I won’t go out of my way to find Otto’s trouble, even if I find Otto’s trouble, it’s just a small trouble.

But if Otto wants to stop before what he wants to do, then one or two destiny will be pierced.

He Otto is organized, and Jiang Qi can’t find anyone to unite to fight him, or what?

As long as he makes a good suggestion, it is not a problem for Kevin to beat him, and if he joins forces with the Law of Reason, it is not a problem to deal with him.

“Jiang Qi…” Cecilia obviously didn’t believe Jiang Qi’s words too much.

The Mandate of Heaven is too large, hundreds of years of history, so that the Mandate of Heaven is very thick, especially after Otto became a bishop, its development speed is even faster.

As Jiang Qi said, if she wanted to break through the Mandate of Heaven alone, it was impossible, at least, she as a Valkyrie of Destiny could not do this.

The First Law may be able to do it, but don’t think too easily, breaking through the Mandate of Heaven means facing all the Valkyries and defensive equipment of the Mandate of Heaven, and… It belongs to the Imperial Three Families of Heaven’s Destiny.

“Cecilia, I like a quote from Edmund Don Tyson in The Count of Monte Cristo” Jiang Qi put his hand on his chest, closed his eyes, and said softly: “Wait, and hope”

“Patient waiting and the impetus brought by hope will surely usher in the dawn”

“No, Jiang Qi, I am an S-rank Valkyrie of Heaven’s Destiny, a chosen saint of the Shanyat family, one of the three major families that make up the Mandate of Heaven, it is impossible for me to leave Destiny of Heaven” Cecilia still refused, lowering her head, her mood was low, and the atmosphere became a little dull.

Jiang Qi twisted his neck, finally looked at the night sky, leaned on the back of the chair, and let out a long breath.

I have heard such words many times, once… That was a long time ago, and it’s a little bit the same as what’s happening now.

“Five years ago, I have been wandering, the long history of Shenzhou, the cherry blossoms in the far east, the pyramids standing in the desert, the Eiffel Tower in France, the freedom of the White Eagle, I know and experience” Jiang Qi’s words are half-true, know that it is true, have been there is false.

“On the prairie, I fight with lions, tigers, in the snow, against the cold wind, the world has all kinds of scenery, life is just a hundred years, if you don’t include these beautiful scenery, it will inevitably be a little boring, don’t you think it will be a pity?”

In this life, I will make up for all my regrets and do everything I want to do, whether it is success or failure.

It’s a pity to come to this world and have the opportunity not to finish what you want to do.

Jiang Qi has never been imprisoned, so he doesn’t know what kind of life it is, but he likes freedom.

Uninhibited, do what you want, eat what you want, go where you want, do whatever you want.

I couldn’t do it myself before, no… It’s impossible, there’s no chance to do it, but in this life, it can’t be the same as in the previous life.

Cecilia listened quietly, looked at Jiang Qi, and never made a sound, but her expression changed a little, with some yearning for that kind of life.

“Besides, I used to be the king of the city’s game hall, and you have been locked up in the Mandate of Heaven headquarters all the time, so my defeat will be redeemed?” When Jiang Qi talked about this, he was also a little helpless, but he did not regret it.

“I asked the old woman before, it is said that next month there seems to be a 3D game introduced, the shooting game we played at the beginning, this time, I will win, after that, I will take you to places you have not been, things you have never touched, I will take you to experience them one by one”

“So, Cecilia, I give up, I won’t stop you from returning to the Mandate Headquarters, but, next month, I want to play games with you in the game hall, if you don’t come, then, I will personally go to the Mandate Headquarters to pick you up”

In a month, I can change a lot of things, at least, I can improve my strength, and by that time, I don’t know how far I can grow

Cecilia saw the hand that was reaching out to her, and also extended her hand, but just as she was about to put it on it, she stopped.

In his memory, the choice he made, his friend Teresa rejected the plan in front of Otto, but he had already made a choice.

From that time on, I decided that it didn’t matter if I couldn’t go out of the headquarters anymore, it was a place like my own home, so it was normal that I couldn’t leave home and stay at home all the time.

So, I did that experiment myself… Resolutely made the decision to keep himself in the headquarters.

“But… Jiang Qi, you don’t understand, I… Promised Bishop Otto, I can’t leave the headquarters” Cecilia lowered her head, covering the position of her chest, where now, somehow, it hurt a little.

For the life that Jiang Qi said, of course, he yearned for, but he promised Bishop Otto, and behind him, he was not only the people of his own family, but also… The possibility of the whole humanity.

The blood in his body has the power to manipulate the collapse energy, and the purity is extremely high, if he can complete the perfect control of this power, then it is definitely a blessing for humans.

Jiang Qi’s hand under the table was instantly clenched, his eyes were slightly clenched, and in his closed mouth, his teeth were also clenched, and his eyes covered by hair were already full of anger.

Otto Apocalis, even if he has not achieved anything, even if he is accused by thousands of people and becomes a sinner of history, this person must be solved himself.

If it was just for this reason, then Jiang Qi would not say much, but Otto, Otto Apocalis, he would have launched a missile attack directly on the location of Cecilia in the second collapse war, in order to eliminate the unstable factor of Zigfei.

In that case, what is Cecilia’s loyalty today? What is the life that has been imprisoned in the cage of the Mandate of Heaven headquarters? This S-class Valkyrie who has made many contributions to the Mandate of Heaven, what is Cecilia?

“yes, you said… Maybe it’s right, Cecilia” Jiang Qi didn’t know what kind of mood he was in, how he controlled his emotions that he couldn’t wait to run directly to the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, and at all costs, by any means to beat Otto Sheng to death with his fists.

If you don’t know what the future will be, then you won’t have such big ups and downs in your emotions like now, right?

But if he didn’t know what the future would be, then how could he meet Cecilia?

So, it’s really fate.

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