Another two days passed, and Lin Mo and his group finally arrived outside Liyue Harbor after returning from the Layered Rock Abyss.

"We are here."

Lin Mo stopped and looked at Linnet beside him. The girl understood and stepped forward to talk to the Qianyan Army stationed outside Liyue Harbor.

At this moment, outside the gate of Liyue Harbor, Ye Lan, who was not disguised at all, also saw Lin Mo. She waved her hand at Lin Mo and signaled

"Mr. Stellius, how was your trip?"

"Not bad, at least they were all rescued." Lin Mo raised his eyebrows,"But, Miss Ye Lan, you just come to me without even pretending?"

"In front of you, what difference does it make whether I act or not?" Ye Lan smiled bitterly and asked,"You will definitely know about it anyway, so why not just be honest, maybe it will have some effect?"

"You are right." Lin Mo nodded slightly,"Although the result is the same, I do prefer this straightforward feeling. It's just a pity that even if you stay by my side, I will not show you more for the time being."

Ye Lan nodded in understanding.

After all, Lin Mo is still an executive of the Fatui. This is Liyue. Even if he doesn't care, he won't deliberately show his strength.

"Miss Ye Lan, I would like to ask, where is the accommodation I booked with you before?"

"As for the accommodation, it has already been arranged." Ye Lan looked at Lin Mo,"If you need, I can take you there now."

"There is no need for this now, I still want to walk around Liyue Harbor." Lin Mo shook his head,"But... the Immortal Summoning Ceremony is approaching, are there enough accommodations in Liyue Harbor to accommodate the soldiers behind me?"


Ye Lan was a little embarrassed.

During the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, a large number of foreign tourists would come to Liyue to live for a period of time. During this period, the flow of people was already large, and many tourists would not be able to find a place to live. Add to that so many Fatui soldiers.……

"……I'm sorry, Mr. Stellius, this is a bit difficult to handle." Ye Lan pursed her lips and explained,"It's difficult to accommodate so many soldiers during this period... I'm really sorry, if you need anything, I can ask Ningguang"

"It's okay, I just asked casually."Lin Mo shook his head,"I have my own way."

It's just a temporary residence outside Liyue Harbor, which is just a small matter for him

"In that case... I would like to discuss with Ms. Ningguang whether she can temporarily rent me a piece of land outside Liyue Harbor so that I can build a house for soldiers to live in."

Ye Lan was stunned.

His power can also do such a thing? Oh no, since he is omniscient and omnipotent, it is natural for him to be able to do such a thing.

"I understand. Ningguang probably won't refuse."

"There is nothing else to do for now." Lin Mo nodded,"I'll trouble you to make temporary arrangements for the hundred soldiers behind me. I'll go find Ningguang and will be back soon."

"OK, I understand."

After reaching a consensus, Lin Mo turned around and was about to go to the Qun Yu Pavilion when he suddenly stopped and asked Ye Lan

"Go up to the Qun Yu Pavilion. Should I fly up directly or use your password to go up?"

Ye Lan:……

"You should just fly up." She couldn't help but cover her forehead."She probably won't care about this."

"walk slowly"



On the Jade Pavilion

"Rent a piece of land to build a house that will last for about three months?"

Ningguang was stunned for a while.

"But Mr. Stellius, let alone building a house takes time, and this land... is not under my control."

Lin Mo blinked.

"I know that the seven stars have their own responsibilities, and the management of land should be managed by Yuheng Star, but I still need you to help me convey it.……"

At this point, Lin Mo couldn't help but spread his hands.

"I have never met that Yuheng Star, and as you know, the Fatui have always had a bad reputation, so that Yuheng Star might have some concerns."

Ningguang nodded thoughtfully.

What Lin Mo said did make sense. In order to prevent some unnecessary misunderstandings, someone was needed to explain and mediate.

And Ningguang was naturally the best candidate.

"……I understand, Mr. Stellius. I will have someone tell Yuhengxing today. I will give you a reply tomorrow at the latest. And tonight... I will pay for those Fatui soldiers guarding the Layered Abyss to have a good rest in the hotel."

"That's great."

The progress was smooth and no one had any objections, so Lin Mo naturally agreed. Just as he was about to leave, he paused.

"By the way, Ms. Ningguang, I think I should go through the front door next time, what do you think?"

Ningguang looked at Lin Mo.

Well, she was processing documents today, but Lin Mo suddenly knocked on her door, which scared her.

In order to prevent this from happening again, someone needs to inform her, so Lin Mo thinks that next time she should just give the password and let someone receive her.

"Since you said so, Ningguang naturally has no objection.

She nodded in agreement and told Lin Mo the password.

This way, at least she wouldn't be frightened like today.

"Now that the matter has been resolved, I will leave first."

Lin Mo nodded slightly, turned around and walked to the door, opened it, and before leaving, he specifically reminded

"As a personal suggestion, Ms. Ningguang, the Jade Pavilion can be equipped with some defensive weapons.

Ningguang paused for a moment.

Defensive weapons... like what?


Lin Mo left without saying anything more, leaving Ningguang alone in the Jade Pavilion to ponder the meaning of these words.



After leaving the Jade Pavilion, Lin Mo returned to the ground and found Linnet and Ye Lan, telling them to let the brothers follow Ye Lan to the hotel, and then they could move freely as long as they didn't cause any trouble.

He himself walked alone on the streets of Liyue, heading towards somewhere.

"Hall of the Dead……"

Arriving at the gate, Lin Mo raised his head and looked at the three big characters above, as if thinking.

Suddenly, he felt someone patting his shoulder.

"This gentleman looks a little strange.

The clever girl looked at him curiously.

"I wonder what this friend has come to our Wangsheng Hall for? If you want to customize the service, I can give you a discount because you are so kind."

Hu Tao is the name of the girl in front of me.

"No need for service, you must be the 77th generation head of the Wangsheng Hall, Miss Hutao."

Lin Mo chuckled.

"I am here to look for Zhongli Keqing from the Wangsheng Hall. I wonder if he is here?"

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