Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

156 Dead Girl! Matching Devil Fruits! (3 More)

"Perhaps it's time for us to leave, otherwise, the dam is likely to collapse.

Stryker felt the shock.

He probably knew that the Mutant fight must have caused this.

Qin Xiao glanced at Stryker.

"You created such a situation and now you want to leave.

Do you know how much harm you will do to the entire human race?

Do you think you can really control the situation?

Or, do you think you've really learned all about Mutant?

You can have Charles connect to all Mutants.

But do you remember, Magneto is immune to Charles' connection with his helmet.

What do you think Magneto will do when he finds Charles?

He will open the door to the brain wave strengthening device!

As you recall, Magneto was the one who helped build the brainwave strengthening device.

He'll flip the whole brainwave strengthening machine over, looking for Mutant now, then all humans.

Perhaps you said that your experimental subject only accepts orders from you alone.

But don't forget, Magneto has a make-up beside him.

He can be anyone!

As long as Mystique incarnates in your form, your subjects will follow their orders.

At that time, all human beings will be destroyed by you alone.

including yourself!

Stryker, you have fought against Mutant all your life, why did you act so mentally retarded at this critical moment?

Could it be that someone is manipulating behind you?"

Qin Xiao asked a very embarrassing question.

Stryker thought he was doing the right thing.

But now it is likely to lead to catastrophe!

Following his explanation, both Stryker and Till suddenly felt the fear in their hearts.

Magneto is able to resist Charles' Mind Control.

Once he resists, then with Magneto's ambition he will directly let Charles destroy all human beings.

You know, Charles originally has always been on the side of living in harmony with human beings.

So even if he has the ability to destroy the entire human world, he won't do it.

He could kill anyone more easily than Magneto if he wanted to.

Magneto originally wanted Charles to use his Ability to kill those who didn't respect Mutant many times.

Even kill those who want to expel Mutants, make laws for Mutants.

But Charles has always insisted on his bottom line.

Maybe Magneto didn't expect that Stryker would give him such a good chance this time.

"Stryker, you know, Magneto originally wanted to benefit Mutant.

At that time, he just wanted to make Mutant a god-like existence.

God needs believers, and ordinary people are believers.

He also needs the labor of ordinary people and provides them with services.

So even though he has the power to destroy the world, he has never used it.

However, what you have done now has aroused the opponent's resistance.

You broke a certain line between mutants and humans.

That is extinction!

Humans are extinct Mutant, Mutants are also exterminating humans!

You thought you did a good thing, but in fact, you just upgraded the war!

If one is not handled well, the whole world will fall into destruction.

Qin Xiao kept uttering heartbreaking words one after another.

It made Stryker suddenly feel as if he had really done something wrong.

Compared to Stryker, Hill agent is obviously anxious at this time.

"Qin, where are they now, we should stop their actions."

Isn't she here just to prevent all this from happening?

"You just take the Stryker to the brainwave strengthening machine.

Once there, you can work with Storm to stop each other.

I'll wait a while and come back. "

Qin Xiao At the moment was not in a hurry to stop Charles.

Because he believed that since things were developing in this way, even if he didn't take action, Storm and the others could stop it.

The reason why I participated was that I was afraid that things would become more out of control.

Now it seems that everything is under control.

Hill agent saw Qin Xiao's thoughts at the moment, so she had no choice but to hold Stryker to leave.

Stryker felt completely helpless at this moment.


Wolverine watched Stryker being taken away, at the moment he was furious.

He even wanted to leave Death Girl behind and follow Stryker.

Because from him, you can learn about your past.

"Logan, you go with Agent Hill, and guard him, maybe you will feel at ease."

Qin Xiao directly asked Wolverine to leave too.

"What about her?"

Wolverine felt helpless looking at the dead woman who had been clinging to her.

Qin Xiao snapped his fingers directly.

A transparent Ghost went straight to the dead woman.

The inexplicably excited death girl who was fighting Wolverine just now fell to her knees.

"The world is so dark, and my life is a burden."

The dead woman muttered to herself.

Looking at the instantly decadent dead girl, Wolverine's face twitched.

It's nothing to beat yourself to death.

But At the moment, his attention was on Stryker in an instant.

As soon as he picked up the Stryker, he and Hill went straight to the brain wave strengthening machine.

The three left, and Qin Xiao squatted beside the dead woman.

He lifted the dead woman's hair, and there was a piece of skin on the back of her neck that was obviously corroded.

"Jason's brain fluid has such an effect that it can control people's actions."

