"Huh?!" Paimon was shocked."So, Zhongli is Morax?!"

At this moment, in Lin Mo's residence in Liyue, Paimon, Ying, and Lin Mo were sitting in the living room, talking about where to go next.

Ying opened her mouth slightly and looked at Paimon, looking a little helpless.

"That topic has passed."


Paimon turned around and looked at her

"Is that so……"

"You have completed most of your journey to Liyue. The God of Rock has also seen you. Ying, congratulations on getting the recognition of the Flame Sword Liehuo and becoming a true Fire Swordsman."

Lin Mo held the teacup and smiled at her.

"Where should I go next? There are four countries adjacent to Liyue. Apart from Mondstadt, there are Inazuma across the sea, Xumi across the mountain, and Fontaine which is a little far away."


Ying Weiwei pondered

"I'm not quite sure where I want to go. Is there anything noteworthy about these three countries?"

"Of course there are."

Lin Mo, as the narrator, began to introduce these three countries to Ying.

"First of all, Inazuma. One year ago, General Raiden issued a national isolation order. She used her power to fill the sea area of Inazuma with thunderstorms, prohibiting ordinary people from entering and leaving. In addition, for the eternity she pursued, she also issued the Eye Hunting Order to hunt for the Eye of God."

"As an archipelago country, Inazuma is actually worth a visit. After all, General Raiden's martial arts are top-notch in the entire Teyvat. If you want to go there to refine your skills, it is a good choice."

"Then there is Xumi on the other side of the mountain, which is called the Kingdom of Wisdom... Well, because of my influence, Xumi is now in a situation of dual god rule."

"The original god of Xumi, the Great Compassion Tree King, sealed the dangerous taboo knowledge with his own body and split out his purest branches, hoping that she could make Xumi better. This is the new god, the Little Auspicious Grass King."

"But... the great sage was really a bit inhumane and imprisoned the little grass god. If it weren't for the return of the Great Kind Tree King, I'm afraid you would not be able to see her even if you went to Xumi now."

"As for Fontaine……"

Lin Mo looked at Ying meaningfully.

"I don't recommend you to go to Fontaine now. It's not the right time for you to go there yet. The stories there are still waiting to be unfolded at their most exciting moment."

"……What weird things are you planning again?"

Ying narrowed her eyes and looked at Lin Mo suspiciously.

"I don't have any, please don't slander others' innocence casually, okay?"

Lin Mo looked innocent.

"Besides, we are friends, how could I harm you, right?"

Yes, right?

Ying recalled the time when she was on the verge of death in the Qun Yu Pavilion, thinking back, smiling, thinking it was wonderful.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"

"So, Lin Mo, in the play you want to perform, which country should I go to now?"

"Well...if you ask me, it would be most appropriate for you to go to Inazuma."

Lin Mo smiled.

"Inazuma is the kingdom of the God of Thunder, and is extremely martial. Basically, everything can be solved by force... if you think you can beat the God of Thunder."


They have a custom called dueling before the throne, which means dueling before the throne of the God of Thunder. The winner gets everything, while the loser will be punished by the God of Thunder.

"But actually, Inazuma... things are a bit chaotic right now, if you want to go, I suggest you be mentally prepared."

Lin Mo reminded

"The official organization of Inazuma is the three magistrates, Tenryo magistrate, Kanjo magistrate, and Sha magistrate. Tenryo and Kanjo magistrate... they are so inhumane. I'm afraid you will have high blood pressure."

Ying looked shocked.

"What did they do to make my blood pressure high?"

"Hmm... For example, when you enter Inazuma, you should ask for 5 million Mora as the passage fee?"

Hearing this, Ying took a deep breath.

"Thanks, my blood pressure is really high."


Lin Mo smiled and shook his head.

"And right now, Inazuma is experiencing civil unrest, and there is a war between Umijima and Narukamijima. If you really want to, you might want to go and take a look."

"But... Oh, by the way, as a reward for clearing Liyue, I haven't given this to you yet."

As he spoke, Lin Mo took out a blue book about the same thickness as the Dragon of Courage from his pocket and handed it to Ying.

"This is……"

Ying took the book and opened the title page.

[Arthurian Legend]

"It's just a small reward. It's an interesting power. When you feel that you lack fun, using it may bring you unexpected happiness."

Lin Mo seemed to have thought of something interesting, and his mouth curled up slightly.

You said so, Kamen Rider Saber

"Like this?"

Ying seemed to understand.

"Well, I have introduced the other three countries to you. What is your choice?"


After a little thought

"I... will go to Inazuma. Since you said that I can refine my martial arts in Inazuma, then I will just go to Inazuma to become stronger."

"Good choice." Lin Mo nodded,"If you want to go to Inazuma, there is a martial arts competition at the port of Liyue Port during this period, which is hosted by Captain Beidou of the Southern Cross."

"The reward for the winner is an... extinguished God's Eye. With your identity, you can ask her to go to Inazuma together."

"Eye of God?!" Paimeng was surprised,"Isn't it that the reward for the winner is an Eye of God?"

"Well... I won't go into detail about the reasons. You can go ask Beidou."

Lin Mo nodded to Ying.

"However, since you chose to go to Inazuma,��…I think, with your physique that causes trouble wherever you go, something big should happen to Inazuma too. Let me see your wonderful performance."

Ying:... silent family members.

She has only traveled to two countries. One of them lost a wind god's followers, and she helped find them back. Another time, she happened to meet the rock god who was about to retire, and she also beat an executive officer and a demon god.

Wow, this frequency of attendance is outrageous even for Ying herself.

"It seems... that's the truth?!"

Paimeng thought about it carefully, widened his eyes, looked at Ying in horror, and flew towards Lin Mo's back.

Ying: ???

Paimeng, why are you just watching, did you really betray?!

But this time when she went to Inazuma, she just wanted to refine her martial arts in Inazuma first, so nothing outrageous should happen... right?

It's impossible for her to go to Inazuma and fight with the God of Thunder, right?

That's too outrageous, my friend!

Ying took a deep breath.

Nothing must happen when she goes to Inazuma this time!

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