The seven stars of Liyue have always been a topic of conversation, among them, when it comes to which seven-star group the people admire, then the first choice is Yuheng Star.

Yuheng Xingqing, although not very old, she is also from a famous family, and she is a big miss, but even so, she doesn’t have that kind of big miss temper.

In the past, I often came to the street with microservice private visits, looking for work or something, but even more so after being selected as a seven-star.

Keqing will appear here today, and it is also for this reason that she came here to work.

She has traveled all over Liyue with her feet, and in order to better understand Liyue, she has a strong sense of responsibility for those who survive in Liyue.

“Oh,” Jiang Qi was a little surprised to see that there was actually another person standing.

The gravity he used was not too heavy, after all, it was only for deterrence, and he did not intend to really kill.

The other party is just wary of himself, and he is not taking out a weapon, he is going to fight with himself, and there is no need for him to go to that ruthless hand and ruin his reputation.

“That’s really good, this sister,” Jiang Qi walked over to the only young Miss Keqing who was still standing, and said with a gentle smile.

Although the gravity circle released by herself is not heavy, it is much more exaggerated than the gravity she usually feels, and now this girl can still stand, which already shows her extraordinary.

“Who are you?” Why trespass into Tianheng Mountain, trespass in the territory of Liyue” Keqing gritted her teeth, to be honest, now she can’t withstand that pressure.

This question can be regarded as asking Jiang Qi, who is he is a good answer, why trespassing into Tianheng Mountain, the system threw itself out.

However, through Keqing’s words, he really understood that the place he was in was the territory of Liyue, a place much larger than Zhimand.

“I’m just a passing bishop of Heavenly Destiny, remember it for me” Jiang Qi did not forget the identity he wanted to use when he went out: “My name is the Green Lawyer, Otto Apocalis. ”

When Keqing heard this name, he also frowned, this name was a little like the people on the Winter Winter Kingdom, but when did the people there be so bold.

The matter of the Northland Bank can be turned a blind eye, but if they come directly to this kind of public place, then what they want to do is obvious.

“Otto, you should understand what the result will be if you almost hurt the people of Liyue in front of the seven stars” Keqing held an ornament in his other hand and placed it behind him.

With the thunder attribute, she is definitely far superior to others in terms of speed, not to mention, the time she has had the Eye of God is not short, and she has long been able to skillfully use elemental power.

“So what? Why do I have to explain to others when I act Otto? Little girl, you’d better not come to hinder me” Jiang Qi said with a cold smile, when he spoke, he really didn’t blush at all.

“Look at the move” Ji Qing threw out the hairpin in his hand and threw it straight to Jiang Qi’s location.

That hairpin suddenly formed a purple thunder symbol next to Jiang Qi, and Jiang Qi glanced to the side, and then stretched out his hand to hold it directly in his hand.

The thunder and lightning on it were directly smashed by Jiang Qi, and the hairpin was not directly broken, but directly held in the hand.

“Is that how it looks?” Jiang Qi immediately understood that the structure of this hairpin was actually not something special, just a very, very ordinary ornament.

However, the material used is just enough to conduct electricity, so it is used by Keqing to become something similar to a weapon.

Speaking of which, it seems that her hairpin is really particularly convenient, which can be used as a bamboo skewer for catching fish and grilling fish, in addition, there are many conveniences.

“Give it back to me” Ji Qing saw that his favorite hairpin was taken away by that person, and immediately rushed over, holding a long sword, approaching Jiang Qi at a very fast speed, wanting to take the hairpin from his hand.

Jiang Qi sideways avoided, directly took out the sword of the night sky that he had not used for a long time, and directly smashed the long sword in Keqing’s hand.

In front of the sword of the night sky, which was originally called an artifact, the long sword made from those minerals of this world owned by Keqing was naturally easy to break.

Even Keqing was a little surprised at the moment, the sword she held was not an ordinary weapon, and now it was naturally a little surprised to be broken so easily.

“You can’t do anything without a weapon” Jiang Qi directly hit Keqing’s abdomen with his other hand, and kicked it mercilessly.

Ke Qing was instantly kicked away, his face was also a little ugly, Jiang Qing’s strength is not small, even as the Liyue Seven Stars, Ke Qing has never seen it, there are actually humans with such powerful power.

When the others saw that Jiang Qi had easily defeated Keqing, they were also stunned, and some fear appeared in their hearts.

It is very common for the weak to fear the strong, and as for Keqing appearing here, it is not too strange, but it is a little surprised at first.

Jiang Qi withdrew the gravity circle, looked at these people, walked in front of Keqing, and stepped on Keqing’s hand.

“Is this your strength as the Liyue Seven Stars?” Jiang Qi lowered his body, removed the divine eye on Keqing’s body, looked at it for a while, and then crushed it directly.

“Ah” At the moment when Jiang Qi crushed the Eye of God, Keqing also felt that all the elemental power that had been circulating in his body had disappeared.

There was also an extremely uncomfortable pain on the back of the stepped hand, and now that the Eye of God had disappeared, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Crushing Keqing’s God Eye, Jiang Qi touched it from his pocket and took out a purple Divine Heart and threw it in front of Keqing.

“Instead, I’ll give you this.”

In that battle with the Heavenly Sense Maintainer, he also knocked a lot of her bamboo bars, and in order to prevent accidents, the God Heart of different attributes took a double share.

When she removed her foot from Keqing’s hand, the back of her white hand had been stepped on red, and the beautiful girl’s face was slightly pale.

Taking that God Heart, Keqing suddenly felt that there was more elemental power flowing in than before, after all, the God Heart was a more efficient elemental external organ than the God Eye.

“And then, where did this come from? This seven-star lady of Liyue, who has just arrived, hopes that you will lead the way” Jiang Qi just looked around, and did not look at the intelligence collected by the dimensional perpetual movement organ.

“Hmph” Ji Qing slowly stood up, snorted coldly, and looked at Jiang Qi with a strong hostility in his gaze.

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