Before this, Jiang Qi had always thought so, with memories of his previous life and his psychological age added up to his thirties, he was able to face everything very calmly.

But the facts… It doesn’t seem to be like that, myself… After all, it is a person, not some machine without feelings.

Since she is human, then she has humanity, she will be angry when she sees the person she wants to protect hurt, she will be sad when she sees the person closest to her die, she will see her loved one trapped in prison, and she will want to take her away.

“After that, I will return to the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, and I… Will return to you the money you spent on me today, and … We…… And then we, or don’t have contact anymore”

Cecilia didn’t dare to look at Jiang Qi, she was also afraid, how much damage her words brought to this boy, she didn’t know.

There were also some tears flashing in her own eyes, but because she lowered her head, she didn’t let Jiang Qi see it.

With a long exhale, Jiang Qi closed his eyes, leaned back, and the chair fell back, allowing his eyes to see the starry sky.

I don’t know how, hearing Cecilia’s words, Jiang Qi’s mood was actually much calmer, and he was not as irritable as before.

After a while, he opened his eyes and habitually touched his neck, his eyes deep.

Right now…… There is no need to hesitate, since it has come to this time, there is no reason to waste time on this kind of thing.

At any cost, even if you are no longer a person, you absolutely want to… The Mandate Bishop Otto Apocalis was completely eradicated.

He may be a respectable leader for those who only see him on the surface, but that doesn’t matter.

After that, it is up to yourself to end the war between humanity and Honkai, and it is time to end the battle that lasts for two epochs.

“That’s fine, but Cecilia, I have a habit of saying it, and since I have already said it, I have no intention of taking it back” Jiang Qi calmed his emotions and smiled again.

“Also, I have decided that since I can’t take you to various parts of the world to enjoy the beautiful scenery, then I will join the Mandate of Heaven.”

Join the Mandate of Heaven and kill Otto to relieve the hatred in your heart, the big deal is to become a sinner.

Anyway, he is also a person, he was a person in the past, he is a person now, and it will be so in the future.

There is nothing to worry about, there is nothing to take care of, there is nothing left, then, naturally, there is nothing to fear of losing.

“Join Destiny?” Cecilia raised her head and looked at Jiang Qi in shock.

“When the idle crane gets used to it, it may be a little uncomfortable, but do you think I will just let you go? Don’t be naïve, Cecilia” Jiang Qi stood up, walked to Cecilia’s side, reached out and put his hand on her forehead, and flicked it gently.

“It hurts, but!” Cecilia covered her bulleted forehead and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jiang Qi.

“Don’t be, let’s go, you don’t have much time for your vacation” Jiang Qi stretched out his hand to Cecilia, bent down slightly, and put one hand behind his back.

“Miss Cecilia, your knight’s expiration date is approaching.”

Cecilia looked at the boy who had obviously known her for a little more than a day, remembered today’s experience, couldn’t help but smile, and put her hand on it.

“Then, please”

“Well, leave it to me, please”

Jiang Qi took Cecilia to a theater, looked at the photo of the new movie in front of him, and seriously thought about whether to watch this or not.

I and Cecilia are dating now, so watching movies is a very corny thing in terms of general rationality.

“Speaking of which, Jiang Qi has always been taking me shopping today, I should also give him something” Cecilia looked at Jiang Qi, who was thinking seriously, and couldn’t help but think in her heart.

However, during today’s day, Jiang Qi didn’t seem to show anything about his hobbies, maybe playing games can be regarded as one.

Tilting her head slightly, Cecilia looked at Jiang Qi, whose eyebrows were sometimes frowning and sometimes soothing, and silently made a decision in her heart.

“Before, I remember that it seemed that in that jewelry store, I remembered that there seemed to be a souvenir item…”

Finding the target, Cecilia looked at the clock, it was almost ten o’clock now, and she didn’t know if the jewelry store could be opened yet, so she had to do it as soon as possible.

“Jiang Qi, I seem to have forgotten something in that jewelry store just now, please wait for me, I swear to you, I will definitely come back” Cecilia said to Jiang Qi, and immediately ran away.

Jiang Qi opened his mouth, but finally did not make a sound, just watched Cecilia’s figure run farther and farther, until she disappeared at the end of his line of sight, and then looked away.

His expression was no longer the smile he had just had, he became calm, and slowly turned to look at the man sitting on the bench next to him, reading the newspaper.

“I warned you, Walter, don’t come and disturb me” Jiang Qi looked coldly at this first-law person disguised as an ordinary person, restraining his emotions.

“Mr. Jiang Qi, I don’t think we have a reason to be enemies” Walter saw that the other party had recognized his identity, so he put down the newspaper and stood up.

“Yes, we really have no reason to be enemies, but I’m in a very bad mood now” Jiang Qi clenched his fists, and the emotions he had been restraining just now were gradually released.

“So now, I give you two paths, first, immediately give me to disappear from my eyes, and second, let me dig out your lawyer core and give you death.”

The ground under Jiang Qi’s feet had begun to crack, and the whole person’s momentum was like a fierce lion, staring at Walter with dead eyes.

After Walter hesitated for a long time, he still gave up at this time, persuaded Jiang Qi, turned around, and left the place.

Unlike before, he didn’t have any reason to fight Jiang Qi, even if he hit himself in the face, but, obviously, if he fought now, the other party would really kill him.

Jiang Qi snorted coldly, sat down on the bench, put away his irascible emotions, and waited for Cecilia’s return.

“If you plan to do something to Destiny, you can contact me and I will help you,” Walter dropped the sentence before leaving.

And whether Jiang Qi listened or not, Walter didn’t know, and it didn’t matter.

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