Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

157 Fluttering Fruit! Adamantium Cloth! Melee! Stop Magneto! (4 More)

"If I don't choose, will you drive me away?"

The dead girl asked cautiously.

Others saved themselves, although it was with a purpose.

But I directly refused, it seems that there is a problem~.

"Don't worry, I haven't forced anyone to eat a devil fruit until now.

I am the messenger of the devil, all I have to do is deal.

I saved you and temporarily provided you with a place to go, all for future transactions.

It doesn't drive you away because you don't have a choice.

Moreover, if you don't choose to trade this kind of thing now, maybe you will choose it in the future.

I definitely won't drive you away for this. "

Qin Xiao has a lot of patience.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to calculate slowly from the beginning and keep looking for opportunities to make arrangements.

In the end, Jin Bin and Tony believed him.

The bomb fruit and the yellow spring fruit are the ones he has calculated for the longest time.

Several months before and after the time layout.

Now since he wants to get something from the dead female Yuriko.

Definitely can tolerate no feedback for a short period of time.

Moreover, what can be obtained from the dead woman is not only Self-healing.

That means a longer lifespan.

The power of the regressive fruit can act on others, but it cannot act on oneself.

And the age fruit can change its age at will.

The only problem is that I don't know whether the fruit changes only the physical state or the lifespan is indeed changed.

Because it is a fruit that clearly mentions eternal life in Pirates.

The fruits of surgery.

And it is only by sacrificing the life of the person who has the fruit ability that others can obtain it.

Therefore, with a high probability, the fruit of age cannot truly achieve eternal life.

Because if this fruit can achieve eternal life, then the meaning it represents is too terrifying!

Fruit Ability users can change their age besides themselves.

He can also change the age of others!

If you can live forever, it means that countless people can live forever!

For such a fruit, the Tianlong people have long been crazy about grabbing it!

It may also be that there are other side effects not reflected in the fruit of age.

As for whether this fruit can truly achieve eternal life, no one knows.

When this fruit is developed to a certain extreme, maybe it can really achieve the purpose of eternal life.

However, before developing such power, Qin Xiao still had an obsession with longevity.

The strengthening of Self-healing Ability greatly increases the activity of his body cells.

Regeneration speed, times strengthening.

So as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

This is why he wants to help each other.

Increases the power of Fruit Ability.

Improve your lifespan.

Chase each other away?

This is absolutely not going to happen anymore.

I have to fool the other party to get more benefits.

The death girl was a little relieved when she heard the words.


"Okay, you wait here for a while, I still have something to do."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he walked to the Adamantium liquid.

The last time he got the fluttering fruit, he was thinking about having a chance to get these things away.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Qin Xiao's body gradually turned into a swamp.

A strange device appears on the scene.

This is something he asked Tony to prepare when he first thought of Adamantium.

It was agreed, find this hard metal part Tony.

This thing is mainly used by Pepper.

Adamantium clothes, Pepper would have given Tony a lot of peace of mind.

Plus, Pepper can help Tony shape his armor when the time comes.

Tony's own explosive armor can also use Adamantium in key parts.

This is a great way to improve his defense.

Qin Xiao put the whole device on the ground.

Then start to extend the injection gun on the solution pool into this special device.

At the push of a button, Adamantium solution is constantly injected into the device.

Immediately afterwards, a thin sheet of metal began to appear on the other side.

The width of the metal is about 1 meter, and the thickness is like a piece of cloth.

It's still steaming hot.

Qin Xiao looked at the piece of hard metal and nodded slightly.

This thing, let them process it slowly by themselves later.

Originally, this thing would be most convenient if it had the cooperation of Jianjian fruit.

With two clicks, it can be done directly, and it can be made into any shape you want.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and touched the metal, and the whole metal became as soft as cloth.

He began crimping these metals into bundles and waited until the entire Adamantium solution had been placed.

Harvested a large bundle of "soft" Adamantium.

"Okay, the incidental harvest of this visit is complete, next, take me to the brain wave strengthening device.

Qin Xiao put away his belongings and asked the dead woman to take him to Charles and the others.

Back in time, Magneto entered the Dam King with Sabretooth, the Toads, and Mystique.

Mystique turned directly into Stryker and took their control room.

And Sabretooth, directly incarnated as MT, sucked attention.

Stryker feels threatened by his wanton destruction in the dam.

As a last resort, his men began to encircle Sabretooth.

It's a pity that the current Sabretooth is getting stronger and stronger.

Stryker knew that Mutant had arrived, and decisively let Jason control Charles to destroy Mutant.

The fighting here was originally very normal.

