The battle was not small, but under Lin Mo's control, ordinary Liyue citizens would not notice that such a battle had actually taken place outside Liyue Harbor.

About ten minutes later, with Ye Lan stunned and Zhongli thoughtful, Lin Mo once again held the Dark Sword Moon and repelled Tartaglia.

""What a pleasure!"

Tartaglia shouted, his eyes wide open. He hadn't experienced such a hearty battle for a long time.

At this moment, he had begun to use the power of the evil eye. The power of the lightning element and the water element surged on his arms.

"The last seat, that's it."

Lin Mo put down the dark sword Yue An in his hand and sighed softly.

"I've fought with you for so long, and let you fight for so long, it's almost enough. If you continue to fight, I'm afraid someone from Liyue will come."

"What's the matter?!" Tartaglia said unconvincedly,"It's just a few people coming. We didn't disrupt the order of Liyue, nor did we destroy Liyue's property. We were just fighting here. Why should they���us?"

"There are many reasons to arrest you. Liyue is not the winter. We have so many people here. As long as the Liyue Seven Stars want, they can just charge you with gang fighting. You will have to stay in Liyue's prison for a few days."

"What is this!"

Tadalia snorted coldly, and burst out with a strong momentum.

Since the evil eye can't beat it, then I have to use the demon king's armed forces!

""Sterius, you are indeed a strong opponent. As an executive officer, you are strong enough to deserve the respect of everyone in Winter."

Lin Mo frowned, and his figure flashed. The next moment, he appeared in front of Tartaglia, grabbed his neck with his hands, and forcibly interrupted his transformation.


Tartaglia, whose neck was grabbed and whose transformation of the Demon King was interrupted, opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Mo in disbelief."

How can you be so unethical? Normally, shouldn't you wait for him to transform before you and Lin Mo can have a good fight?!"

"It's great that you have the courage to challenge me, but that's the only thing you deserve praise for."

Lin Mo threw Tartaglia out casually, and after rolling on the ground for several rounds, he fainted.


Ye Lan was shocked.

Everyone had seen the fighting power that Tartaglia had just displayed. After using the evil eye, his fighting power was already amazing. In the entire Liyue Port, if the immortal did not take action, few people could be Tartaglia's opponent.

And he obviously had even more powerful power that he had not used yet... How many things did the Kingdom of Winter hide? Could it be that every executive officer was such a monster?!

"Really, if you give him a little sunshine, he will be so bright.……"

Lin Mo shook his head, took a step forward, grabbed Tartaglia by the collar, dragged him to Zhongli and Ye Lan, and canceled the transformation.

"I'm sorry, my colleague loses his mind when he starts fighting. I'm sorry for causing you trouble this time."


Ye Lan did not speak, but looked at Lin Mo carefully.

"……Is this the case with all of you Executors, or are you the only ones who are so violent?"

It was clear that she was adamant about the relationships between the Fatui.

"Miss Ye Lan, please don't misunderstand. Although the relationship between the Fatui executives is not good, it is only like this with Tartaglia, not us."

Lin Mo sighed softly.

"However, with such a big commotion, some people should be attracted here. I hope you two can explain it for us, so that we can avoid some trouble."

"Since I have seen your strength and you have done nothing to harm Liyue, I will explain for you." Zhongli nodded calmly, and then showed a curious look.

"Just out of curiosity, Zhong wants to ask where the power used by Mr. Stellius comes from... If it's inconvenient, forget it."

"It's not something that needs to be concealed. Mr. Zhongli, you don't have to be so polite."

Lin Mo glanced at Ye Lan

"This is what you want to find out, right? Then listen carefully."

Ye Lan straightened up immediately.


"I'm thinking how to explain it.……"

The three of them were standing anyway, so they simply found a place to sit down. Lin Mo thought for a moment and then slowly spoke.

"I wonder if you two have the habit of listening to books on a daily basis?"

"Listening to books?"Ye Lan was stunned for a moment,"Occasionally, but not often."

"Zhong often listens to stories."Most storytellers like to tell stories from legends to attract attention, and many of them are worth remembering, so Zhong often listens to stories for an afternoon while drinking tea."

"Since you have heard the book, it is easy to explain."Lin Mo spread his hands and said,"The storyteller tells the book, and my strength comes from the book."

"From the book……"Zhongli frowned,"There are many kinds of books, does that mean that Sir Stellius also has a lot of power?"

"You can understand it this way."Lin Mo nodded,"Including story books, history books, and popular science books... There are many types of books, so I can use more power."

"So that's how it is……"

Ye Lan understood.

"Thank you for your answer, but I still have one question, I would like to ask you"

"Mr. Zhongli, please speak."

A gleam of light flashed in Zhongli's eyes.

"Is it really okay for you to reveal the source of your power to us like this?"


Lin Mo was stunned, then smiled with relief

"Since Mr. Zhongli asked this, I would like to ask Mr. Zhongli, since I came to Liyue, have I done anything to harm Liyue?"

Both of them shook their heads.

"Since I won't harm Liyue, will Liyue come to deal with me for no reason?"

"No." Ye Lan said,"Liyue welcomes all friendly guests."

"That's it, isn't it?"

Lin Mo chuckled.

"I have no intention of harming Liyue, and Liyue has no intention of harming me, so why shouldn’t I reveal this?"

Besides, even if it is revealed, no one can master this power.

He was not panicked at all.

"……"I am judging others by my own standards." Zhongli shook his head.

It was rare to see Lin Mo being so magnanimous.

If possible, he would like to see Lin Mo and Li Yue get along well.

"……I will report back, Mr. Stellius, please forgive me."

Ye Lan gestured to Lin Mo.

After all, this was her mission.

"It's okay, I understand."Lin Mo waved his hand nonchalantly,"By the way, I heard that the invitation ceremony is about to begin. If possible, I hope Qixing can help me arrange a place to stay."

"Accommodation?"Ye Lan was stunned,"No problem, I will arrange it."

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