Seeing the three words of the First Emperor, Jiang Qi remembered, that big fluttering moth… That supreme emperor, the most impressive emperor since the founding of Shenzhou.

Even in modern times, His Majesty the Emperor’s influence on Shenzhou is still profound, at least, among the later emperors, few can compete with it.

Slime: “@Jiang Qi, group leader, why did you refuse?” ”

Anzurgong: “In other words, can the group master really become an emperor?” ”

Meili iron fan: “It’s really amazing, group master, it’s worthy of you”

It’s not a waste angel: “The emperor of the human world, isn’t it like that?” What’s good”

Sophie: “But, no matter how you look at it, the emperor mentioned by Miss Human Evil is not an ordinary emperor.”

Time King: “In other words, the group leader almost became the first king in our group?” ”

Back to the sixteenth night: “Your Majesty the Emperor?” It’s really interesting, I’m curious about what it’s like when the group leader becomes emperor.”

Human evil: “Brother Zheng, that is, the first emperor, is not an ordinary emperor, he has long become an immortal ultimate creature, his research on science and technology is higher than anyone else, otherwise, he would not have studied such a thing as a star destroyer fleet”

Lord God: “Let’s ask, @Human Evil, the star destroyer you are talking about is the big and big star destroyer that can destroy the planet with one blow?” ”

Human evil: “It’s so good, although the political brother at that time couldn’t really do this, but now, it’s completely okay”

Slime: “It means… The owner of the group almost got a fleet? Or a fleet of star destroyers? ”

Time King: “This… Sorry to interrupt, Star Destroyer Boss”

Anzurgong: “This is really admirable, actually refused to have a star destroyer fleet, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to refuse ah”

Jiang Qi: “??? ”

Asuna: “It’s hard to believe that one can destroy a planet, can that First Emperor actually have an entire fleet?” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Let me ask, how many star destroyers are there in that First Emperor’s fleet?” ”

Human evil: “Not much, that is, the formation of a great wall, the specific number I have not counted, anyway, around the earth, now, the entire solar system, other galaxies there are some, but not much, are just patrol ships equipped with star destroyer functions, after all, tens of thousands of years, there is no way”

Princess of the Moon: “Tens of thousands of years?” Are you kidding? Around the solar system? Are you kidding? ”

The strongest in the world: “…”

Back to Sixteen Nights: “This is really… It’s a bit difficult, hahahaha, it’s really interesting.”

Traveler: “This should not be a question of whether it is interesting or uninteresting.”

Lord God: “Bull, I can only say that the cow is awesome, it is estimated that it can destroy me”

Flame Lingji: “Next time, do you want to drag the Lord God out, and let His Majesty the First Emperor mentioned by the Human Evil Lady to try to see if you can destroy the Lord God”

Anzurgon: “It’s really worth a try”

Jiang Qi: “Don’t tear the topic off the topic for me, I still have to listen to why she knows me, if you want to think that the first emperor is awesome, then call Brother Zheng awesome, Daqin science and technology can also be the first in the world”

zero: “Humph”

It’s not a waste angel: “Daqin Science and Technology is the first in the world!!! ”

Princess of the Moon: “Brother Zheng is awesome!!! ”

Slime: “Brother Zheng is awesome!!! ”

Human evil: “If you have the opportunity, you can come to me to play, maybe the Chaldean is a little smaller, but it will definitely not disappoint you”

Meili Iron Fan: “That First Emperor, does it mean the First Emperor in the history of Shenzhou?” Is that person actually so strong? ”

Human evil: “It’s probably similar to your original strength doctor, okay, then, please listen, let me talk about one… The Story of the Savior”

Next, Fujimaru Tachika said everything that happened in the past in the shortest words.

In the Hundred Years War of the Evil Dragon, the confrontation with the evil dragon Valrhona and the blackened Joan of Arc were the first peculiarities of the adventure.

The spirit of the Roman Empire, although called a tyrant, has some lovely rose emperors, the appearance of the whip of the gods, the first appearance of the pillar of the demon god, and the death of Leif.

On the boundless sea, the appearance of the gods, the legendary fleet, the golden deer crossing the ocean on a rainy night, the adventures of Okeanoi are still impressive.

The city shrouded in magic fog, artificial life forms and grievances, the arrival of the Lion King, the first appearance of the Demon King, the first total defeat of Chaldea, the fear that reflected the soul.

Relying on the strength of mankind itself, crossing the continent, the mythical scene of the struggle of two brothers, and finally facing the enemy, is also unforgettable today.

The holy capital of the holy has completely changed from man to the lion king of gods, the loyal Knights of the Round Table split, and the knights, with loyalty to the king, have walked for fifteen hundred years and finally returned the holy sword.

At the end of the age of the gods, the gods and humans joined hands to face the final crisis, cherished the people, and the wise king who died of labor until the end also lost his life for the Chaldean lord, and in the final battle, he showed his peak strength and fought with the goddess of creation.

The peculiarity of the endgame, the Demon God King who wanted to reshape the planet was defeated by King Solomon, who gave up the favor of God, Solomon gave everything, the junior sister who always shut himself out of the door, under the attack of the Demon God King, there was no body, the four beasts zombified their senses, the Demon God King lost his immortality, became the human king, and was finally defeated.

And the story in the peculiarities of that subspecies is equally impressive, the confrontation between Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes across time, the inheritance of the underground world, the stage of the blood sea corpse mountain, the power of man to create a weapon that can kill the gods, and the girl of Salem being possessed by the outer gods, creating a forbidden garden story.

The aberration of Chaldea, the seven hidden people who betrayed, the emergence of alien gods, the domination of the emperor of permafrost, the maternal love of the Ice and Snow Empress at Ragnarok, the perfection of the first emperor of the Qin Empire, the reincarnation of creation and destruction created by the last god, the power of the Olympian gods…

The unfolding of the story made everyone in the group think that one picture after another could not help but emerge, all quietly watching what Fujimaru Rika said, and kept quiet unanimously.

Especially Jiang Qi, the quietest thing at the moment is him, squinting his eyes slightly, of course he knows these stories and is familiar with them, but, in his memory, he has never experienced this kind of thing.

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