Fontaine, Momang Palace, reception room.

Everyone who was present when Megiddo attacked Fontaine, Funina, Clorinde, Chiori, Linnet, Alechino, Lini and Femini, and Xiawolei, are now sitting here.

Just now, Lin Mo explained to them why a monster like Megiddo appeared in Fontaine and Teyvat, and told them that only the holder of the holy sword can deal with Megiddo.

"So, when we encounter Megiddo, are we helpless?……"

Femini's voice was a little weak, but she asked the true feelings of everyone present.

Everyone was a holder of the Eye of God and had a certain fighting power, especially Clorinde, who was a famous duel agent of Fontaine.

As a result, in front of these monsters from another world, they could do nothing, and could not even delay their steps.

"Although I don't know what you are expecting, this is the fact."

Lin Mo shook his head

"Monsters from outside the world can only be fought with power from outside the world. Elemental power has no effect on them.

Everyone fell silent... except for Furninna.

Because she didn't have elemental power.

"Don't worry so much."

Seemingly in a good mood at the moment, Furninna said to Clorinde and Xiawolei

"Clorinde, help me call Villette over. This is related to Fontaine's safety. He must be present. At least he needs to know this."

"I understand, Lady Furninna, I will go and call him over right away.

Clorinde went out, and within two minutes, she called the water dragon next door.

After some explanation, Villette couldn't help but frown.

"In other words, in Fontaine, except for Lady Funina, Miss Chiori, and Miss Linnet, no one can deal with Megiddo.……"

"In this case, Lady Funina, do we need to set up an organization dedicated to delivering messages? In this way, as long as Megiddo appears in Fontaine, we can immediately inform the three of you."


Linnet and Funina are fine, but Chiori looks troubled.

"There is no need to go through so much trouble."Lin Mo shook his head,"Megiddo will not appear frequently. Even if it does, it will definitely appear near the holder of the Holy Sword. At that time, the three of them will be able to feel it directly and rush to the scene as soon as possible."

Just like today, Funina in Momang Palace felt the presence of Megiddo in Fontaine City and quickly rushed to the scene

"……However, since we are fighting to protect Fontaine and Teyvat, Fontaine needs to show sincerity to thank the three of you."

Villette's brows relaxed a little.

"Ms. Funina……"

"I don't need it. Anyway, I am the most important person in the whole Fontaine. If I need anything, I can just tell you directly."

Funina said it didn't matter.

Oh, the feeling of protecting Fontaine with her own hands made her very excited. This feeling was really great!

"……Just help me promote Chiori-ya, I don't have any requirements."

Chiori also said that she didn't really care, as long as she could promote Chiori-ya... or was that what she had planned?

Linnet was the same, saying that she just wanted to perform magic and didn't have so many ideas.

Then Violet:... was silent.

For the first time, he realized that it was so unattractive to let others casually shout out conditions.

"Please pay attention to the others. When you see Megiddo, evacuate the people around immediately to protect the safety of ordinary people. If you are able, please hold them back for a minute or two until the Holy Sword holders arrive."

""I understand."

After everyone agreed, the brief meeting ended.

Alechino said nothing. After the meeting, she followed Lin Mo's footsteps and came to the Buffati Mansion.

She first sent the three little ones away, then closed the door, and looked at Lin Mo with her scarlet x-shaped eyes.

"Just say it straight, Alechino, we are in a cooperative relationship, there is no need for so many twists and turns."

Lin Mo sat on the sofa, spread his hands, put them on the backrest, and crossed his legs, like a dandy boy.

"……Stellius, do you have a holy sword that I can use?"

Alechino came to Lin Mo and hesitated for a long time before speaking slowly.

Lin Mo looked at her.

"You want to ask, can I give you a holy sword?"


Alechino didn't speak

"I do have a holy sword suitable for you, but...Alechino, I must tell you something first."

Lin Mo stood up and looked at Alechino.

"You have been wondering whether I had any ulterior motive in giving them the holy swords... I can tell you that I did have some ulterior motive."

Alechino's pupils shrank.

"However, what I am planning is the unyielding will and tenacious spirit they will show, the idea that they will not be afraid of dying in battle for what they want to protect... And you, Alechino, can you show this to me?"

"Ying is easy to say, because I gave her information about her brother, Linnet is easy to say, because she wants to know the reason for Cesar's death, Funina is easy to say, because I cooperated with her to solve the prophecy of Fontaine, Qianzhi is easy to say, because she has no ability to refuse me... and you, Alechino... no, Peruvian?"

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with an evil smile.


Alechino stared at him intently.

"Peruvian, I can give you the Holy Sword, but...what can you give me? I have no reason to give you the Holy Sword."

He whispered.

"You want to obtain a holy sword that can protect Linnet and the children of Hearth House from Megiddo, right?……"

"Peruvian, you don't want to be unable to do anything while Linnet is fighting, right?"

"I can give you a choice."

As he said this, Lin Mo casually created a cane and threw it in front of her.

"Make your choice, Peruvian. Do you want to continue with your attitude, or break this crutch and serve me?"

Arlecino took a deep breath.

"If that's the case, then there's only one answer.……"

She picked up the cane

"I will swear allegiance to you!"

With a crisp sound, the cane was broken into two by her knee.

As the instigator of everything, Lin Mo's expression was so difficult to hold back after seeing this scene that seemed to be engraved in his DNA being played out in front of him.

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