
Finina looked at the man who suddenly appeared in Momang Palace in surprise, with uncontrollable joy in her eyes.

"Why did you come here suddenly without telling me?"

"Because it was just a spontaneous visit, I didn't think too much about it."

Lin Mo sat opposite Funina and smiled at her gently.

"So, by the way, when are you going to collect your salary this month? I was going to pay it directly to you, but you couldn't find me for half a month."

Funina crossed her legs, pouted, looked at Lin Mo, and pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Just send it to the Northland Bank. I have not been idle during this period. Have you heard about the news that Morax passed away during the ceremony in Liyue next door?"

"Yes, of course I heard about it."

Funina was obviously very interested in this matter. After all, she was Morax, one of the seven gods. Her current public identity was the water god Fukaros, so she must be concerned.

"The official answer given by Liyue is that the emperor encountered a thunderstorm, so he passed away... But in fact, after the ceremony of inviting the immortal, something very amazing happened."

"Something really amazing?"

"Yes." Lin Mo nodded,"My colleague, Tartaglia, used the power of the Hundred Unforbidden Talisman to temporarily unlock the demon god, Osel, who was sealed by Lord Guyun not far from Liyue Harbor."

Finina blinked.

"Is he still alive now?"

Lin Mo:……

"Well, he ran very fast. Although he was seriously injured, he was still alive.

He spread his hands in a helpless manner, not mentioning that it was because of him that Tartaglia was seriously injured.

"I was there at the time. Everyone in Liyue, and the Swordsman of Fire I chose, staged an epic battle. In the end, they defeated Osel with their burning will and faith, and sealed him back into the sea."

Lin Mo explained to Funina

"The process was tortuous, the ending was beautiful, and no one was hurt except Osel. Don’t you think this is a good story?"


Furninha pouted

"I didn’t see it, so it doesn’t count!"


Lin Mo shook his head helplessly

"But this time I came to see you because I have something else to tell you."

His expression suddenly became serious.

"For some reason, the fantasy monster Megiddo has begun to appear in Teyvat. Liyue is the first victim. It may not take long for Fontaine to show traces of Megiddo."



Lin Mo gestured to Funina to take out the [Lion War Chronicle]

"This is a fantasy driving book. The power of the fantasy driving book comes from the fantasy world. Megiddo is a creature from the fantasy world. Because of the different rules of the world, the elemental force cannot cause damage to Megiddo."

"If Fontaine really appears in Megiddo, Fernina, only the holder of the Holy Sword can fight against it, do you understand?"

Fernina's expression suddenly froze on her face.

""Wait, wait, wait, Lin Mo, do you mean that you want me to deal with Megiddo?"

She suddenly felt very flustered, waving her hands constantly, and her face turned red with anxiety.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Lin Mo pretended to be helpless,"But don't worry, in order to help you, I have found two other holy sword holders in Fontaine. With their help, I think it won't be a problem to protect Fontaine."

"So that's it……"

Hearing this, Funina breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought it would be the same as before, but I have teammates this time... That's good, that's good."

She was really scared. She had been carrying Fontaine on her own for so long. If she had to fight for Fontaine alone again, she really wouldn't be able to bear it!

"Don't worry, I won't cheat you."

Although I am using you.


Furninna looked a little hesitant.

"Is there any way for me to know in advance where those Megiddos will appear?"

"There is no way." Lin Mo shook his head,"However, the book in your hand will tell you where they have appeared."

"Because the swordsman and Megiddo are attracted to each other, if nothing unexpected happens, Megiddo may appear next to you... You must be prepared."

At this point, he spoke to Funina with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to help you, but I brought you so much trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble." Funina waved her hands repeatedly,"Saving Fontaine, I'm used to this kind of thing. Besides, this time there is someone who can help me... You will help me too, right?"

"Of course."

Lin Mo smiled at her.

"No matter what, I'm with you"



In Fontaine Castle, Qianzhi, who was making clothes, suddenly felt something and looked out the window.

"Is this true? It appears right now?"

She frowned, helplessly put down the scissors in her hand, picked up the [Sarutobi Ninja Legend] on the table, and walked out the door.

""Ailof, I have something to deal with. Please help me look after the store first."

Linette, who was drinking tea with Alechino, Lini, and Femini at the Buffati Mansion, stood up. The kitten looked a little unhappy.

Seeing her unusual movement, Lini was a little worried.

"Linnet, what's wrong?"

"Something has appeared." Linette walked outside decisively,"I have to go."

Alechino looked at her back, frowning.

"……Let's follow her, maybe we can help her."

""Yes, father."

Holding their weapons, the three quickly followed Linnet's steps.

In the Momang Palace,

Funina looked at the light emitting from the Lion War with astonishment.]

"Did it appear so soon?……"

"It seems that Megiddo has begun to appear in Fontaine. What should I do with Funina?"

Lin Mo looked at Funina

"Are you going to fight?"

"Is there any need to say this?!"

Funina picked up the [Lion War] on the table, stood up decisively, and walked out of Mo Mang Palace.

"No matter what, I will protect Fontaine!"



On the streets of Fontaine, three portals emitting a strange aura appeared out of nowhere, and then three different Megiddos walked out of the portals.

The Rock King Golem, the Medusa Snake Legend, and the mischievous goblins.

They have different forms, but anyone can sense the malice emanating from them.

There is no need for too much description. When ordinary people saw this situation, they ran away, while the members of the special training team held muskets and fired at them.

Lin Mo followed behind Funina and came to the place where the Megiddos appeared, and spoke in a voice that only he could hear.

"Let me see carefully, swordsmen, how heroic your battles will be!"

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