"Are you here to see Zhongli?"

Hu Tao blinked and looked at Lin Mo carefully. He was young and handsome, and he didn't look like the reincarnation of Lao Deng. Then she frowned.

"I don't think you look like an old guy. You look so young and handsome. Why are you here to look for Zhongli?"

"Miss Hu Tao, what do you mean?"

Although Lin Mo roughly understood what Hu Tao meant, he still pretended not to know and asked, while controlling the emotions on his face.


You see, Zhongli doesn't do his job on weekdays. Except for helping to teach new employees when he is needed, he rarely works.

"On weekdays, this guy's favorite thing to do is to carry a bird cage and wander around Liyue Harbor. He always sends bills to our Wangsheng Hall. Although Wangsheng Hall is a big family, it is not good for him to do this, right?"

This makes sense.

Lin Mo nodded in agreement, and then asked Hu Tao

"So, is Mr. Zhongli in the Hall of Rebirth now?"

"Yes, yes, if you want to find him, just walk through the lobby and he's sitting in the backyard drinking tea."

Hu Tao waved his hand.

"I have things to do. If you want to borrow Zhongli as a guest for a while, please remember to ask him to leave a message for me."

"It won't take too much time, don't worry, Master Hu Tao."

Lin Mo smiled and shook his head, then walked into the Wangsheng Hall.

Hu Tao looked at his back and pouted.

"I don't know what Zhongli Keqing has been doing during this period. Why do so many weird people come to see him?……"

She shook her head and left the entrance of the Hall of Rebirth, probably to go somewhere else to sell.

Walking into the Hall of Rebirth, Lin Mo did not feel the coldness that the people of Liyue often said, but instead thought the decorations here were pretty. Walking through the lobby and into the backyard, he saw Zhongli sitting alone at the stone table in the yard. There were two teacups and a teapot on the table, one of which was filled with hot tea.

"Mr. Zhongli, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you feeling recently?"

Lin Mo sat on the stone bench next to Zhongli and asked as if he was talking to a familiar friend.

"There is no change. On weekdays, I just listen to storytelling, taste good tea, walk around Liyue Harbor, and feel the vitality from people."

Zhongli glanced at Lin Mo, then turned his head

"But sir, Mr. Stellius, why did you suddenly come to see me, is there anything important?"

"Mr. Zhongli, you are too polite."Lin Mo looked at him with a different expression,"Well... I am curious about what Mr. Zhongli's expression was when he saw me clearing the pollution in the Layered Rock Abyss."


Zhongli silently put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Lin Mo with a little surprise.

"You don’t plan to talk to me any more, so just get straight to the point... Is that really okay?"

"What's wrong with that?"Lin Mo spread his hands,"You have seen my power, and I know your true identity. Can't we just chat normally? Why do you have to hide your identity?"

Zhongli's words were choked in his throat, and he looked at Lin Mo helplessly.

"Mr. Stellius is really... casual."

"Life is so tiring, why not make your life more generous?"Lin Mo asked back:"You have guarded Liyue for a thousand years, don't you know how you feel?"

Zhongli was silent for a while.

At the ceremony of inviting the immortals last year, Keqing asked, the emperor has guarded Liyue for a thousand years, will it be the same for the next thousand years?

This question caused him to think, and when he was wandering in the mortal world, he heard a boss say to his employees: Your work is done, go and have a rest.

So he began to ask himself, has his task been completed, can he rest?

"I also know about the deal between you and Rosaline. That guy Tartaglia has no brains and doesn't know anything when he is being used."

Lin Mo shook his head

"I will not interfere with your plan. I am only interested in the changes in Liyue. By the way, the traveler who arrived in Teyvat from outside the star sea and is now coming to Liyue from Mondstadt may be able to help you."

"You mean, the Honorary Knight of Mondstadt?"

""Hmm." Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly,"With my help, she has mastered a powerful force. You have to pay attention."

"By the way, after Osel is released, I want to do something, don't stop me"

"……What are you going to do?"

Zhongli frowned. He always felt that Lin Mo was going to do something dangerous.

"I will let Osel break free and strengthen its power." Lin Mo said,"After that, let the traveler make a new breakthrough, and then let her defeat Osel and seal it back again."

"……If you can protect Liyue from threats during this period, I can help you."

Zhongli hinted.

The fully formed demon god and the temporarily sealed demon god are not the same thing, and the threat is completely incomparable.

""Yes." Lin Mo agreed,"I can protect the entire Liyue from any harm. No one will be hurt except Osel."

"That's no problem."

Just like that, Osel, who was still sealed, had no idea that two people had already set their sights on him.

The plan for Osel came to an end for the time being, and after a brief silence, Zhongli asked Lin Mo:

"Do you think Liyue has really grown up?"

"Is it not nice of you to ask me this?" Lin Mo asked back,"I am the executive officer of the Fatui."

"You are right���There is no malice in your words, and your answer is objective enough. It is worth considering."

Zhongli said calmly.

""Okay, okay, let me think about it." Lin Mo thought for a while and slowly spoke.

"If you mean national strength, Liyue is indeed one of the top seven nations, but if you mean whether it can fight against other nations as a godless nation... I think it's uncertain."


"Because in the final analysis, the seven kingdoms of Teyvat are the kingdoms of gods."Lin Mo answered,"Except for five hundred years ago, every country now has at least a demon god level as a fighting force... Xumi doesn't count"

"You can retreat behind the scenes if you want, but you can't die, and you can't just ignore it, because you are the highest fighting force in the entire Liyue. Yakshas can be without, immortals can be without, but you, Morax, you can't be without."

"……I understand."

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