Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

126 Ebony Maw! Black Dwarf! Nine Realms Is Really Not Easy! (2 More)

"Storm, you fly the plane, let me check the condition of this corpse.

After Qin finished speaking, she came to the side of the Zita Swiss Soldiers.

A knife is thrown flying by her Psychokinesis.


The scalpel smoothly sliced ​​across Zita Swiss Soldier's head and skull.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a situation completely different from the structure of the human brain.

"Charles, these aliens, they seem to have a part mechanical structure.

In other words, this should be an artificial tissue of a biochemical human!

So your statement that they accept certain information appears to be true.

And if nothing else, the thing that emits the signal is just outside the channel. "

Jean took a brief look at the alien's brain tissue.

To her, these circumstances did not seem at all strange.

When Wolverine and Senator Kelly have problems, Qin will conduct the physical examination.

She has a good ability in medicine.

"Very good, tell Tony the news, I think they will find a solution."

Charles looked at Storm and said.

Storm contacted Tony directly through the plane's communicator.

This is the contact signal left after their cooperation last time.

"Hey, Charles, I'm busy here."

Immediately, Tony's voice came from the opposite side, but at the moment, his voice was a little hurried.

After all, the Loki in front of him has not been taken yet.

Moreover, Loki At the moment was looking at those Zeta Swiss soldiers who failed to expand the battlefield in all directions with a look of astonishment.

Tony is about to take this opportunity to take Loki down.

It turned out that Charles actually sent him a communication request.

"I know, I'm right there, and I'll tell you a piece of news that the aliens seem to be receiving a signal from somewhere.

And this place, no accident, is outside the space gate.

Now, you have two choices, the first one is to close this dimension door.

In this way, the signal source can be cut off directly without any accident.

The second one is the main signal transmitting base outside the channel of destruction.

In other words, there is the command center of the opponent. "

"you sure?"

"Not sure, because the time to dissect their bodies is too short to do more verification."

"Forget it, it's best for me to find a way to solve this space channel.

And, although you said they were receiving external signals.

But the meaning of this signal is actually not clear to us.

Maybe it's just the way they carry out orders.

It's better to close the space door, and then slowly clean up these aliens.

Tony finally decided to go ahead with the original plan.

Take Loki, or take Loki's scepter.

This scepter can close the space door.

At the moment he saw that the Zeta Swiss soldiers in all directions above were blocked.

In this case, the area that aliens can destroy becomes limited.

As long as the opponent is blocked in New York City, even if the whole New York is smashed, it is a victory.

Because by virtue of destroying an alien attack conspiracy.

No matter who wants to make an article based on this, it is impossible to deny the significance of this victory.

Taking advantage of Loki's dazed state at the moment, he directly hit Loki's arm with a cannonball.


The scepter in Loki's hand falls towards the ground.

It was only at the moment that Loki really realized that he was still on the battlefield.

But Tony was faster, the moment the scepter fell, he flew towards the scepter.

Grabbing the scepter, Tony turned and flew towards the Stark Building.

"Loki, you wait for me, the one we solve the problem of seeing this space.

We will let you know what kind of punishment you will find for this offense. "

When Tony left, he let go of his harsh words.

Wait until Thor is free, let him educate his younger brother himself.

Bear boy, give me a good beating before we talk.

But Loki looked at Tony who was leaving, and there was an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Hahaha, I just said that the Chitauri soldiers are not as powerful as imagined.

You brag about how many planets the Zeta Swiss Soldiers have taken down with you.

But, is this the strength of your soldiers?

It can't even get out of the siege of a city on this planet.

With such an Ability, are you ashamed to say it's powerful?

Now, aren't you ready to make a move?"

Loki watched the scepter being taken away, he wasn't worried at all.

In fact, at the moment he didn't know about Dr. Eric's back door.

He thought Tony took the scepter to save Dr. Eric.

I want to find out whether the space door can be closed through the sober Dr. Eric.

But Loki isn't worried.

Because of the power Tesseract showed him, it was impossible to be destroyed at will.

And his words were obviously aimed at some people.

"The power of this world is indeed somewhat beyond imagination."

A strange voice sounded.

At this moment, at the space gate, a space transmission gravity directly connected to New York.

In this ray of light, two figures walked out.

Ebony Maw!

Black Dwarf!

A graceful and thin.

A savage and strong.

Ebony Maw floated quietly in the air, watching the situation in New York City.

"If you don't take action, this invasion will fail.

I don't understand, since you want to invade here, why don't you send more forces over here.

Don't you guys actually know that this planet is dangerous?

