"……"Executor of the Fatui, what do you want to do?"

Yae Shenzi frowned slightly and glanced at Lin Mo standing beside her, trying to figure out something from his words and actions.

"……I want General Lei Dian, the one who hides in the Pure Land, to take a good look at Inazuma now, to let her see the corruption of Tenryo Bugyo and Kanjo Bugyo, and... the miserable life of the people in Inazuma."

Lin Mo said calmly, what he said was the truth, and Yae Shenzi had no reason to refute.

"What do you want to do? If you want me to help you confront that idiot head-on, I can't do it, okay?"

Yae Shenzi spoke.

Although she is a follower of the Thunder God, she also knows that if it really involves the eternity set by General Lei Dian, as long as Lei Dianying does not interfere, Wuxiang's knife will definitely fall on her.

Don't doubt whether this matter is true or false, because Lei Dianying, that stupid guy who doesn't even leave a back door for himself, will not leave a back door for others.

Yae Shenzi has no way to reason with the general, a puppet, and Lei Dianying hides in the Pure Land of One Heart and doesn't see her. Although she is powerful, she does not have the special permission of the Thunder God. If she really starts a rebellion and wants to change Inazuma, Lei Dianying will definitely come out, but she must first take the Wuxiang knife of General Lei Dian.

"Why do you have to take that blow?"

Lin Mo asked back

"Because of the lover of the demon god, there are now seven countries in Teyvat. The reason why Lei Yingdian issued the national closure order and the eye hunting order was, on the one hand, under the promotion of the insidious villain, and on the other hand, because she herself believed that the wish would affect the eternity of Inazuma."

"If that’s the case, then isn’t the solution to break the impasse very simple?"

"You want to enter the Pure Land of One Heart and let her watch the wishes of the Inazuma people?"

Yae Shinko frowned.

"But that guy is so stubborn that even I don’t want to meet him, you know?"

"So I said, you don't need to do anything."

Lin Mo sighed.

"The eternity of Lei's movie cannot accommodate any variables, so we only need to introduce a tiny variable into her eternity, but it is enough for her to face it."

""A tiny variable?" Yae Shinko was slightly startled."You mean, can you find the variable in this?""

"Of course I can."Lin Mo chuckled,"Yajyou Shenzi, I need a little help from you. Without you, as an outsider, it would be difficult for me to convince Lei Movie"

"But you are different. As long as you show up at the last minute, as Lei Yingying's only remaining friend, your choice is crucial."

Yae Shenzi understood

"You want me to be a surprise attack and break down her inner defenses?"


"You are really good at calculating." Yae Shinko shook her head gently,"Okay, okay, for Inazuma, for my friend, I will help you... provided you don't harm Inazuma."

"Of course, then……"

Lin Mo smiled at him

"Happy cooperation"



Next to the shadow mountain, Kamisato House.

As the residence of the shrine magistrate Kamisato family, the Kamisato family is devoted to Inazuma. As the magistrate in charge of the festival, the shrine magistrate is also the magistrate closest to the people.

It is precisely because they are close to the people that the Kamisato family has not been in cahoots with the other two magistrates and has been struggling for people's livelihood.

And because of this, the Kamisato family has been suppressed by the other two magistrates.

Among the three magistrates, they belong to the pro-people faction and struggle to survive under the suppression of the two magistrates.

There are two people in the contemporary Kamisato family.

The elder brother Kamisato Ayato, as the shrine magistrate, leads the shrine magistrate to survive under the oppression of the two magistrates, while the younger sister Kamisato Ayaka, as the shrine magistrate Princess Shiratana, is in charge of related matters.

As Princess Shiratana who cares about the people, Kamisato Ayaka can feel that the ordinary people of Inazuma are suffering, but she can't do anything.

She couldn't sleep at all with her complicated mind. Under such circumstances, she came to the back of Kamisato House alone.

This place is close to the cliff, and the night is very beautiful, but there are flashes of lightning on the sea in the distance, which makes it not so beautiful.

Unexpectedly, she saw a man here.

This made Kamisato Ayaka feel a little strange.

Kamisato House is the residence awarded to the Kamisato family by the general. Apart from the Kamisato family and their subordinates, who else would come here?

Kamisato Ayaka touched her waist to make sure that she brought her sword with her when she went out today, and slowly walked to the man.

"Very beautiful. Lin Mo looked at the night scene,"You said, is this the eternity that the general is looking forward to?"

Shen Li Linghua was slightly startled.

She followed Lin Mo's gaze and saw the waves hitting the beach, which was indeed beautiful as a painting.

"……I don't know."

Shinri Ayaka thought for a long time, and shook her head with some regret. She couldn't find the answer.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so confused now.

"Then, Miss Kamisato Ayaka, what do you think is the difference between the eternity that the general expects and the eternity that you think of?"

Lin Mo looked at her.

The girl's white hair fluttered in the wind, and the moonlight sprinkled on the ground, which unexpectedly gave her a kind of fairy-like beauty.


Kamisato Ayaka opened her mouth

"What she believed in as eternity was that it would last for thousands of generations and would never change."Lin Mo looked back at the beach,"But, is this kind of eternity really eternity?"

"The lifespan of a demon god is extremely long, but human life is only a mere hundred years. How is it possible to remain unchanged?"

"For the people of Inazuma, the true eternity should be the change that brings constancy, and the constancy that brings change."

Shinri Ayaka thought about Lin Mo's words.

"You mean, General...she...is wrong?"

If anyone else heard this, they would be taken to the execution ground the next day.

"Right and wrong cannot answer all the problems in this world. She came to this conclusion, which is closely related to her situation."

Lin Mo sighed.

Besides, how can a stubborn country girl admit her mistakes before she really recognizes the reality?

"Miss Kamisato Ayaka, nice to meet you.

He turned around, the moonlight shining on his face, revealing his delicate features.

"I am Stellius, the 0th Chief Executive of the Fatui, and I have the honor of meeting Princess Egret."

""Executive of the Fatui?"

Hearing this title, Kamisato Ayaka subconsciously grasped the sword at her waist and made a gesture of drawing the sword.

This title is not a good reputation.

But... she seemed to realize something, let go of the sword, and bowed slightly to Lin Mo.

"It was Linghua who was rude, Mr. Stellius... Is the conversation under the moon meant to resolve the doubts in Linghua's heart?"

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