Unfortunately, the battle between Scott and Jean Grey directly destroyed the structure of the entire dam.

The whole dam started seeping water.

That's why Stryker chose to flee.

It's just that in the process, I met several people in Wolverine.

Then, he was arrested again.

Magneto went directly to the brain wave strengthening device while Storm and others were saving Mutant.

He used his super ability to open the door of the brain wave strengthening device.

An EEG strengthening device without a seal cannot function.

No matter how hard Jason tried to make Charles, it was useless.

Next, Magneto started to change the whole brain wave strengthening device directly according to his idea.

Completely changed the original pattern of dealing with Mutant but not dealing with humans.

During such a delay, Agent Hill and Wolverine came here directly under the leadership of Stryker.

Because Stryker knows this place better!

Under his leadership, several people came here without any detours.

The three of them arrived here even earlier than Storm and others.

"Magneto, stop!"

Wolverine growled and spoke the moment she saw Magneto.

Not only that, he charged directly at Magneto with his whole body.

"Humans want war, we give them war, we had fixed rules before.

This rule is still followed by each other, but today, human beings have broken this rule.

That being the case, we will fight according to their new rules.

Wolverine, as a Mutant, you're not on my side, and I don't want you to stop me. "

After Magneto finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Logan was directly thrown into the air.

His At the moment skeleton is still Adamantium.

He will not use the power of the quick cut fruit all the time.

Because it will consume his physical strength.


Being manipulated by Magneto, Wolverine slammed into the wall behind her.

But then, he used the power of the quick-cut fruit to turn his bones into normal bones.

In an instant, he was free from Magneto's grasp.

0...asking for flowers...

Immediately afterwards, he rushed towards Magneto again.

"Magneto, you are exterminating the entire human race. We Mutants are also transformed from humans.

You wiped out all humans, where will there be Mutants in the future?

You are not fighting, you are exterminating all human beings. "

Wolverine's mind suddenly became very clear.

"Really? So what, since God created us Mutants, then we Mutants should be the masters of this world.

Eliminate ordinary people, God will let us continue to reproduce.

Millions of Mutant brothers, naturally able to take over the entire Earth again.

It just takes a little time.

Humans began to evolve millions of years ago, and finally occupied the earth completely in the last ten thousand years.

We have millions of brothers and it will take only a little time to repopulate the earth.

As Magneto spoke, he manipulated the metal and stabbed directly at Wolverine.

His faith is naturally for the Mutant brothers.

As for what Wolverine said, he didn't give a damn.

Evolution, there will naturally be labor pains.

But this labor pain is for ordinary people, and he, Magneto, doesn't care.

Wolverine looked helplessly at the piercing metal.

If it was someone else, he would directly chop it with Adamantium claws.

But now, he didn't dare to transform at all.

Resist with physical body, this is fucked.

"Magneto, you think too easily, you can't succeed today.


At this moment, a pink wave of slow light was sent directly from Hill's hand.

The beam of light hit the metal rushing towards Wolverine.

Metal, which was flying rapidly, suddenly stopped in the air at the moment.

No matter what Magneto controls, these metals cannot be accelerated.

"Are you a Mutant too? Or are you a Fruit Ability user?"

Magneto looked serious.

Hill has been following the devil messenger, so she is definitely a fruit ability user.

"What Ability I am is not important, what is important is that I will stop you today."

Hill agent continuously fired several light waves with both hands.

These light waves completely block the entire channel.

There are even waves of light heading towards Magneto.

Because of the position of Magneto, these light waves first irradiated on Jason, the master of illusion.

Jason froze in place.

Seeing those items and Jason's status, Magneto and Yanzhuang were horrified!

This light wave is really unreasonable!

It is actually a force that can make any object stand still!

Mystique dodged as hard as she could.

On the other hand, Magneto directly blocked the panel on the controlled brain wave strengthening device in front of him.

Since it is a light wave, the opponent should be reflected.

The light waves irradiated on the brilliance panel and reflected directly.

This time, Magneto was relieved a lot.

Since he can reflect, then he will not be affected by the Hill agent.

But this raises a big problem.

As long as the other party uses this Ability, his plan to change the brain wave strengthening device this time will fail.

In other words, it is impossible to kill all human beings this time.

Magneto sighed, directly manipulated these glorious panels and threw them towards Hill.

The brilliance of the mirror made Hill's power useless.

Not only that, Magneto also directly cheated Wolverine with the panel!

He took his chance and let the light bounce directly on Wolverine.

Wolverine, who swooped and dodged, just walked slowly through the air.

Completely violated the rules of this world.

"You guys found this place earlier! Does Charles have anything to do?".

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