And I took the Chitauri soldiers just to lead the way for you?"

Loki At the moment finally understood their purpose.

Ebony Maw glanced at Loki.

"There are some things you shouldn't understand, but this invasion has confirmed one thing for us. This world is indeed dangerous."

He knows many things.

Thanos once told them that this universe is called the Nine Realms.

He also tried to investigate here at the beginning.

The reason he investigates is because he heard that Curry, the treasure of Asgard, has an Infinity Gauntlet.

And this glove is the key to controlling Infinite Gems.

Unfortunately, his investigation was stopped by Odin, King of Asgard. (aecf) At that time, Thanos knew that the destruction of the Nine Realms needed to be delayed.

Neither he nor Odin said anything about it.

Odin didn't want more people to know that the Infinity Gauntlet could have such powerful power.

Thanos delays the time to get the Infinity Gauntlet and instead starts hunting for all the Infinite Gems.

Because he understood one thing, without Infinite Gems, Infinity Gauntlet is useless.

After a long investigation, Thanos also got an Infinite Gems.

But he knew another thing, when two Infinite Gems get close, there will be an inexplicable connection.

This connection is likely to lead to more Infinite Gems.

Therefore, he handed over the scepter to Loki, the "traitor" of Asgard.

Using Asgardians against the Nine Realms is interesting just to think about it.

Loki also lived up to expectations and opened the space door connecting the Zita Swiss Soldiers.

Originally, this matter was another trial, and at the same time, it was to bring the two Infinite Gems together to cause changes.

As for the success of the hand, he doesn't care.

But this guy Loki justified that the earth is very dangerous and there are many powerful people on it.

Ask for more and more powerful ones.

Ebony Maw, as Thanos' number one general, took over the task.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to see what was so terrifying about the Nine Realms that once let Mie Lei fail to return.

This attack really made him feel the specialness of this world.

The mighty Zeta Swiss soldiers can't even break out of a city.

This is rarely seen in the planets attacked in the past.

Ebony Maw is very clear that the technological level of this world is inferior to that of many planets.

Even if it was a temptation, he felt that the Zeta Swiss Soldiers could crush the world.

Zeta Swiss Soldiers have powerful aerial battleships called Leviathans.

Has a powerful individual Flight weapon.

There are also Chitauri biochemical soldiers who can accept unified command.

The individual combat effectiveness of these soldiers should not be underestimated.

At least compared with the people on Earth, their individual forces are much stronger.

However, how could it be possible to present the current situation.

The earth in the nine realms is obviously very powerful on the mysterious side.

In other words, in terms of creating powerful individual strength, they are even better than them.

That big green guy with four arms even surpassed the strength of Black Dwarf.

The Thor who kept killing the Zeta Swiss soldiers with the power of thunder is the prince of Asgard.

His power, comes from the same place as Odin who stopped Thanos.

As for the other forces under his hands, they are stronger than ordinary soldiers, so they don't attract his attention.

However, just as Loki disperses the Zeta Swiss soldiers, the entire New York City begins to "resurrect"

The power inside made Ebony Maw also feel frightened.

He's high up, seeing far more than Loki does.

A yellow man who is similar to the four-armed green man possesses a powerful force.


Can easily destroy floating behemoths with shock waves.

On the other side, there is a fat man whose whole body keeps exploding. His explosive power is really astonishing.

This kind of explosion even made him play with unexpected power.

None of the floating behemoths could withstand the opponent's explosion.

There is another direction, there is a super weirdo who can keep growing.

His individual strength is not inferior to the four-armed green big man.

But what is even more frightening is that there is another mysterious force that is stronger than that big man.

The floating behemoth and the Zeta Swiss soldier were easily crushed to pieces by the opponent.

There is another direction, it seems that someone has powers similar to Thor.

Thunder and lightning, wind and snow between heaven and earth.

There is also some kind of powerful energy weapon equipped on the plane.

And this is just the irregular armed forces of this world.

Now, even Ebony Maw wonders just how terrifying the world's regular armed forces can be.

In fact, he still doesn't know that the Avengers are actually a regular armed force.

"Your fighting power is really disappointing.

As I said at the beginning, to attack here, you need to send more people.

Now that the other party stops you here, what can you do when the two of you come?

Are those forces behind you really not planning to send them out?

Doesn't it matter if you fail this time?"

Loki continued to hurt Ebony Maw on one side.

"As I said, there are some things you should not ask about, and what you have to do is to do what you should do.

Ebony Maw paid no attention to Loki.

Loki, just tired of home.

"Interesting, actually directly brought out Ebony Maw.

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