are you saying that he is helping us with our problems regarding Tevarin?"


Lin Mo raised the coffee cup in his hand towards her.

"Miss Eula, would you like a cup of coffee?

She opened her mouth and indeed felt a little dry in the mouth.

"Have a drink, please."

"It's a small matter. It's not a big deal."

Lisa's forehead was slightly frowned.

If she remembered correctly, the coffee cup and coffee beans seemed to be hers, right?

She had been working here for half a day. It was fine if Lin Mo didn't make her a cup of coffee, but why did he make her one as soon as Eula came back?

It was annoying.

She was about to say something, but she saw Lin Mo pour another cup of coffee and brought it to the desk.

"Ms. Lisa, you have worked hard."Lin Mo smiled and said,"This cup of coffee is a reward for you."

"……If it had been served earlier, I would have been happier.

Lisa's lips curled up slightly, and she took the coffee from Lin Mo.

"Well, let's talk about it next time."

Lin Mo looked out the window. It was almost noon. Jean and Diluk had already collected the tears and rushed to the tavern to help Sky Jean recover his elemental power.

"Ms. Lisa, I think it's time for me to leave."

He smiled at Lisa.

"Hmm... the coffee beans are very good, I like them very much. If there is a chance, I hope we can have a pleasant afternoon tea."

"Of course."

Lin Mo left, and Eula glanced at Lisa, who was obviously in a much better mood, and asked curiously

"Do you have a good relationship?"

"Not very good." Lisa said,"But he is very good at pleasing people. When you are with him, if there is anything that makes you angry, he must be doing it on purpose."

"He always makes some innocuous jokes and talks about interesting topics."

"Really?" Eula raised her eyebrows."You look like a jealous little girl who has been appeased."

"Jealous? Maybe."Lisa stretched lazily,"But Eula, you know, he has an irresistible charm to me."

All-knowing books... She really wants to know more.

As a scholar, the desire for knowledge constantly stimulates her to have more contact with him.

"Irresistible charm? Do you like him that much?" Eula was a little surprised,"I've only been out for a short time, and you're so infatuated with him?"

"I'm not in love with him, but... there are some things about him that really fascinate me."

Lisa chuckled.

"Um...Eula, maybe you should try to get in touch with him"

"What is this, advice?"

"Just take it as my suggestion."

""Okay." Eula shrugged,"We'll talk about it when we have a chance."

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