Located in the extreme north of the planet, there is a silver-white building in the most central position, and outside, there are often figures, and occasionally you can see shining in the snow.

Chaldean Phineis, this is the name of the building, unlike the Chaldean where Romani is located, there are not many humans living here, more … It’s the Spirit of Heroes.

The legendary heroes will be engraved on the heroic throne located outside the world after death, which is the heroic spirit.

And the heroes in this place, they all belong to only one person, that is, the current Chaldean director, but also the hero who saved human history twice, the true savior.

In the control room, a girl in a white uniform was sitting dumbly on her bed, with a faint smile on her lips.

The long orange hair was scattered, and the smile that had been lost for a long time was now back on her face, with a little more aura.

The orange eyes also showed a little nostalgia, and he closed his eyes slightly, thinking back to the appearance of the Chaldean in the past.

“Senior… Finally, finally, finally to be able to see you again, is this destiny? Fujimaru Rikka said softly.

After defeating all the beasts, Fujimaru Tachika also became a beast and became a human evil, even the inhibition of this world has disappeared.

At the beginning, after Jiang Qi disappeared, Fujimaru Tachika became Beast, which was also caused by the inhibition of this world.

In the end, this world also becomes a special world without inhibition, even if it is a parallel world, it is the most special parallel world.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and a young maiden walked in, pink hair, with a pair of glasses, and wearing a Chaldean uniform.

“Senior, come quickly, a special parallel world has been detected in the control room, come and see” Fujimaru Rika’s junior sister, who is also a heroic spirit, Matthew Killerette, hurriedly said to Fujimaru Rika.

“I see, Matthew, wait a minute, okay?” Fujimaru Tachika slowly turned back and smiled slightly.

Originally, she was a very good beautiful girl, but in recent years, because of the mysterious disappearance of her predecessors, she has gradually degenerated and lost some of her past look.

At this time, Matthew couldn’t help but be stunned when he saw the smile displayed by Fujimaru Rika, but he was not happy about it, but he was a little uneasy.

It may have been tens of thousands of years, this time, it has been so long that he has blurred the concept of time, and he has not seen Fujimaru Rika show a sincere smile, but now he sees it, this is not a very ordinary thing.

This smile let Matthew know that something must be going to happen, and this is not a trivial matter for the entire Chaldeans.

After thinking for a while, Matthew’s eyes suddenly widened and she thought of a very likely idea.

“Senior, please don’t think about it, Senior Jiang Qi has already left, but you must not leave,” Matthew hurriedly ran to Fujimaru Rika’s side and said worriedly.

Fujimaru Rika was stunned and did not react for a while, but after a while, Fujimaru Rika smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Although it is understandable why Matthew thinks so, he only laughs because he has encountered something happy, and he can’t think about it.

Jiang Qi’s appearance is a happy thing for her and for the entire Chaldeans.

Even if it wasn’t a return to Chaldea, just because it was news of him was happy enough.

“Don’t worry, it’s just… Forget it, you may know later, now, it may not be the time” Fujimaru Rika touched Matthew’s head, opened his mouth to say something about Jiang Qi, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Although he got the news from Jiang Qi, the other party didn’t seem to remember him, so forget it

After all, after so much time, it is impossible to want the other party to remember something so long ago at once.

Tens of thousands of years will change a lot of things, and if it were not for the fact that everyone in Chaldea had always been by their side, they might have forgotten their existence.

“Matthew, you go first, I’ll go over later” Fujimaru Ritika smiled, and the loneliness in his heart did not show.

“Okay” Matthew saw that Fujimaru Tachika was not what he thought, and also let go of his heart, so he left the room first.

Since Fujimaru Rika said so, then he should indeed be at ease, tens of thousands of years have passed, and Matthew still has this trust in Fujimaru Rika.

After Matthew left, Fujimaru Tachika said in the group that it was extremely far away.

Human evil: “I remember that day, because I participated in the imaginary submersible test for the first time, I was a little unaccustomed to that feeling, so I passed out in the corridor, and when I woke up, I found that I was on the back of my senior, and that was our first encounter”

Princess of the Moon: “The unexpected is a little like the plot in those TV series, it really makes the concubine look forward to it, what did the scumbag’s group master do?” ”

Jiang Qi: “Why am I a scumbag, what did I do?” You can eat indiscriminately, tigers can’t talk nonsense, I’m still ignored by Cecilia because of the two of you.”

Yan Lingji: “Those imperial officials all have the main room and the concubine room, and there is a saying that the emperor is three thousand beautiful people, and it is not surprising that the group master does this”

Reverse Sixteen Nights: “Flame Lingji should be a person who lived in ancient times, to be placed in modern times, a man can only have one wife, otherwise it is illegal”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “It is not uncommon for those with a little money to have several underground lovers”

Asuna: “But, the group leader is like this, forgetting a girl who misses him, it really is still very excessive”

Slime: “Well, there is no doubt that the group owner is a scumbag”

Zero: “What is this, isn’t it good for the group lord to become the emperor of a certain country, or, some other high-ranking official or something?” ”

Meili iron fan: “…”

Sophie: “Isn’t there still the ancestor of a scumbag here?” Compared to doctors, the group owner is much more restrained.”

Jiang Qi: “Don’t compare me with the doctor, I really don’t know what happened between myself and Fujimaru Rika”

Human evil: “Although the predecessor is not the emperor, but he was once recognized by the first emperor, he wanted to let the senior be the second emperor of Qin, but the senior refused”

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