"So I said, humans are very interesting, Alechino."

Lin Mo leaned lazily on the sofa, looking at Alechino who broke his crutches and knelt on one knee in front of him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"In order to protect the children of Hearth House and to have the ability to resist when danger comes, Arlecino, your reaction is more real than I thought.

Arlecino said nothing.

"But I am a man of my words. I feel your sincerity, so I will naturally give you the same level of compensation.……"

As he spoke, he took out a book on fantasy driving, put it in his palm, and handed it to Alecino.

"As an elder who loves children, Arachno, you are indeed qualified to be the holder of the holy sword, but... are you ready to pick up the sword again?"

Linette's sword skills were all taught by Arachno himself, so why did Arachno, as a [father], not use a sword, but choose to use the red sickle?

Because Peruvian killed her best friend and her [mother] with a sword.]

"In order to protect the children, these are nothing."

Alechino took the Fantasy Driving Book from Lin Mo's hand, looked at the blue and black cover of the book, and followed the others to open the cover.

[Maritime History]

[[Life under the sea is still compiling history]

As the book was opened, a strange-looking sword appeared in front of Alecino.

It was clearly on the guard of the sword, but there was a sharp blade, and the length of the sword was also a little weird.

"This is……"

Alechino frowned, looking at the sword in his hand, revealing his doubts.

"The name of this holy sword is Shiguo Sword Realm. Among all the holy swords, its ability is quite powerful."

Lin Mo looked at her and explained.

"In another world, there is an organization called [Sword of Truth], whose leader is called [Lord of Truth], and he has a loyal family as guards... and the holy sword user who guards him is none other than Shi and Yan of the Sword Realm of Shiguo."

It's a pity that Alecino and Linnet are not [brother and sister] but [father and daughter], otherwise, it would be a one-to-one restoration.

Lin Mo couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

"Okay, Alecino, try the power I gave you."

Hearing this, Alecino placed the Fantasy Driving Book [Ocean History] in his hand into the card slot in the Sword Realm of Time.

"Pull out the blade and insert the tip of the sword into the hilt."

According to Lin Mo's instructions, Alecino pulled out the blade of the Shiguo Sword. After pulling out the blade, she understood why the structure of this holy sword was so strange.

It was a holy sword, but it was also a trident.

After inserting the blade into the hilt, the power of the Fantasy Driving Book was activated, and the phantom surrounded her.

[The time is reversed!]

[Time, time, time]

[Play with it!]

[Time Kingdom Sword World]

[Stormy waves!]

The force of the sea waves enveloped Alecino. When the dress was finished, the shadows disappeared. She had already mastered the power of the sword world of the Time Kingdom and became a brand new swordsman.

Blue lines were wrapped around her armor, emitting a faint blue light, like a creature living under the sea announcing to the world that it still exists.

"What a powerful force……"

After finishing her dress, Arlecino couldn't help but sigh:……

"Of course you are strong, Alechino, I will not treat you unfairly - after all, you have sworn allegiance to me, right?"

Lin Mo asked meaningfully

"……I will."

After a moment of silence, Arlechino nodded.

"However, Alecino, since you have obtained the Holy Sword from me, you also need to take the responsibility of destroying Megiddo. When Megiddo appears, you must also go."

"I will."

She replied calmly. After all, the reason she wanted the holy sword from Lin Mo was that she didn't want Linnet to lose her life in the battle with Megiddo.

"This is for you."

Lin Mo took out a pure white fantasy book for communication and threw it to Alecino, who caught it steadily.

"If I need you anything, I will contact you with this."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out the door.

With a"click", the door closed. Alecino took a deep breath and shook her head uncontrollably.

How terrifying, this holy sword gave her the power to delete time, although it was only for less than a few seconds, but for her, the improvement was huge.


She sighed helplessly and shook her head.



Lin Mo knew that Arlecchino would not betray him. In fact, he even hoped that Arlecchino would betray him.

However, Arlecchino could not escape the power of fate, so he had to give up.

On the other hand, after several days, Ying finally arrived at Inazuma.

"Is this Inazuma?"

After getting off the Southern Cross Fleet at the port of the outlying island, Ying stood on the wooden step and stretched her body.

She had been on the ship for too long and was a little uncomfortable.

"This is Inazuma, traveler, according to the agreement, my mission ends here, next time I come, I have to wait for half a month."

Beidou laughed and put his arm around Ying's shoulder.

"But even if you know, I still have to tell you that Inazuma is really not at peace right now. The people from the Three Magistrates should hide away if possible. They are in a lot of trouble."

"I understand. Thanks for your concern."

"Okay, I won't stay any longer. Be careful along the way."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Ying and Paimeng stood at the port of the outlying island, watching Beidou and her crew driving the Southern Cross away.

"So, Ying, what should we do from now on?"

Paimon showed a puzzled expression.

"Lin Mozhi said that we can practice martial arts here, but he didn't say how we should practice martial arts."

"If he really said everything, then what is there for us to think about?"

Ying joked, her eyes were already fixed on a person not far away.

The yellow-haired man in red clothes had been secretly watching them since they landed on the island.

"The guy playing Mora over there has been spying on us for a long time. If you have anything to say, just tell us directly."

Thoma, who was suddenly pointed out by Ying, was stunned for a moment, then he smiled brightly.

"Oh, you are worthy of being the traveler who saved Liyue. My disguise was exposed like this. Let me introduce myself. My name is Thomas."

Ying paused and unconsciously touched the [Dragon of Courage]

Thomas in his pocket? Is your Thomas serious?

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