Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

127 Ebony Maw's Temptation! Close The Space Channel! Black Dwarf Captured! (3 More)

"Interesting, actually directly brought out Ebony Maw.

Qin Xiao, who was staying in the mirror dimension, unexpectedly saw Ebony Maw when he came over.

This point completely exceeded his expectations.

Maybe this is the butterfly effect he attracted~

This is an unexpected joy, to be able to see the combat effectiveness of Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf in advance.

The outside Ebony Maw At the moment flew forward with a kind of rapidity.

His fighting power alone surpassed many others.

If it wasn't for plot kills, Ebony Maw could beat Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and Spider-man.

Ebony Maw At the moment is going to see how terrifying the world's top combat power is.

The first thing he found, was the four-armed Hulk.

The Hulk of At the moment has wiped out most of the floating leviathans.

Most importantly, his current anger value has become very terrifying.

The combat power brought by the anger value has already allowed him to easily tear apart a giant floating beast.

Dr. Banner has said that this time, he won't stop the Hulk.

This time, he really didn't stop.

The angry Hulk jumped around the city to his heart's content.

Any big guy is mostly his target.

Hulk charged once more at one of the surviving leviathans.

The whole beast was torn apart like a biscuit in Hulk's hands.

But at this moment, a floating figure came directly not far from Hulk.

Ebony Maw! He waved his hand lightly, and the broken floating warship began to disintegrate.

Countless pieces of metal rushed towards Hulk with great speed.

"Hulk~~ Hulk~~"

Hulk clearly saw the overwhelming metal on the ground.

With a roar, he was about to change direction and pounce on Ebony Maw.

But Ebony Maw didn't care about Hulk's roar.

Countless metals pierced Hulk like cannonballs.

Metal blades couldn't pierce Hulk At the moment's skin at all.

Seeing this, Ebony Maw directly changed his approach.

The metal At the moment that was supposed to stab Hulk turned directly towards Hulk.

Since it can't hurt you, it will trap you.

But Hulk's four arms waved impenetrably.

After he's ready for the fight, all metal is hard even for gold.

Even if a piece or two of metal sticks to Hulk every once in a while.

He also had plenty of time to free up one hand to tear off the iron sheet.

The horror of the four-armed Hulk has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

Not only that, but Hulk tried to fight back afterwards.

He grabbed a piece of metal casually and threw it at Ebony Maw with all his might.

The whole metal goes straight to Ebony Maw at subsonic speeds.

Ebony Maw instantly casts mana on the metal and wants to throw it away.

But the speed brought by the metal let him know that his strength can't move it away at all.

At this moment, even Ebony Maw felt difficult.

His whole body moved violently, not only that, the magic Psychokinesis also acted on the metal in reverse.


In a dangerous situation, Ebony Maw escaped this one.

But this time, Ebony Maw has a full understanding of the horror of this four-armed Hulk.

If I encounter this thing in the future, it's best to stay away.

As for Black Dwarf, it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat Hulk.

The difference in combat power between the two is astonishing.

Ebony Maw At the moment went right out of the fight with Hulk.

He already knew Hulk's terrifying fighting power, so now he can switch to someone else.

Floating not far from Thor.

This person is the heir of Odin, so perhaps we can know the horror of Odin from his strength.

I didn't have the chance to meet Odin, so maybe the trouble with Thor is the same.

He casually "pulled" some walls from the building.

And this wall is where Thor stands.

Thor had no choice but to fly towards Ebony Maw waving Mjolnir in his hand.

Ebony Maw landed abruptly downward.

There, Black Dwarf is already waiting.

Thor didn't care, and rushed directly towards Ebony Maw.

And Ebony Maw easily escaped Thor's bombardment.

Black Dwarf, who had been waiting below for a long time, blasted Thor with a pickaxe.

Thor was thrown like a cannonball.

Qin Xiao stood in the dimension space and stared at Thor dumbfounded.

Is this guy so disgusted with elementalization?

As long as he is elementalized, whether it is his speed or his passive ability when he is attacked, he can avoid Black Dwarf's attack.

But why doesn't he use it?

Qin Xiao said that he really didn't understand.

In fact, this is Odin's order to Thor as well.

The body of the protoss can accumulate powerful strength.

And Thor, as the most powerful person in the Protoss, even has the potential to surpass Li Ding.

But Thor has a fatal problem. His identification with his Thor identity has been deviated.

In other words, this is the flaw left by Odin at the beginning.

He gave Mjolnir to Thor too soon.

This weapon is powerful and once exerted great power in the hands of Hela.

But Hela is different, she herself has a power zone beyond Mjolnir.

This hammer was only used by Hela as Flight's tool in the end.

But Thor is different, because Mjolnir was given to him too early, making him dependent on Mjolnir all the time.

In the absence of Mjolnir, he himself would not be able to exert his divine power at all.

On the contrary, after he ate the thunderous fruit, the power of thunder in his body was absorbed by the thunderous fruit.

This gives Thor a hallucination.

He is the real "Thor".

