Time flies by so fast

"The ceremony of inviting the immortals is about to begin."

Lin Mo sighed softly. He was now sitting on a stone chair in the backyard of the Wangsheng Hall, tasting precious tea with Zhongli.

"Mr. Zhongli, although I know this will happen and I know your intention, I still want to ask you... How do you feel about participating in the Immortal Summoning Ceremony and witnessing your own body falling from a high altitude?"


"I don't have any special feelings. To me, it's just like putting my right hand in front of me. It's very common."

Zhongli turned his head, stood up, and looked at Lin Mo.

"It's about to start. Do you still want to sit here and drink tea?"

"It's time to leave."

Lin Mo shook his head, stood up, and walked out of the Hall of Rebirth.

He wanted to witness the fall of Morax.

It was a pity that Zhongli didn't go to ask for the Immortal Ceremony, otherwise he might be able to help perform it.

Zhongli, tombstone, scissor hand.JPG

When Lin Mo arrived at Yujing Terrace, it was already crowded with people, and he found Ying and Paimon in the crowd.


As the host of this Immortal Invitation Ceremony, Ningguang had already come to the furnace of Yujing Terrace. Looking at the bustling crowd below, she nodded slightly.

"The auspicious time has arrived."

After saying that, she waved her hand and dispersed the guards around her. The rock elemental force began to flow, and under her control, the three crystals began to rotate in the air.


She gave a light cry, and the three crystal stones found their positions and were embedded in the oven.

As a tool for the Immortal Summoning Ceremony, the oven burst out a ray of light that penetrated the sky. This light broke through the clouds and attracted dark clouds above the sky.

Seeing this situation, not only Ningguang, but also many old Liyue people felt a little strange.

Every time the Immortal Summoning Ceremony broke through the clouds, the Emperor would appear from the clouds... But where did these dark clouds come from?

Under the gaze of everyone, a figure fell from the sky and hit the Yujing Platform heavily. It was Zhongli's dragon body.

Everyone widened their eyes.

Ningguang plucked up her courage and stepped forward to check the situation.

After confirming that the dragon body had no vital signs, she waved her hand and decisively ordered

"The Emperor was assassinated, block the entire venue!"

The audience was in uproar

"How is it possible?!"

Keqing, who had specially taken time out to watch the ceremony of inviting the immortals, came to the dragon body of the emperor in a flash and carefully examined the condition of the corpse.

After confirming that the emperor was indeed dead, she felt weak in her limbs and her whole body went limp. She almost fell to the ground.


The efficiency of the Qianyan Army is unquestionable. When Keqing went up to check the situation, they had already surrounded the area.

Among those surrounded were Lin Mo, Ying, and Paimeng.

Paimeng looked at the surrounding situation and was a little panicked.

"Traveler, we won't be surrounded as suspects, will we?……"

"What are you afraid of?"

Ying raised her eyebrows.

"You said that the Rock King is famous for his military power. If we have the ability to assassinate the Rock King, why would we look for a brother?"


She pondered and suddenly realized

"Oh yes!"

"Are you stupid?" Ying sighed softly,"If we accept the inspection at this time, it will only delay time. If we run away, even if we didn't do it, it will be regarded as us."

Assassinating the God of Rock is a big stigma, and she doesn't want to bear this black pot.


Lin Mo came to Ying's side and patted her shoulder gently.

Feeling someone patting her, Ying turned around and saw that it was Lin Mo. She couldn't help but feel happy.

"Lin Mo!"

"It's been a while since I last saw you, Ying. How have you been lately?"

Lin Mo smiled at Ying.

"Not bad, at least I didn't have to sleep outdoors……"

Ying glanced around and lowered her voice.

"By the way, the God of Rock... is he really dead like this?"

"Who knows.

Lin Mo shrugged.

"If you think he is dead, then he is dead. If you think he is not dead, then he is not dead."


Ying and Paimon looked at each other

"Why do I feel like... you are fooling me"

"How could I fool you? We are good friends."

Lin Mo patted Ying's shoulder.

"Besides, what good would it be for me to fool you?"

Ying emptied her mind and pondered for a while.

"Uh...it seems not?"


Lin Mo sighed with some regret.

The ceremony of inviting the immortals was really wonderful, but it was a pity that Zhongli couldn't be called to make a scissors hand gesture. It was such a pity.

"Mr. Stellius."

Now it was Keqing's turn to manage the order, while Ningguang came to Lin Mo's side and looked at him with a complicated expression.

"I'm sorry, but please allow me to ask, was it you who assassinated the Emperor?"

Lin Mo:……?

"Why do you suspect me?" Lin Mo's expression was a little tense,"What's the benefit of me assassinating the Rock King?"

Ningguang shook her head.

"I really don't want to believe that you did it... But, among all of you present, you are the only one who has the ability to assassinate the Emperor, Mr. Stellius."

Lin Mo was silent, looked at the corpse, and then looked at Ning Guang.

"Then what do you think? If it were me, I would have killed the Rock King, so why wouldn’t I kill you all as well?"



If he could kill the Rock King quietly, wouldn’t it be easy to destroy Liyue?

There’s really no need for this.

Ningguang nodded, showing her understanding.

"I understand, Mr. Stellius.

Then, she left, probably to ask someone to investigate.

"Forehead……"Ying looked at Ningguang curiously as she left."So what is she doing here?""

"Who knows." Lin Mo spread his hands,"I understand her, but I still think her behavior is stupid."

"By the way, Ying, I have something that I need your help with.

"Whatever it is, I will do it!"

"It's not a difficult thing to do."

Lin Mo took out a 100-point taboo scroll and handed it to Ying.

"This item is called the Hundred Unrestricted Talisman, an item from the Liyue Immortal Family. I need you to go to Jueyunjian to find the Liyue Immortals and tell them the news that the Rock King Emperor was assassinated."

"But, in this case……"

"The immortals will rush into Liyue Harbor and ask the Seven Stars to give an explanation. Your mission is just to tell them the news."

Lin Mo smiled meaningfully at Ying.

"Oh, by the way, just say that it was the Fatui who asked you to find the Immortal, and the executive who asked you to do this was named Tartaglia."

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