"It seems I'm not too late."

When Furninna arrived at the battlefield, Qianzhi and Linnet were already fighting fiercely with the three Megiddos. She didn't have time to think about it, so she took out the Fantasy Driving Book.

[Lion Wars]

[Flowing water, drawing sword]

"that is……"

At the edge of the battlefield, Alecino, who had no way to join the battle and was forced to OMO, saw Furninna, who also used the Fantasy Driving Book to transform, and Lin Mo behind her, and couldn't help but frowned slightly.

If I remember correctly, before these monsters appeared, the man named Stellius had already started distributing these swords and books.


There is no doubt that the participation of Furninna has greatly relieved the pressure on the entire battlefield. There were only three basic Megiddos, and at the beginning they could use the advantage of numbers to suppress Qianzhi and Linnet. Now, one person is fighting one, and they are pinned to the ground. Quietly

, without knowing when, Alecino has come behind Lin Mo and stretched out her claws towards his neck.

""Hey, Alecino, it's been so long since we last met, are you so anxious to say hello to me?"

Lin Mo grabbed Alecino's paw, looked back with a smile, and looked into Alecino's eyes.

Well, if you look closely, her X-shaped eyes are actually quite cute.

""Stelius." Alechino frowned,"What is the connection between the power you emit and these monsters that suddenly appeared?"

She has always suspected that Lin Mo's purpose of releasing power is not pure, and the appearance of Megiddo has gradually confirmed her suspicion.

Unless there is some decisive evidence, otherwise, Lin Mo will definitely bear the blame.

"Of course it matters. Otherwise, why would I let them deal with Megiddo?"

Lin Mo looked innocent.

"Besides, I sent out the holy sword just to deal with Megiddo. Look back and see for yourself, those monsters that you are powerless against are not so scary in the hands of the swordsmen?"

Alechino looked towards the front battlefield.

Just as Lin Mo said, with the participation of the swordsmen, the threat of Megiddo has been controlled to an acceptable level. Because of the timely evacuation, no ordinary people were injured. The only problem now is that the reason for the appearance of these monsters is unknown, and the only ones who can deal with them are the swordsmen who have mastered the Fantasy Driving Book.

This feeling made Alechino extremely uncomfortable.

Even when she was young, when facing [Mother], she did not feel so powerless.

"……Stellius, what are you planning?"

"Ah, it's about to end."

Just when Alecino wanted to ask more, Lin Mo looked at the battlefield and suddenly spoke.

On the front battlefield, the three swordsmen dealt with the three Megiddo easily, with green shuriken, blue sword energy, and purple cross slash.

The three swordsmen showed their magical powers, and soon, the three Megiddo were completely destroyed.

Lin Mo shook his head imperceptibly.

No, this level of Megiddo can't serve as a training level for swordsmen... It needs to be strengthened a little bit to be qualified to be their stepping stone.

"Whoosh, whoosh……"

Qianzhi, who had been in the battle the longest, breathed softly. She was not a combat specialist, but she had a pretty good foundation to be able to fight for so long.

Before Alechino could react, Lin Mo walked towards the swordsmen.

"Congratulations, swordsmen, you have defeated the threat from another world and protected Fontaine's safety."

It was the first time that Funina defeated a monster, and she didn't even feel it was real. Suddenly, she was stunned.

I... defeated the monster and protected Fontaine?

She cancelled her transformation, clenched the water sword in her hand, and an indescribable feeling entangled in her heart.

She had been pretending to be a god for 500 years, but she didn't know how long she had to hold on, but now...

she suddenly felt the pride from the bottom of her heart after protecting Fontaine.

After the driver and the holy sword were put away, and the [Lion War Chronicle] was carefully put away, Funina turned her head and looked at Chihiro and Linnet, who had also cancelled their transformations.

"You two, thank you for your contribution to Fontaine. As the water god Fukalos, if you need any reward, you can tell me, and Momang Palace will meet your requirements."

After a fight, Qianzhi nodded contentedly.

Isn't this what she wants?

"Lady Funina, um...can I ask Mo Mang Palace to help promote my Qianzhiwu?"

"Ms. Qianzhi, of course you can."

Funina thought for a while and came to the conclusion

"By the way, why don't you make me a dress? When I perform an opera at the Opikley Opera House, I will wear that dress. Your Chiori-ya will definitely be very popular."

"Of course, Lady Funina."

In the whole of Fontaine, no one is more famous than Funina. The clothes she chooses are what the people of Fontaine pursue. As long as she is willing to wear them, the quality is guaranteed.

Then, Funina looked at Linnet.

"Miss Linnet, do you have any needs? Don't worry, just ask."


Linnet thought for a moment.

"Can I go to the Oprykle Opera House with my brother to perform magic?"

Linnie was surprised.


"Perform magic? Of course you can."

Funina agreed immediately.

She had been to the live performance of Linni and Linnet's magic, which was quite wonderful and qualified to be performed at the Opikley Opera House!


"Lady Furninna."

As the duel agent, Clorinde stepped forward and asked

"What exactly are these monsters?"

"Let me explain these things."

When Clorinde asked the question, Lin Mo came forward and spoke to everyone present.

Then, he looked at Funina.

"Ms. Funina, you may need to borrow the reception room of the Momang Palace. I need to explain the origin of Megiddo to everyone."

"Of course, no problem."Funina put her hands on her hips,"No need to be so reserved, Lin Mo, you are the secretary of my water god Fukalos!"

For the first time, she felt what it was like to protect something important with her own hands, and at this moment, she was full of gratitude to Lin Mo who gave her this power.

"……"Okay, Funina."

Lin Mo chuckled.

"Everyone, please move to the reception room of Mo Mang Palace. I need to make necessary explanations."

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