However, Odin easily saw the shortcomings, or shortcomings, of the Thunder Fruit.

The power of the thunder fruit needs to be balanced with the power of Thor.

Otherwise, it will prevent Thor from realizing his full potential.

The thunder fruit can give Thor a powerful thunder power for a short time.

But Thor's Body of Thor cannot be tempered.

If the power developed by the thunder fruit is too strong, it will not be conducive to Thor to exert more of his own power.

It's as if Mjolnir was able to make Thor powerful.

But it can also make Thor form a dependency.

The same is true for the thunderous fruit.

So Odin issued an order to Thor, the use of the thunder fruit must be controlled to a certain extent.

To this extent, the thunder fruit has to work together with the power of Thor.

Once it is found that the power of Thor is suppressed by the thunder fruit, it proves that the development of the thunder fruit needs to be stopped.

For so long, Thor also used the power of the thunder fruit when facing Hulk on the Helicarrier.

It is mainly elementalization, but the result is so scary and happy, I don't want to play with him anymore.

Today's battle, when attracting Thunder, he used the power of the three in one.

This is the most balanced and powerful force.

It is the power that Thor has been pursuing.

Through this time, Thor also found a way to use his strength in the future.

Looking at it now, the power of Thor activated by itself is actually a short board.

What he needs is to make this short board stronger step by step.

Then the thunder fruit and the power of Mjolnir can naturally cooperate with him to become stronger.

Upgrade Thor's power once, and his strength will be tripled!

That's the best way for him to grow.

But all of this, Qin Xiao didn't know.

He only sees the elementalization that Thor would rather be hit than use the thunder fruit.

And Thor endured Black Dwarf, his whole body shone with endless thunder.

0…ask for flowers…………

The power of continuous thunder fell from the sky, directly covering the area where Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw were located.

The endless explosion smoke directly enveloped the figures of the two of them.

"You shouldn't have messed with me."

After Thor finished speaking, he waved Mjolnir and returned to the current building again.

The endless thunder once again covered the space channel.

After being delayed by Ebony Maw just now, countless Zeta Swiss soldiers rushed in.

Hulk, who was going after Ebony Maw, At the moment had to turn around and deal with more floating leviathans.

On the ground, the smoke and dust dissipated, and Ebony Maw completely appeared on the ground.

Above his head, a metal ball cage directly connected to the ground.

Both his own figure and that of Black Dwarf were protected inside.

The turbulent thunder force just now was attracted to the ground by this metal net.

"The power of the Son of Odin is truly terrifying."

Ebony Maw At the moment takes Thor's awareness to a new level.

The other party really deserves to be the son of the King of God.

Since Thor is so powerful, Odin must be even more terrifying.

Now, it really is not the best time to come to the Nine Realms.

Seeing that Hulk and Thor were once again attracted by the Zeta Swiss Soldiers.

Ebony Maw flew towards the others again this time.

The purpose of his coming here is not to support Loki at all.

His purpose is purely to have an estimate of the fighting power of the various superheroes on Earth.

As for Black Dwarf, he can only use his little strong legs to find trouble on the ground.

On the other side, Tony successfully brought the Loki scepter to Dr. Eric's side.

"Dr. Eric, what should I do now?"

"The scepter has the power of the Tesseract, next, you stab the scepter directly into the energy shield here.

Their own energies collide with each other and will directly collapse the device. "

Dr. Eric told Tony the specific operation method.

"Very well, I understand, you dodge first, and then I will close this passage."

After Tony finished speaking, he reached out to the Tesseract with the scepter in his battle armor.

A transparent energy shield is cast directly upon the scepter's approach.

The energy shield emits a unique sound of energy running.


An explosion sounded, and the blue energy column on the Stark Building at the moment immediately began to dissipate.

Ebony Maw looked up at the sky, and then he rushed towards Black Dwarf frantically.

But at the moment, he was far away from Black Dwarf because he went to fight other people.

And the space channel in the sky is shrinking crazily.

"Black Dwarf, I'll save you later."

After he finished speaking, his whole body soared to the sky.

In a blink of an eye, he passed through the smaller and smaller space door, and plunged into a battleship.

Qin Xiao looked at the sky and frowned slightly, but when he drove 1, he saw Black Dwarf.

A mirror dimension appeared next to Black Dwarf.

When Black Dwarf didn't notice at all, Qin Xiao directly captured him in his own mirror image.

Tsk tsk, an alien has become his own captive.

Black Dwarf looked at the disappearing space channel in the sky, and his heart was extremely fucked.

I came down to fight with Ebony Maw, how did it become like this now?

Ebony Maw is back, what should I do?

Even though he entered the mirror dimension, he didn't notice this change at all.

With the disappearance of the space channel in the sky, those Zeta Swiss soldiers and floating behemoths are like machines that have lost their signal.

Whether it's a human or a giant beast, At the moment loses momentum one after another.

Tony looked at all the invading aliens falling straight to the ground in all directions.

If I had known this would happen, I would have taken Loki directly. ".

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