The weapon was directly shattered, and his hairpin was also taken away by this guy who called himself Otto, and Keqing naturally would not give him any good looks.

Looking at the divine eye on his hand that was reconnected with his body, Keqing was a little strange, what exactly was this thing, and what was the real purpose of “Otto”.

“Refuse? It’s okay,” Jiang Qi sighed, took out the hairpin that he had snatched over, and with a slight force, made this hairpin make a sound.

Seeing that his favorite hairpin seemed to be directly broken by this bastard guy, Keqing directly recklessly went over and wanted to take it back.

Jiang Qi turned directly sideways, took out a flintlock gun, and shot Keqing’s abdomen, using two bullets, and fired several shots in a row.

Keqing’s movements suddenly became very slow, and even the movements of falling to the ground were much slower, so he was easily caught by Jiang Qi.

“What are you kidding?” Keqing didn’t expect that he was easily caught again, and his face became a little ugly.

Keqing’s height is actually about the same height as Jiang Qi, thanks to Jiang Qi’s strength enough, otherwise, it would be really difficult to carry Keqing.

“Quickly lead the way, otherwise, just…” Jiang Qi said, taking out the hairpin, ready to smash this thing directly.

With your own strength, you can easily solve this hairpin directly, but it is not bad to threaten this seven-star.

Seven stars and seven stars, that should mean that here in Liyue, it is as weak as Keqing, and there are six meanings.

If he is not mistaken, then, among the seven stars, what was said in his previous life seems to be only Tianquan Condensation, Yuheng Keqing, and Tianshu Star Tianuncle, and none of the others’ words are known.

Speaking of which, it seems that Liyue Qixing also has a common secretary, a coconut sheep named Ganyu, who is also said to be a half-immortal.

“Despicable guy” Keqing knows that he can’t resist this guy at all now, he can’t compare to the other party in terms of strength, and if he has skills, he can’t use it now.

With his weapon shattered, it is indeed difficult to defeat this guy.

In desperation, Keqing had to show the way, hoping that when he arrived in Liyue, Ning Guang could help, that guy’s strength was also a little stronger than himself, and he could no longer cause some damage to this guy.

“Goo” Jiang Qi had just walked a few steps, and his stomach screamed without arguing.

If you think about it, in fact, they really haven’t eaten anything today, just with Cecilia and they are on the road, they haven’t eaten anything, their words, it is estimated that they are now enjoying food in the canteen of destiny, but themselves… Forget it, don’t mention it.

Keqing was just about to mock, but after a tiring day, she only ate a small amount of food, and now she also felt some hunger, so she closed her mouth.

The corner of Jiang Qi’s mouth slightly hooked an arc, facing Keqing, with a haughty, mocking expression, and I didn’t know what he was mocking.

This Yu Hengxing was also amused by this, thinking that this guy was really naïve, but he temporarily forgot that he was defeated by such a naïve guy.

“Let’s go to eat first, I heard that the Wanmin Hall in Liyue is very good” Jiang Qi touched his chin, thought about it seriously, and then looked at Keqing: “In short, guiding the way, seven-star version of the compass”

“I… Just…… No…… Be…… Finger…… South…… Needle” Keqing almost clenched his teeth before saying these words.

Despite this, because his stomach was also a little hungry, Keqing pointed in a direction, although he was carried, but it seemed good to feel leisurely without having to walk by himself.

As soon as this thought arose, Keqing regretted it, and after Jiang Qi knew the location of the hotel, he ran in that direction with all his strength.

A gust of wind blew on Keqing’s face, and the wind that was set off at Jiang Qi’s speed blew on his face, but it was very painful.

Thanks to Jiang Qi’s speed, in just ten minutes, the two arrived in front of a hotel, and the three words “Wanmintang” were written on the plaque.

Walking into the store, Jiang Qi’s strange clothes attracted the attention of many people, and as for Keqing, he was put down when Jiang Qi was outside the door.

No matter what, the other party is also a girl, if he carries her in, then it is really not good.

He and Keqing don’t have any big hatred, so he still knows what to do in any place.

“Hello, guest, what do you order?” A little girl with short blue hair came over and asked very lively.

“Let me see, a sweet almond tofu, a salty lotus seed egg custard, well, this golden shrimp ball too… Two portions, then Mora meat, stir-fried meat slices, Xian jumping wall, Shanzhen hot noodles, Central Plains miscellaneous pieces, let’s have two portions” Jiang Qi looked at the menu and quickly ordered a few dishes.

When he turned to the pages behind the menu, Jiang Qi suddenly showed a smile, used the photo function of the dimensional chat group, took a picture of it, and ordered a few more dishes by the way.

Hearing the names of those dishes reported by Jiang Qi, not only Keqing, but even the little girl who came to listen to their orders was stunned.

If her eyes are not wrong, then it seems that there are only two people sitting here, and two people order so many dishes, they will not eat endlessly, and waste food.

“Don’t worry, I don’t say anything else, this appetite is still quite large, and I can eat as much food as I want,” Jiang Qi saw through the little girl’s thoughts and smiled.

In the past, my appetite may not be very large, but since I gained various abilities, my appetite has become very large, and I don’t have to worry about whether I can digest it quickly.

Seeing Jiang Qi say this, the little girl nodded and trotted back to the kitchen, and it was not until after she left that Keqing asked.

“What the hell are you? Is it from the Winter Solstice? Or Mond? ”

“Didn’t I say that? I’m Bishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalis, didn’t I hear clearly just now? Jiang Qi naturally wouldn’t tell his true identity so quickly.

Keqing won’t believe this guy’s nonsense, I don’t know why, I always feel that this name does not match Jiang Qi well, and when I hear it, I know that it is not his real name.

I had never heard of that organization of destiny, and there was no such organization on either the Winter Kingdom side or Mond.

That skeptical look really made Jiang Qi get some goosebumps, so he had to sigh.

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