Qin Xiao used the power of the quick-cut fruit to directly transform his fingers into Adamantium blades.


The whole corroded fast meat was directly cut off by Qin Xiao.

The Dead Woman has a Self-healing Ability no less than Wolverine.

In a blink of an eye, this bloody place grew back again, returning to its original state.

Losing the erosion of cerebrofluid, the Death Girl gradually got rid of Stryker's orders.

Definitely, it's still too early to fully recover.

Moreover, the power of the negative Ghost makes the death girl still kneel down like a salted fish.

After a while, the dead woman recovered a little bit.

She looked at Qin Xiao gratefully.


At the moment, she finally took control of her body again.

Definitely, at the moment she still felt (aebb) a little confused.

This is the sequelae brought about by being controlled for a long time.

"It seems that you have really recovered."

"Well, I haven't fully recovered yet, and I haven't remembered many things.

The dead girl rubbed her aching head, and really couldn't remember what had happened.

"I understand, it should be that your memory has been cleaned by Stryker, that's why this happened.

When Qin Xiao saw the situation, he knew it was Stryker's handwriting.

When Wolverine was just transformed, Genrek also wanted to clean Wolverine's memory.

Because he's going to use Wolverine to make new test subjects.

And Wolverine has powerful senses.

He heard Stryker's words, and then rushed out of the laboratory alone.

After that, the big battle on the island and his amnesia happened.

The current dead woman is obviously cleaned of memory by Stryker.

But there is another shortcoming of Jason's brain fluid control person, that is, the person being controlled can actually feel it.

Like what Cyclops said after the fight between Cyclops and Jean Gray in the dam.

He saw Jean Grey, but his body was out of control.

Death girl has been controlled, but she can also feel the situation outside.

And she has strong resilience, so she can withstand regular brainwashing.

But also because of her strong resilience, she will gradually restore her memory after a while.

At the moment's dead woman, apparently in recovery.

"You know these things? You know I've been brainwashed?"

The dead woman looked surprised.

"It's not that I know everything, but I do know something.

Next, when you haven't found a place to go, follow me first.

I'll tell you everything I know when the time comes. "

Qin Xiao offered his suggestion.


The dead woman thought for a while, but didn't object.

In fact, when Qin Xiao saw the dead woman, he thought of another thing.

Fruit Ability Boost!

I received Self-healing feedback from Wolverine and Sabretooth.

After the strength of these two feedbacks is strengthened, the [Fruit Ability Amplification] item in his system is activated.

The 5% fruit ability increase makes him have the possibility to exert stronger power than other fruit ability holders.

However, after the last time, except for the encountered Mjolnir who can unilaterally increase the thunder fruit by 100%.

I have never seen other abilities that can increase the power of fruits in all directions.

Seeing the dead woman this time, he wanted to see if the dead woman would be able to feed back a Self-healing if she ate the devil fruit.

With the strengthening of self-healing again, can it increase part of the fruit power?

Otherwise, Qin Xiao would not be interested in taking the initiative to save the dead girl.

"But why did you save me?"

Dead Woman At the moment finally asks the question.

She just couldn't control herself, but she still saw a lot of things.

She was puzzled about Qin Xiao's rescue.

"Since you asked this question, let me tell you.

My identity is the devil messenger, and I can provide a devil fruit.

If you eat this devil fruit, you can become a fruit-ability user.

You just saw Wolverine, he turned his whole body into Adamantium.

This is the power of eating a devil fruit.

Another one, you see distinct waves of light emanating from her hands.

That is also the power of a devil fruit.

I save you because you can also become the devil's apostle. "

Qin Xiao was still thinking about how to speak.

Unexpectedly, the dead girl asked this question directly.

Just right, let's just explain it once and for all.

"Devil Messenger? Devil Apostle? Devil Fruit? Fruit Ability One?"

The dead woman muttered to herself.

Immediately afterwards, a memory came to her mind.

"I see, Stryker deliberately referred to the Fruit Ability as Mutant.

And then launched that attack on Mutant.

It turns out that the person who created the Fruit Ability is you. "

The dead woman's memory is not very complete, but she remembered this after being stimulated.

"That's right, it's me."

"So, what kind of devil fruit can I match? I have seen Stryker's files, and he seems to be studying the power of these fruits."

"Can you match the devil fruit, mainly these [melting fruit, hot fruit (Achino heats itself), boiling fruit (Owen makes the sea boil), light fruit, dark fruit...

Qin Xiao briefly talked about the devil fruit that Death Girl can match.

The dead woman is thoughtful.

"If I don't choose, will you drive me away?".

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