"I don't deserve your advice. I just came to Kamisato House out of curiosity and wanted to meet Miss Kamisato Ayaka."

Lin Mo chuckled and turned his head to look at the full moon.

"I wonder, what does Ms. Kamisato think about the current situation in Inazuma?"


Kamisato Ayaka was slightly startled, then shook her head

"The Tenryo Bugyo and Kanjo Bugyo betrayed the Shogun's beliefs and murdered the people of Inazuma. The Shogun issued the Eye Hunting Order and the Seclusion Order... I don't understand what the Shogun meant."

"If the seven gods had their own standards in their hearts and gave the Eye of God to all living beings, then why did the general deprive the holder of the Eye of God of his wish?"

As the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family, she lived a life of ease and comfort. As the White Egret Princess, she was a white lotus in the eyes of the Inazuma people, who could be admired from afar but not played with.

But as Kamisato Ayaka, she also wanted to travel abroad and play freely at the celebration without having to follow so many etiquettes. She hoped to have a good time with her friends.���time.

She and her mother are the same

"It’s true that the Seven Gods have their own standards, but the distribution of the Eye of God actually has nothing to do with the Seven Gods."

Lin Mo sighed

"After all, gods are only extremely powerful beings, but they are still not powerful enough to ignore all the rules of the world."

Shinri Ayaka moved her ears. She seemed to know something she shouldn't know?

"Then...what do you think of Kaigi Island?"

Kaigi Island believes in the demon god Orobas. A long time ago, the demon god Orobas accidentally saw a forbidden book called [The Past Lives of the Sun and the Moon], and knew that his life was coming to an end, so he led Kaigi Island to launch an expedition to the east.

In the end, it died under Wuxiang's sword, but that war also took away Lei Dianying's friend, Sasayuri.

After that, Kaigi Island became the territory of the God of Thunder, but they were still allowed to believe in Orobas. As long as they didn't make trouble, General Raiden would protect them.

But the situation is very different now.

General Raiden issued a closed-door order, and most of Kaigi Island's income comes from cross-border transactions, including food.

The closed-door order is undoubtedly depriving Kaigi Island of its right to survive.

Due to historical factors and the new and old hatreds, Kaigi Island launched a rebellion against Ming Shen Island.

Well... that is to say, General Raiden doesn't care so much about this matter now, and Lei Dianying doesn't pay attention to this matter, otherwise it will be a problem whether Kaigi Island can catch that knife.

"……Kaigi Island should not launch a rebellion, but I also know that the national isolation order will indeed make the residents of Kaigi Island live in misery."

Kamiri Ayaka opened her mouth

"But... we also wanted to write to the general, but every time the documents were blocked by the other two envoys, and could not reach the general at all."

"Oh?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly,"What about speaking to the emperor in person? Have you tried it?"

Kamisato Ayaka shook her head silently.

It's not that she doesn't dare, but that she can't.

Two of the three magistrates are pretending to obey but secretly disobeying, and the community magistrates are the ones with the least power. If she really speaks to the emperor in person, she's afraid that the other two magistrates will say that what she says is true.

"The Kamisato family is no longer as powerful as before. If it weren't for her brother stepping forward, Inazuma would probably only have two great magistrates left a few years ago."

Kamisato Ayaka sighed.

"……Mr. Fatui, after hearing so much... can you tell me what is the purpose of your visit to me?"

Out of curiosity, Kamisato Ayaka would not believe this reason.

"I want to stop the war.

Lin Mo confessed

"Lend me your hand"

"……The Commissioner of Society does not have that much power, sir."

Kamisato Ayaka shook her head.

The Commissioner of Society cannot even protect himself now, how can he stop the war?

"No, you can have it."

Lin Mo smiled meaningfully.

"Just like now, aren't you already dealing with Haigi Island, Miss Kamisato Ayaka, and Mr. Kamisato Ayato who has been eavesdropping all the time?"

As he said this, Lin Mo turned around and looked at the shadows.


Kamisato Ayaka turned around and saw Kamisato Ayato walking out of the shadows.

"……Sir, the magistrate cannot take such a big risk. If the general finds out about the secret communication with Haiji Island, the Kamisato family will suffer a catastrophe."

Kamisato Ayato kept a smile on his face, but this smile, this voice, and this pair of pants always reminded Lin Mo of an old friend.

"But you have already had an affair."

Lin Mo spread his hands

"Isn't it your action to help Haigi Island receive those displaced by the war?"

Kamisato Ayato stopped talking.

It is Kamisato Aya's wish to help those refugees, and as an ultimate sister control, Kamisato Ayato will naturally help her realize this wish.

"Okay, okay, let's stop arguing, friends, let's get straight to the point."

Lin Mo took out a beautifully decorated box and handed it to Kamisato Ayaka.

"I have no ill intentions. I really want to end this war, let the God of Thunder face her people, and let her truly see your wishes. If you have the courage to fight against the devil, then use this power."

Shinri Ayaka was stunned for a moment, silent, and slowly took the box from Lin Mo's hand.

"……Sir, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Alas, it's really sad that no one believes me when I tell the truth."

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

"Let's stop talking today, Ms. Kamisato. Before we part, I have one more question for you."

"In your mind, what exactly is the true eternity that you think it is?"

"��What General Lei Dian believed was eternal and unchanging for thousands of generations, or……"

He did not finish his words, but turned his head and smiled at Kamisato Ayato, then turned into a point of light and disappeared in front of the two of them.


"Linghua……"Kamisato Ayato shook his head,"I can't see through this person, he is very dangerous"

"I know... but……"

Kamisato Ayaka raised her head and looked at the full moon

"Eternity... What exactly should it be like? The eternity that the general expects……"

Kamisato Ayato's face changed slightly

"Sister, you can't say that."

"……I know."

Shinri Ayaka pursed her lips

"but……"Kamisato Ayato paused for a moment,"If you have any questions about this, why not... ask someone else?"

"other people?"


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