"What kind of monster is that?!"

As a member of the special patrol team, Xia Wulei arrived at the scene immediately. The surrounding team members were pouring ammunition from their muskets at the Megiddos, but it had no effect.

"I don't know."

On the other side, Clorinde, who also rushed here, shook her head and looked at the three Megiddo in the center of the square. The muskets and swords in her hands were so powerless.

"I tried, but the elemental forces had no effect on these monsters. The weapons in my hands could not cause any damage to them, and I couldn't even break their defenses."

"What should we do then?" Xiawolei frowned,"Even if the surrounding people are evacuated, these guys are here, and the city center of Fontaine has begun to be destroyed. If there is no way to stop them, the whole Fontaine will suffer!"

"Don't you have any solution?" Clorinde looked at Xiawolei,"Such as using physical force to control them?"

"Are you kidding me?" Xiawolei pulled the trigger again, but the bullet was easily shot away."Even the bullets don't work, how much force does it take to stop them?"

"Is there no way?"

At this moment, Qianzhi, who was the first to arrive at the battlefield, came to Xiawolei's side and stared at the three Megiddo with her.

"Qianzhi?" Xiawolei looked at her puzzledly,"Why...are you here? This is not the place for you to come?"

"No, this is where I should be.

Looking at the three destructive monsters in Megiddo, Qianzhi took a deep breath.

"The first time is with three of them together, I haven’t tried it yet, what will happen... Never mind, let’s get started."

"Hey! Qianzhi, what are you doing?!"

Xiawo Lei reached out, grabbed Qianzhi's shoulder, and asked loudly

"What are you doing?"

Qianzhi looked back at her

"I want to stop them, is that hard to understand?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Elemental forces can't cause any harm to monsters like that!"

"I don't plan to use elemental power either."

As he said this, Qianzhi took out the green fantasy driving book from his pocket and opened the cover.

[Sarutobi Ninja Legend]

[The shadowy ninja uses ninjutsu to solve everything.

As the fantasy driving book was opened, the combined sword appeared in front of Qianzhi, and she grasped the hilt.

"This is our first collaboration. Feng Shuangjian Cuifeng, please don't let me down."

She exerted a little force and the two swords separated.

[Double swords cut!]

"what is that……"

After realizing that Qianzhi might really have a way to deal with these monsters, Xiawolei stopped trying to stop her.

She saw Qianzhi take out a green sword from somewhere and split it into two. She couldn't help but mutter:

"this thing……"

Clorinde was a little confused.

Why does it feel like... it has some similarities with Lady Fininna's weapon?

Swordsmen and Megiddo are attracted to each other. When Chizhi took her stance, the three Megiddo had already noticed her.


Qianzhi took a deep breath and swung the two swords in his hands.

[First Style: Shuriken]

[Second Style: Two Swords Style]

She swung her two swords, and a strong emerald green hurricane surrounded her. When the hurricane dissipated, she had already put on her armor.

[Wind Twin Swords Green Wind]

[Verdant Wind]

[The twin swords of Koga Wind Release will defeat the enemy with super-speed ninjutsu]

Xiawolei was still in a daze, but Clorinde had already noticed something wrong.

"Exactly the same……"

She recalled the duel that was personally fought by Lady Fernina during the trial.

Similar swords, similar books, and... similar armor.

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Clorinde's eyes.

Perhaps Lady Fernina had known that this situation would occur, so she used her own power to deal with these monsters!

""I'm going to attack."

Qianzhi took the lead and rushed towards Medusa Megiddo.

The other two Megiddo, the stone demon Megiddo's defense was very high, and the goblin Megiddo's weapon was more than a section longer than hers, making it very difficult to hit. After thinking about it, Qianzhi decided to start with the Medusa Megiddo in the middle, which seemed to have the weakest defense.


Although it was her first time using it, Qianzhi felt quite comfortable with it. As she swung the twin wind swords, Cuifeng, a shuriken-like wind shadow flew towards Medusa Megiddo and hit its body directly, creating violent sparks.

"It's effective……"Xia Wole was speechless for a moment.

Just now, everyone in the special patrol team couldn't cause any damage no matter what they did, but Qianzhi just hit them casually... broke their defense


"Has it started yet?"

There was no time to be surprised by Chiori's transformation, the next person to arrive at the battlefield was Linnet!

"Do these monsters have the power of controlling fantasy books?"

Linette frowned slightly and took out the Yanrui Sword Wolf Smoke.

"In other words, we have to use the power of fantasy to harness the book to deal with them?"

Following behind her and coming with her were Alechino, Lini and Femini.

"How is the situation?"

As the leader of the Hearth House, Arlecchino asked Sciavole

"……We have no way, bullets and elemental forces have no effect on these guys"

"……In other words, we have no way to fight?"

Alechino looked at Linnet and nodded.

"be safe"

"Got it."

Linnet took out the Fantasy Driving Book

[Encyclopedia of Insects]

[[War begins]

The shadow of the Fantasy Driving Book fell in front of her. After passing through the Fantasy Driving Book, she was already dressed.

On the front battlefield, Qianzhi, who had transformed for the first time, was fighting one against three. Although she could rely on her speed to maneuver, she was still a little overwhelmed after a long time.

[[Wolf Smoke Bug]

A purple sword shadow flashed by, and after Megiddo who was blocking Qianzhi was repelled, Linnet came to her side.

"Can you still fight?"

Qianzhi glanced at her and nodded.

"If the support had come a little later, I might have been in trouble."

"That means you can still fight, right?" Linnet held the holy sword in her hand,"I'll find two of them. Is it okay for you to fight alone?"

"If there is only one, it can't deal with me!"

After regrouping, Qianzhi and Linnet started fighting again.

Qianzhi still found Medusa Megiddo, while Linnet used the ability of the Yanrui Sword Wolf Smoke to keep fighting with the other two Megiddo. After all, she held it for a long time, and Linnet faced two Megiddo with just the right amount of pressure.

There was no time to be surprised by the fight between the two. The next one to arrive on the battlefield was - Funina!

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