
Lin Mo brought the unconscious Tartaglia and Linnet back to Liyue Harbor, while Ye Lan stayed where she was, waiting for Ganyu to arrive and briefly explained the situation.

"In other words, the executive named Stellius wants to watch the ceremony of inviting the immortals in Liyue, and hopes that Qixing will arrange a place for him to stay... is that right?"

"That's right." Ye Lan nodded,"I can feel that Stellius didn't even use his full strength to defeat Tartaglia. Since he wants to show his goodwill, we should also show respect."

"I understand. I will make arrangements."

Since Ye Lan said so, Gan Yu didn't need to say anything else. She believed in the other party's judgment.

"By the way, Secretary Gan, there is one thing I think I need to pay attention to."

As if she remembered something, Ye Lan lowered her voice, moved closer, and spoke in Gan Yu's ear.

"Mr. Zhongli from the Hall of Rebirth has been very close to the Fatui recently.���If possible, I suggest sending some people to observe."

"Is that so... I see, I will report this matter."

Zhongli, who had just returned to the Hall of Rebirth, did not know that he had become a suspicious person in Ye Lan's mind, and she also reported it to Yue Hai Ting.

Lin Mo returned to the Northland Bank with Tartaglia and Linnet. He was not wearing the uniform of the Fatui executive at this time, and he was holding Tartaglia in his hand. The two Fatui who were in charge of guarding were so scared that their faces changed.

If Linnet had not come forward to explain the identities of the two and what had just happened, I'm afraid they would have sounded the alarm on the spot.

"Settle him down. By the way, is Rosaline in there?"

After handing Tartaglia over to his Fatui, Lin Mo looked at the person in charge and asked

"【Madam] Your Excellency is not in the bank"

"Are you not here? Never mind. If you are not here, I won’t bother you any more. How are things going in the Abyss?"


The person in charge's face changed, and a debt handler on the other side stepped forward and knelt on one knee in front of Lin Mo.

"Report to the Lord, the situation in the Layered Abyss is not optimistic during this period. The pollution has increased during this period. The Seven Stars have strengthened their defenses against the Layered Abyss and intend to seal it off."

"What about our support staff?"

"……Still under the rocky abyss"


Lin Mo took a deep breath, then sighed and shook his head.

"What do the Seven Stars say?"

"……They did not hinder our rescue efforts, but, sorry, I am incompetent. The pollution in the Layered Abyss is very serious. We have no way to rescue the brothers below."

"Is that so?……"

Lin Mo arrived at the door of Northland Bank. The debt handler seemed to have noticed something and followed closely behind Lin Mo.

Standing at the door of Northland Bank, feeling the warmth of the sun, Lin Mo was silent for a while, then turned around and looked at the debt handler.

"I ask you, what is your name?"

"Anton Schnetsevich"

"From the Hearth House?"


"I actually have a pretty good relationship with the people in your Hearth House." Lin Mo said,"I also have a pretty good relationship with Alechino. Which executive officer do you belong to now?"

"We are currently affiliated with Mr. [Rooster]"

"Is that so?……"

Lin Mo raised his head and looked at the blue sky of Liyue

"Things are about to change." He said,"You came here for honor, to fight to aid Liyue, and you shouldn't die under the dark and dark abyss of rock."

The debt collector seemed to understand what Lin Mo wanted to do and knelt on one knee.

"I'm going to look for Tianquan Star, and then go to the Layered Rock Abyss."

Linnet heard what Lin Mo said, stood up, and came behind him

"Then, rescue them from the abyss."

"Thank you, sir……"

"Linnet, it's time for us to go."




"At present, it seems that the executive officer has no ill will towards us or Liyue. This is the result of my observation."

Ye Lan crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

"No ill intentions...?"

Ningguang nodded thoughtfully.

"I understand. Since the other party wants to watch the Immortal Invitation Ceremony and has provided such a formal application for entry, then let's do as they wish. As long as they don't do anything that affects Liyue, Liyue can provide convenience."


A pure white light curtain appeared in the Jade Pavilion. Ye Lan and Ning Guang's faces suddenly changed and they became alert.

Under their gaze, the pure white light curtain turned into a book, opened the title page, and Lin Mo and Linnet walked out.

"Stellius?"Ye Lan was stunned.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Ningguang. I am the Zeroth Officer of the Fatui Executive, [Sage] Stellius."

Lin Mo just nodded to Ye Lan and then looked at Ningguang.

Ningguang couldn't help but frowned.

"……Nice to meet you, Stellius. I wonder if there is anything you want that brings you here uninvited?"

"Please forgive my impoliteness, Ms. Tianquan."Lin Mo narrowed his eyes,"It's just that there are some things that I care about, so I have to come to the Qun Yu Pavilion in such a reckless way. Please forgive me."

"……Please speak."

Ningguang looked at Lin Mo's expression and didn't say anything more.

"I want to ask, since the Immortal Invitation Ceremony is approaching, can we bring out the soldiers who came to support the Layered Rock Abyss?"

He said frankly that he came for those supporting soldiers.

"The Abyss... I understand what you mean, but unfortunately, for some reason, the pollution has increased recently. It is too dangerous to open the seal. I am sorry that I cannot agree."

Ningguang shook her head regretfully. To rescue those soldiers, the Abyss must be opened.

After the Abyss is opened, the pollution inside will overflow, which is not so easy to deal with.


Lin Mo narrowed his eyes

"In other words, you plan to trap our soldiers who came to support you underground?"

The two of them suddenly changed their expressions.

"No, we don't have such an idea." Ningguang said quickly,"Material support will still be there, there will be no changes."

Lin Mo's expression calmed down a little.

"……Ms. Ningguang, if I say that I can rescue the Fatui soldiers below without affecting the barrier, what will be your opinion? Will you oppose or support?"


Ningguang's face paused

"……I support this, but I'm sorry, Liyue is unable to provide support for the time being."

"I don't need your support, I am enough on my own."

Lin Mo looked at Linnet.

"Since Ms. Tianquan has chosen to support us, Linnet, let's go and get them out."

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