"The Fatui executive!"

When Cole heard Lin Mo claim to be the Fatui executive, he immediately became alert. He rolled over after fully recovering from his injuries, picked up his longbow, put an arrow on it, and pointed it at Lin Mo.

Facing such an alert Cole, Lin Mo seemed a little helpless.

"Well, poor little girl, I know why you are so wary of me, but you don't have to be like this. I suppressed the pain caused by the demon lin disease. Isn't it not good to treat your benefactor like this?"

Ke Lai stared at Lin Mo without frowning.

"The Fatui executive officer... None of the Fatui people are good people, especially the executive officer!"


Lin Mo was speechless and silent, then sat on Ke Lai's bed and raised his hands to show his sincerity.

"I know your past, Ms. Cole. In the name of curing an illness, you were taken by that guy Dotole for human experiments and injected with demon residues... I don't like that guy. He has no respect for life. And you have to know that the Fatui executives don't get along with each other."

"In order to avoid any misunderstanding between you and me, I will be frank, Miss Cole, I came to you for two things, the first is to suppress the demonic lin disease in you, the second is to negotiate a condition with you."

"Negotiate terms?"

Ke Lai looked at Lin Mo's sincerity and looked at her arm. The symptoms of the demon lin disease were still there, but she did not feel any discomfort.

In addition, Lin Mo did not do any experiments on her like the guy named Dotore, so she slightly let down her guard against Lin Mo.

"What terms do you want to negotiate with me?"

"It's a very simple thing." Lin Mo looked at Cole,"I will give you strength and help you become stronger, and when you become strong enough, go and get rid of Dotore."

Hearing this, Cole's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me?" She stared at Lin Mo,"I hate Dotole, but I know that I can't beat him, and going after him will only lead to death."

Ke Lai's education level... is not high, but she has experienced so many things and knows how to judge the time. She also knows that she is alive now with the help of many people, so she cherishes her life very much.

No matter how much she hates Dotole, she will not go to seek revenge on him, because if she does that, her life that was saved by everyone will disappear.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of disappointing everyone's expectations and efforts.

"So I said, I will give you strength, help you become stronger, and then you go and get rid of Dotore."

Lin Mo rubbed his temples in some distress.

"Well... he is very strong, but not the strongest. There are many people in Teyvat who can kill him. I chose you, on the one hand because you have a grudge against him, and on the other hand, because you really need my help."

"It is true that the Demonic Scale Disease is incurable, but my power can help you suppress it. If things go right in the future, you can also eradicate the Demonic Scale Disease."


Ke Lai couldn't believe his ears. Eradicating the Demonic Scale Disease, could such a thing really be done?

"Surprised?" Lin Mo chuckled."Due to some things, I can't tell you more, but you have to know that eradicating the Demonic Scale Disease is not impossible."

"You don't have to be so entangled, Miss Cole, we have plenty of time, you can discuss with your master whether to accept this matter, and ask yourself, do you want to kill Dotole completely."

Cole was silent. Did she want to kill Dotole? Of course she did. She should have had a childhood that was not perfect but at least acceptable, but she suffered too much pain because of Dotole's lie that he could cure the demon unicorn disease.

If she asked herself, it would be difficult for her to refuse this suggestion.

Seeing Cole fell silent, Lin Mo also knew that today's topic should end here.

"Take this."

He placed the message book on Cole's desk.

"Ask Tinari, ask Falusan, and ask your good friends, I believe they will give you the right answer."

"You don't have to worry. Even if you reject this offer, I will help you suppress the pain of the demon lin disease, so don't worry about it."

"I should leave now, Miss Cole. If you have made up your mind, please contact me with this book. See you later."

In front of Cole, Lin Mo turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Cole looked at the book on the table, which was only the size of her palm, a pure white book that looked like a toy, and pursed her lips.

"……How should I choose……"



"It's a pity that I didn't agree to it directly."

Lin Mo sat up from the bed and shook his head with some regret.

Although he didn't think that such a first meeting would make Kelai agree directly.

Suffering from the magic lin disease and suffering from the pain, Kelai has been a strong child since childhood, otherwise he would not have lived to this day and met so many good people.

For example, Senor, Tinari, and Amber who changed her

"Dotore... you really deserve to die."

When it comes to this colleague, Lin Mo can hardly find a single sympathetic point in him.

He doesn't respect life, doesn't respect the dead, doesn't treat people as human beings, and if his survival is not necessary now, Lin Mo would not allow him to cooperate with the Church Order and tinker with his god-making plan.

Oh no, the god-making plan was conceived by the Church Order, and Dotore is just plundering the Church Order's cash flow.

"Sound Gun Sword Tin Sound... You are really hard to find a user."

Lin Mo was distressed again.

What should I do? What should I do?

Forget it, don't think too much, it's time to go with Zhongli to listen to Mr. Yun's opera.

Putting his worries behind him, Lin Mo opened the door with a relaxed mood, took a happy step, and prepared to drink tea and walk the birds.

Hey, don't say, �� is really leisurely and comfortable.

Well, the bill is sent to Northland Bank



"Ying, we are about to reach Liyue Harbor.

Paimeng laughed, unable to hide his inner joy.

"Well, we can go to the inn and find a place to take a bath and have a good rest soon."

Ying nodded in agreement. She felt like she was back to the beginning of her journey after living in the open air for a while.

""Huh? Is that a hotel in front?"

Paimon saw a building not far away, widened his eyes, and looked carefully at the plaque on the door.

"That's called... the Fool's House? What a strange name, is it an inn run by the Fatui?"

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