After building a place for the Fatui to rest during this period, Lin Mo and Keqing drafted a contract on the spot and signed their names.

As the executive officer of the Fatui, Lin Mo signed the lease of this place for one million Mora per month, and the time limit was one month after the invitation ceremony.

In fact, Keqing and Ningguang didn't want this rent, but if they didn't collect it, they might be criticized by the people of Liyue, so they collected a little symbolically.

As for Lin Mo himself, he handed the task of managing the Fool's House to Katarina, who looked more pleasing and more capable. He lived in the residence arranged for him by Qixing in Liyue Harbor, and was an idle person. He was very idle. He could go to Liyue Harbor to fish in the morning when he got up, go to Wanmin Hall or Liuli Pavilion at noon depending on his mood, or go to Xinyue Pavilion for lunch. In the afternoon, he would listen to books or listen to Mr. Yun's opera with Zhongli.

This is life.

Half a month passed in a flash.

"Sir, are you worried about something?"

That day, Linnet came to Lin Mo's residence and looked at him with some surprise.

Lin Mo, who was omnipotent in her mind, actually had a... worried expression on his face?

It was really strange. What could make Lin Mo feel worried?

"Yeah." Lin Mo looked back at Linnett,"I was wondering who else can become the user of the holy sword, especially the sound gun sword Xiyin and the thunder sword Huanglei."

"Sound gun sword tin sound, thunder sword yellow thunder……"

Linnet had heard about these two holy swords from Lin Mo. The Sound Spear Sword, Xiyin, could be switched between pistol and one-handed sword modes, while the Thunder Sword, Huanglei, as its name suggests, could give the user powerful lightning power.

"The Thunder Sword Huang Lei is okay, but the Sound Gun Sword Xi Yin……"Lin Mo covered his forehead helplessly,"On Teyvat, as far as I know, there is only one person who uses these two weapons at the same time, but... I need to consider it more."

"Besides that, I am still struggling with the other two holy swords, the twin wind swords, Cuifeng and the nameless sword, Xuwu... To be honest, it is a bit difficult to choose."

Linnet blinked.

"Then...what about Shiguo Sword Realm?"

"Shi Guojian... I plan to give it to Alechino, at least that's what I planned at the beginning."

Lin Mo spread his hands

"But, Linnet, you know, Alechino and you use the same martial arts, but you use a one-handed sword, and she uses a spear. The reason for this is a bit like exposing someone's shortcomings, so I can't explain it, so I temporarily gave up this idea."

Linnet nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that this is indeed a bit difficult. There are still so many holy swords that have not found suitable users.……"


Lin Mo sighed softly.

"Forget it, let’s talk about it later. Linnet, when are you planning to go to Fontaine?"

"I came to you for this very matter.

Linnet bowed her head slightly.

"I have packed it, so I came to ask you for your advice."

"You are leaving now." Lin Mo tilted his head,"Okay, I understand, but before you leave, I have one more thing to tell you. Come to me."


Although Linnet was confused, she believed that Lin Mo would not harm her, so she walked up to Lin Mo.

"Close your eyes."

According to Lin Mo's instructions, Linnet closed her eyes.

Two warm fingers pressed against her forehead, and a gentle force flowed into her body from her forehead.

"Okay, open your eyes." Lin Mo said softly,"This way, I won't be afraid of any accidents happening to you."


Linette opened her eyes and looked at Lin Mo in confusion.

"Sir, you mean...I will have an accident?"

"Well... you can understand it this way. I just took some protective measures on you to prevent this from happening."

Lin Mo rubbed the girl's head, messing up her well-groomed hair.

"Do you know about the missing girl case? Go investigate it. It may be helpful to you."

"Missing Girl Case……"Linnet secretly kept Lin Mo's instructions in mind,"I understand."

"Then go ahead"

""Yes, sir."

Linnet bowed to Lin Mo again and left the villa.

Every Fontaine has carried [Original Sin] since birth.

Linnet, Linny, Femini, as Fatui, although they are members of the Hearth House, they still carry that [Original Sin] in their blood.

The action just now was Lin Mo erasing Linnet's [Original Sin].

In this way, even if Vashey would target Linnet for some reason, she would not dissolve like this.



Xumi, Daocheng Forest.

The little girl with green hair, holding her longbow in her hand, was patrolling here vigilantly.

Her name was Kelai, and she was a forest ranger.

As a trainee trainee, she was supposed to patrol the forest with Tinari as his assistant, but for some reason, Tinari had to leave temporarily for a while.

So, even though Tinari strictly forbade her to travel alone, she was still a little worried about this area and patrolled alone. While patrolling along the way, Kelai suddenly felt... a little uncomfortable.

She immediately determined the cause of the discomfort, and returned to the forest ranger's residence as quickly as possible, returned to her room, and then couldn't bear it anymore, so she collapsed on the bed.

A feeling of weakness came over her, pain and itching all over her body, plus a feeling of suffocation.���

——The Demonic Scale Disease had broken out.

She trembled as she looked at her arm. Something like black scales was wrapped around her hand.

This disease was called the Demonic Scale Disease because of the symptoms.

The Demonic Scale Disease was incurable.

Enduring this pain, Kelai lay on the bed, silently enduring it.

She closed her eyes and endured the pain... Then, the pain suddenly eased.


Kelai opened his eyes in disbelief and looked at his arm - the demon lin was still there, but it was no longer painful.

"Are you feeling better?"

A gentle male voice came from beside her. The girl turned her head quickly and saw a man with an erratic figure, smiling at her.

Cole thought he had seen a ghost.

"You, you are……"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lin Mo, you can also call me Stellius. My current identity is the Fatui executive. What you see now is just a thought of mine."

Lin Mo said to the girl in front of him.

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