Lin Mo's mouth curled up slightly.

He understood why Katarina would use the alcohol to toast him at this time.

Under the dark and gloomy abyss, he was about to die in battle, but his boss came to this underground for unknown reasons, rescued her from the monsters, and brought her back to the ground.

Lin Mo himself is very handsome, and Katarina herself is only in her early twenties, so it is reasonable for her to have a girlish complex.

Under such a coincidence, it is not difficult to understand that she is attracted to Lin Mo.

He naturally understands the girl's little thoughts, and he is not such an unromantic person.

So, he raised his glass, which was filled with his favorite sunset fruit juice.

Mm, sweet

"Cheers to tomorrow."

Katarina's eyes widened slightly.

Before this, many people came to Lin Mo to toast, taking this opportunity to thank Lin Mo, but Lin Mo just nodded slightly without much response.

Lord Stellius, you actually responded to me...

The pretty face under the mask flushed slightly, Katarina coughed lightly, and the cup in her hand touched the cup in Lin Mo's hand lightly, making a crisp sound.

"Cheers to you, Lord Stellius.

The Fatui around them started to make a noise and picked up their glasses.

"Cheers to Lord Stellius, and to tomorrow!"

The atmosphere was set, and Lin Mo excused himself to stay alone for a while. After the soldiers expressed their understanding, he came to the woods alone and sighed.


Linnet was very smart, so after Lin Mo left, she also found a reason to get away and came to where Lin Mo was.

Looking up at the full moon in the sky, Lin Mo thought for a moment and looked at Linnet.

"Linnet, there is something I need you to do next. I need you to go to Fontaine."

Linnet was stunned and bowed slightly to Lin Mo.

"Please tell me"


Go find Lini, perform magic with him in Fontaine, and become a famous magician.

"Do you remember what conditions I promised you when I asked you to go with me?"

Linnet thought for a moment, then froze, looking at Lin Mo in disbelief.

"Sir, you mean……"

"It's time. The magician who taught you magic, Cesar, his story has been almost forgotten."

Linette's delicate body trembled slightly.

When Linette and her brother were young, they were interested in magic and asked Cesar for advice.

The kind-hearted magician did not refuse the brother and sister's request and taught them wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately, less than two weeks later, the brother and sister had to leave Fontaine because they had to perform a mission.

Cesar thought that the two had lost interest in magic, so he was a little disappointed. When the brother and sister returned to Fontaine, they learned the news that Cesar had fallen to his death. The two felt that there was something strange about this matter, but they could not find the wrong point.

Therefore, when Lin Mo asked Linette to follow him, he promised Linette to help the brother and sister find the wrong point in this matter.


"Okay, Linnet, when you get to Liyue, after a few days of rest, you should head to Fontaine."

Linnet was about to say something, but was gently interrupted by Lin Mo.

He warned

"After you go to Fontaine, remember to pay more attention to Cesar's past relationships. You will find what you want to know from them."

"And... I am looking forward to you and Lini completing Cesar's unfinished magic trick."

Lin Mo's meaning is very clear.

Cesar has problems with his interpersonal relationships. The reason why he fell to his death may be related to his interpersonal relationships.

"……Yes, sir, I understand.

Linnet understood

"By the way, don't be stingy with the power of the Smoke Sword. Use it decisively when it is time to use it. I have set a restriction on it. No one can use it except you. Just let this power help you."

Linette pursed her lips.

"Sir, you sound like you are making arrangements for your last wishes.……"

Lin Mo:……

"Does it sound like you are making arrangements for your final arrangements?"


"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore."Lin Mo couldn't help but shook his head,"Linnet, I like you very much, so don't get into trouble, otherwise, it will be difficult to find another useful maid like you."

Hearing this, Linnet lowered her head, and in a place where Lin Mo couldn't see, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

During this period, she liked to read the light novels of Inazuma. This kind of situation is called... right, tsundere?

"Yes sir, I will protect myself."

""Okay, okay, you go back first, let me stay alone for a while."

Lin Mo waved his hand, indicating that she could go back.

"By the way, sir, if I leave, who will take care of you?"

When Linnet turned around and was about to leave, she suddenly realized this problem.


Lin Mo looked at her, watching silently

"Do I look like the kind of person who would be miserable if no one took care of him?"

"I don't know." Linnet replied expressionlessly,"Maybe"

"Have I been too gentle with you recently, or have you reached your rebellious phase?"

Lin Mo took a deep breath, came to Linnet's side, clenched his hands into fists, and pinched her temple with the knuckles of his middle fingers.

"It hurts."

Lin Mo didn't use any force, and Linnet had no expression on her face, as if she was just reading.

"It's almost time to go back. Don't disturb my mood."


Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, Lin Mo sighed softly.

Linnet, this girl, actually dared to tease him.

Was he really too gentle to her?



As soon as Linnet returned to the camp, many people came over, mainly the Thunder Warlock, and looked at her curiously.

"Linnet... er, ma'am?"

"Just call me Linnet"

"Linnet, how is the salary for working under that executive officer?"


"It's about treatment, salary, work, and some other benefits."

"It's good. The gentleman is very gentle and won't let me do any dangerous tasks."

Katarina had bad intentions towards Lin Mo, so she came to Linnet to get information.

"Also, has that master ever favored you?"

Linette: Huh?

When asked this question, Linette's expression froze on her face.

Katarina and the others looked at each other in surprise.

The children of the Winter Kingdom matured early, and these topics were nothing to them.

"You are the maid of that master. Isn't it the duty of a maid to do this and that?"

Linnet:"Ah, this……"

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