"Want to join my martial arts tournament?"

Standing by the port, Beidou glanced at Ying, then turned to look at Paimong.

"Well... it's not impossible, but Traveler, the condition for participating in the martial arts competition is that you don't have the Eye of God. Shouldn't you have the Eye of God?"

Ying blinked.

"I don't have the eye of God."

"You don’t have the Eye of God?" Beidou was stunned."You defeated Osel and saved the entire Liyue without the Eye of God?"

Although Beidou himself defeated a sea beast without the Eye of God and obtained the Eye of God, sea beasts and demons cannot be generalized.

The lethality caused by Osel and its size, as long as everyone present at that time could see it, to be able to participate in this level of battle, ordinary holders of the Eye of God are not qualified.

Now you tell me, this traveler who saved the entire Liyue, actually doesn’t have the Eye of God?

Beidou showed an expression of disbelief, but soon came to his senses.

"Since you really don't have the Eye of God, then according to the rules of this martial arts competition, you can indeed sign up to participate. I have no objection. Is your goal the Eye of God?"

"I'm not really interested in the Eye of God."Ying shook her head,"I want a boat ticket to Inazuma. If possible, just give me and Paimon a ride on the way to Inazuma."

Beidou nodded.

If they can defeat Osel without the Eye of God, then the Eye of God won't be of much use. It's normal to have other requests.

""Okay, no problem."

In just a few words, Beidou and Ying had already negotiated that as long as Ying could get a place in the top four in the martial arts competition, she could go to Inazuma with Beidou.

As for why Ying wanted to participate even though she was so strong... after all, she had to go through the motions.

"I saw clearly that day on the sea, a giant red dragon that could spit fire. You summoned it, right?"

Beidou put his arm around Ying's shoulders.

"That's amazing, but since you found me, I will also help you reach Inazuma safely."

"But... Traveler, don't blame me for being nosy. The current situation in Inazuma is not so welcoming to outsiders."

Is that what you wanted to say?

Ying nodded.

"I know that there is a war going on in Inazuma, and I also know about the things that happened to the Three Magistrates. Well... Personally, I don't care much about those things. I care more about whether I can refine my martial arts in Inazuma."

"Is that what you think? You are already so strong, but you are still thinking about getting stronger. You really deserve to be the traveler who saved Liyue."

Beidou laughed.

"But since you want to improve your martial arts in Inazuma, I do have some ideas."

Ying was a little surprised.


"There is a ronin on my ship. His name is Kaedehara Manye. He escaped from Inazuma because of the Eye Hunting Order. He is good at swordsmanship. If you want, I can introduce you to him."

"sorry to bother you"

"No big deal!"



Fontaine, Buffati Mansion.

As the Fatui's residence in Fontaine, and also the base of the Hearth House, today should be the most restless day.

""Father, do you want to see my progress?"

Linnet looked at Alechino standing across from the martial arts arena, feeling somewhat uncertain.


Alecino nodded lightly.

"When I came back last time, I heard that you had gained great power from Stellius... I was very curious, so I wanted to see it for myself."

"It's been a long time since I last exchanged ideas with you. Let me see how much you've improved, kid."

Linette took a deep breath.

"I understand."

Linnie and Femini stood outside the martial arts arena, looking anxious.

"……Although I knew that Linnet had made great progress, I didn't expect my father to be so interested in her.……"

Linnie was very worried, but he thought that his father at least knew when to act...right?


Femini wanted to say something, but paused and said nothing.


Linnet took out the Yanrui Sword Wolf and her eyes narrowed slightly.

[Encyclopedia of Insects]

[[War Smoke Begins!]

Facing Alecino, even with the Holy Sword in hand, Linnet did not dare to be careless.

Alecino looked at the Smoke Sword Wolf Smoke in Linnet's hand with some surprise.

"Very powerful power... Did Stellius give you this power? It seems that he thinks highly of you."

"As for how strong this power is, let me experience it myself."

A scarlet sickle appeared in her hand, and Arlechino's red x-shaped eyes stared at Linnet.

The next moment, her figure flashed, and the sickle in her hand went straight to Linnet's vitals.

Linnet held the holy sword and rushed straight towards Arlechino.

Seeing this, Arlechino couldn't help but frowned, and subconsciously planned to stop - she didn't intend to hurt Linnet.

But Linnet's speed suddenly increased a little, and she rushed straight up. The moment before she touched the sickle, her body turned into smoke.


Alecino frowned. A large amount of smoke appeared around her, covering the entire martial arts field. Her vision was greatly obstructed.

There was a sound of breaking wind. With rich combat experience, Alecino knew that the attack came from behind her.

Without hesitation, the sickle in her hand swung quickly, and in the next moment it collided with the smoke sword in Linnet's hand.


The collision of weapons made a crisp sound. When Alecino wanted to chase, she found that Linnet turned into smoke again and disappeared from her field of vision.

After repeating this two or three times, Alecino sighed helplessly and stopped the action of wanting to attack.

"What a powerful ability, she could turn herself into smoke to dodge the attack right before being attacked, and she could also condense from smoke into a solid body to attack at any time... If it weren't for the absolute difference in strength, the enemy would have no way of finding a way to break through."

She could do it, but then she wouldn't be able to do it as quietly as she is now.

"You can stop now, Linnet. Your progress really surprises me... He actually trusts you so much that he would give you this kind of power?"


Not far in front of Alecino, Linnet condensed from smoke into a solid body.

"The master will not be stingy with his reward, so I can master this power"

"What a generous person.……"

Alechino sighed.

"Stellius...how many more surprises do you have, and...what are you planning?"

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