Linnet blinks her eyes

"Is that right? But it seems like the adults have no interest in that.……"

Linnett didn't say anything. If Lin Mo really had that idea, in Mondstadt, the traveler named Ying would not refuse Lin Mo as long as he wanted.

But what about Lin Mo? He had no idea at all.

Katarina's eyes widened.

"Could it be that Lord Stellius... is having an affair with someone else?!"

As soon as this was said, the surrounding lightning magicians all cried out in surprise.

"Impossible." Linnet shook her head and directly denied this possibility,"If the gentleman really had a preference for men, then the one who came here should not be me, but Linny or Femini."


"Sir, he may simply not be interested in that aspect."

Linnet explained

"The gentleman seems to have the ability to predict the future. He has already seen through everything in this world. So the affairs between men and women that we see may not be as real as reading books."

"how so……"

Katarina pouted.

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Mo came over and happened to hear a group of people discussing news about him. He came to the group of people and rubbed Linnet's head with a smile.

"Don't say anything nonsense, my sexual orientation is normal, and my standards for choosing a partner are not that high, it's just……"

""Just what?"

Now, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Mo.

As the newest and most mysterious executive, everything about Lin Mo was mysterious in their eyes.

"It's just that I personally prefer the kind of love that has a sense of ritual."

Lin Mo spread his hands

"From meeting, getting to know each other, understanding each other, falling in love, these are all very important things. It is impossible to give everything just because of love at first sight. That would be too reckless."

"If you start a relationship without even being there for each other, don't you think it's too fast?"

After hearing Lin Mo's explanation, some people nodded in agreement.

Different people have different tastes. It's impossible for everyone to agree with Lin Mo's view of love, but at least some people think that this makes sense.

"The executive's view on love is very traditional.……"Katarina complained,"I don’t think there’s anything wrong with falling in love at first sight, and you can never be wrong if you trust your first impression!"

"It depends on you." Lin Mo shrugged indifferently,"Everything has its own romance. Whether it is love that grows over time or love at first sight, as long as the process and the result are good, I think it is all romantic."

"That makes sense!"

Everyone nodded.

"Well, it's getting late, let's arrange for someone to keep watch, and then we can all go to bed."

Lin Mo smiled.

"Today's bonfire party is not too lively. When we get to Liyue, we will go to the Northland Bank to get some money and treat everyone to a good meal."


The fools cheered



"Ying, why are you so depressed? Did something happen?"

Ying was expressionless as they walked on the road to Liyue Harbor, while Paimon followed behind her, looking at her with some concern.

"A little bit……"Ying sighed,"To be honest, since I knew I didn't need to rush to find my brother, I'm a little confused now."


"Yes, I am confused."Ying shook her head,"I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do. If Kong hadn't told me that he would meet me at the end of the journey, I would have wanted to stop and buy a house in Mondstadt to live and enjoy life."

"That means you have no motivation!" Paimeng complained loudly,"Ying, you are such a fool. You made me worry for nothing."

"There's nothing I can do." Ying spread her hands,"My brother is like a riddle man, he doesn't say anything, he doesn't tell me anything, what can I do?"

"That……"Paimon thought for a while and said,"Then let's go ask Lin Mo, isn't he omniscient and omnipotent?"

"Even if I ask him, he won't tell me. Paimeng, when I met my brother, Lin Mo Ke was standing next to me, but he didn't tell me. That means that it's either not time for him to tell me, or I need to find it myself during the journey."

Ying felt helpless.

"I have an idea." Paimon thought thoughtfully,"Didn't you tell me before that your brother was taking action to restore the country?"


"Since it is for the purpose of restoring the country, it must be because something has gone wrong in the country that it needs to be restored, right?"

"Then can we ask the singing boy or the God of Rock in Liyue if there is such a country that may have collapsed or something else happened and needs to be restored, and then use this as a starting point to start an investigation?"

Ying was startled, and then looked at Paimeng seriously.

"You are not Paimon, who are you, and why are you pretending to be Paimon?"

Paimon was stunned.


"Paimeng wouldn't think that way." Ying said nonsense seriously,"You must have been possessed by someone, Paimeng, I will rescue you right now!"


Paimon understood what Ying meant, and Void stamped his feet in anger.

"I can think, too. Although I don't think much, I'm not a fool!"

Ying laughed, sweeping away the previous decadence, and suddenly felt full of energy.

"By the way, Paimon, how much do you know about the God of Rock?"


Hearing Ying finally ask a question that a traveler would ask, Paimon immediately felt excited.

"Ying, you’ve asked the right person!"

"The Rock God of Liyue is named Morax. People in Liyue are more accustomed to calling him Rock King. Remember, we cannot call him by his name, otherwise we will be regarded as impolite outsiders by the people of Liyue."

"Among the seven elements, the God of Rock is naturally the god in charge of the rock element. He is also known as the God of War and the God of Contract. While he has powerful military force, he also attaches great importance to contracts."

"Therefore, the people of Liyue have a catchphrase, which is"The contract has been made, and those who violate it will be punished by eating rocks.""

"The Rock King and the singing man are both the oldest gods. The Rock King should know something that the singing man doesn't know... Although I think the singing man is hiding something."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Paimon quickly added

"Oh, yes, Liyue’s food is also amazing, it’s the best in the whole of Teyvat! It’s said that Liyue’s food includes all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and as travelers, we must definitely taste them!"

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