"Did he really rescue all the people?"

In the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang and Ye Lan looked at the urgent secret letter sent from the Layered Abyss. They looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

You know, the Layered Abyss is one of the most important points in Liyue. The seal outside is made by the immortals. And the man named Stellius actually rescued the Fatui and the Thousand Rock Army under the Layered Abyss without touching the immortal seal.

"I told you, this executive officer is just as Captain Qin said, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Ningguang covered her forehead helplessly, while Ye Lan spread her hands.

"I've told you everything. He knows all my information and what I'm here for. He doesn't even mind me watching him take action. Now, do you still doubt his power?"

"I don't doubt it anymore... I'm not stupid enough to doubt it to this extent."

After saying this, a feeling of powerlessness emerged from Ningguang's heart.

Is there really someone who can be omniscient and omnipotent... The Emperor couldn't do it, but that man did it.

And if such a person wanted to attack Liyue... Apart from the Emperor, is there anyone who can fight him?

Ningguang knew the answer herself, probably no one

"Then, what are you going to do?"

Ye Lan leaned against the wall, looking at Ning Guang's headache. For some reason, she felt like laughing.

"What else can we do?" Ningguang shook her head. The wealthy Tianquan Star couldn't find a suitable method."We can only make friends with them. If we slack off against an existence of this level, I'm afraid Liyue will suffer a heavy blow."

"In fact, there is no need to be so afraid of him."Ye Lan interrupted,"From the attitude he revealed, his attitude towards Liyue is very friendly. As long as there are no brainless people who do stupid things like targeting him, there shouldn't be any big problems."

"……I think, probably not."



Ningguang's fingers tapped lightly on the table, making rhythmic sounds.

Then, she sighed softly.

"Tell the other seven stars and sister Ganyu about this decision. After the returning Fatui arrive at Liyue Harbor, I will hold a banquet to welcome them. I hope this will increase Liyue's favorability in his eyes."

"By the way, Ye Lan, do you think Stellius would mind you staying by his side?"

"Hey, hey, hey, Ningguang, are you trying to sell me out?"

Ye Lan was slightly startled, then started to complain.

"This is really not fun. Even if I don't mind, he doesn't look like he would be short of women. Do you really think he can accept a woman with ulterior motives following him?"

"Maybe." Ningguang looked at Ye Lan with interest,"You also said that you don't mind"

"That's just an analogy, you guy……"

Ye Lan shook her head

"Since you want me to do something, you have to give me some benefits. I always feel nervous staying next to that executive all day.

Ningguang looked at her.

She understood that it was now Ye Lan's turn to ask for benefits.

"what do you want?"

"Remember that teahouse on the rock? It was the place where I borrowed a large sum of money from the Northland Bank and tried to escape by drowning, but was liquidated by the executive officer [Young Master]."

Ye Lan pulled up her hair by her ears and played with it.

"I think it's a good place. How about giving it to me and letting me run a casino there?"

Ningguang looked at her.

"You said in front of me that you wanted to use this place as a casino... Isn't that a bad idea?"

Hearing this, Ye Lan sneered.


Come on , I don't think you would mind this. Besides, it would be great if a place that owes debts could be used as an intelligence organization.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, but... you have to arrange the rest yourself."

"That's natural."

Ye Lan disappeared.

"I'll leave first. I'll come back to you when I have news."



Wangshu Inn.

After two days of walking, the Fatui of the Stoney Chasm, including Lin Mo and Linnet, arrived at Wangshu Inn.

"Finally we found an inn... Although there may not be enough room for so many of us, at least we can have some hot food."

One of the Fatui couldn't help but complain. He had done nothing but travel these past two days, and he was almost dying of suffocation. It would be better for him to find a monster to fight.

"Okay, stop wasting time. It's already noon. Ask the store owner if they can make some big pot rice for us brothers."

Lin Mo scolded with a smile, and then asked the brothers to find a cool place to rest, and he went to talk to the owner of Wangshu Inn. The

Immortal Invitation Ceremony was approaching, and many people came to Liyue and wanted to participate in this event. Among the few inns outside Liyue Port, Wangshu Inn was the most prioritized.

Filgodette was calculating today's income when she saw a young handsome guy walk up to her.

"Hello, guest, do you need a meal or a hotel?"

"Hmm... I want to ask a question, can Wangshu Inn cook big pot meals?"

Lin Mo pondered for a while and asked.

Phil Godette was stunned for a moment.

"Big pot meal? Yes, it can be done, but you may have to wait for a while."

"Time is not a problem."Lin Mo shook his head,"My brothers outside haven't had good food for a while, I want to replenish them before returning to Liyue Port."

As he said that, Lin Mo gestured to the outside.

"Outside are the Fatui who are helping Liyue defend the Layered Abyss. Now that the Layered Abyss has been cleared by me, Tianquanxing should have informed you of this, right?"

Wangshu Inn is Ningguang's property and also one of her intelligence agencies.

Filgodette was stunned again, and suddenly realized

"You are Mr. Stellius, the executive officer of the Fatui. I understand. I will arrange for someone to do it right away."

"Thank you."Lin Mo nodded,"As for Mora, you can issue a receipt and send the bill to the Northland Bank."

Phil Godette shook her head.

"No, no need for Mora. Lady Ningguang has said that you and the Fatui are heroes of Liyue, so we cannot accept your Mora. Just think of it as her inviting you."

Lin Mo chuckled and nodded.

Ningguang didn't lack Mora, and this little gesture made him feel better about her. Should we say she is worthy of being a businessman?

"In that case, thank you for your help."

"You are very polite." Philgodette bowed slightly to him,"It is my duty."

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