Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

164 Healing Fruit! Professor X Who Walks Again! (1 More)

"Qin, don't you try your own strength?"

Qin Xiao reminded the other party on the side.

If you have the power of fruit, then what a shame not to try it.

When Jean Grey heard this, she closed her eyes slightly.

Feel the power from this fruit.

A yellow light shone from her hands.

A small light cluster appeared in her hand.

There seemed to be a special power in that yellow light cluster.

Jean Grey used Psychokinesis to directly transfer the yellow light cluster to Charles.

A warm and powerful force was constantly in Charles' body.

Especially the part of his injured spine that felt the most obvious impact of energy.

After more than ten seconds, he seemed to feel discomfort under his feet.

It seems that I am not very comfortable sitting now.



Charles hasn't felt his lower body for decades, but now he feels it!

He raised his leg subconsciously.

The legs that could not move really moved.

Everyone else around Charles saw what he had just done.

"Charles, your legs can really move!"

"This healing fruit really healed Charles' leg!"

"Charles, can you stand up?"

Scott stood beside Charles, trying to help Charles up.

The professor held Scott's hand and stood up really wobbly.

His feet were still shaking constantly at the moment.

This is the sequela of 04 after decades of not standing and walking, and the muscles on the feet have atrophied.

However, this proves that Charles' injured spine was really healed!

"I literally stood up."

Even though Charles' feet were still shaking, he was still excited.

Weakness in the feet, just exercise slowly in the future.

However, he was finally able to feel his feet like he hadn't felt in decades.

But the excitement didn't last long, and his feet softened.

Fortunately, Scott kept supporting him, otherwise he would have fallen directly.

Charles, what's going on?"

Scott felt the weight on his hands, and he looked puzzled.

"I, I can't feel the existence of my feet again, and I have lost the feeling here in the spine again.

Charles At the moment looked disappointed.

"What's going on here, wasn't it cured just now?"

Storm couldn't believe it.

"Perhaps, it's because Charles' injury was too severe and too old.

Ordinary healing abilities can only give him a little consciousness for a short time.

If you want to heal for a long time, you can only choose to spend your life force, or use other people's power to heal Charles. "

Qin Gree At the moment is thoughtful.

The power of the healing fruit is very powerful, but it obviously also has some flaws.

For those with severe injuries, general treatment can only last for a short period of time.

Unless it completely heals others at the cost of consuming life.

In addition, it is to heal with stronger body blood.

Hearing Qin Gelei's words, everyone fell into deep thought.

"Which of us, then, has the best strength?"

Storm looked around for a week, and there seemed to be no suitable person for the time being.

Herself? Impossible.

Scott, the body is not very strong either.

Iceman, no.

Steel might have tried, but he hasn't returned yet.

After that, she set her sights on Qin Xiao.

"As far as I know, you have two powerful people with Self-healing Ability by your side.

I wonder if we can ask them to help us?"

Storm's voice was tense.

She was afraid that Qin Xiao would refuse.

Qin Xiao At the moment already has a preliminary understanding of the basic Ability of the healing fruit.

The most basic treatments are effective even for spinal injuries.

This fully demonstrates the horror of the healing fruit.

As for the fact that this serious injury can only last for a short period of time, Qin Xiao thinks it is normal.

For other injuries, such as wounds on the body surface, the basic treatment of the healing fruit should be able to achieve very good results.

With the power of sacrificing life, Qin Xia can definitely heal Charles.

In the end, it just depends on how much vitality needs to be consumed.

But now there is another way.

Harvest blood donation dandelions from other people just as you donate blood.

This dandelion light group can exert different healing effects according to the physique of the blood donor.

The stronger the physique, the better the treatment effect.

Wolverine and Lady Death, who have Self-healing Ability, are obviously the best blood donors.

In fact, Qin Xiao's own blood is even better than Wolverine and Death Girl.

But he will definitely not try it with his own blood for the time being.

Then, maybe it is really possible to let these two people come over.

"Okay, I'll go pick them up and try.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he opened a portal.

On the other side of the portal, the four of them were bored at the moment.

Hate, Wolverine, Frank, Death Girl!

Because Qin Xiao took the time to use the portal to send Black Dwarf to Titan Star.

This made the abomination suddenly lack a target to fight.

So he was bored.

Wolverine had been accompanying Stryker during the interrogation for the past few days.

He learned about his past from Stryker.

What has participated in the famous wars from the Civil War between the North and the South to those few times.

In nearly a hundred years of war, he was present almost every time.

What once formed a Mutant squad to perform some shady things.

Even the most unbelievable thing for him is that he and Sabretooth are two brothers!

As a result, both of them are now obviously amnesiac.

This has made him unacceptable until now. Could it be possible to go to Sabretooth now?

But people also lost their memory.

So Wolverine can only be bored in a daze at the place arranged by Qin Xiao.

Frank is very energetic.

He kept studying those alien weapons.

Especially the alien battleship!

So now his whole body is a swamp.

And in the swamp, a corner of the giant Chitauri beast is being revealed.

Frank is both the ability to temper the swamp fruit and the research weapon.

Only the dead girl, she is struggling right now.

The three people in front of me are all Fruit Ability users!

So she has been considering whether to also become a fruit ability holder.

Anyway, now it seems that there is no harm in the fruit ability.

It's just that Qin Xiao seems to be busy recently, and she didn't have a chance to bring it up.

Just at the moment, a portal opened beside several people.

Opposite the portal, it seems to be a big building.

Qin Xiao was standing in front of the portal and waving at several people.

"Logan, Yuriko, there is an experiment here that you may want to try.

Also, abomination, maybe you can try that too.

Frank, stop playing with those weapons for a day, come and walk around. "

Qin Xiao called several people over at once.

A few people passed through the portal and saw a few people here.

"What experiment?"

Wolverine spoke first.

Depressed, he was really suffocated.

There is something to do, but it can divert his attention.

"An experiment involving a cure."

"Cure? Do you want to draw blood again?"

Wolverine seemed to be used to these blood-drawing days.

"No, this time I'm using the fruit ability, so I don't need to draw blood like ordinary people."

Qin Xiao explained.

"The fruit ability is still curable, which is a bit interesting.

When they heard it was Fruit Ability, several people became interested.

"What do you need me to do?"

Wolverine dropped the cigar at this moment, looking very interested.

"Do nothing, just let Qin use her Ability."

Qin Gree At the moment also came over.

Her hand lightly exerted force on Wolverine's arm.

Then a green plant grew on Wolverine's arm like the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a dandelion with a yellow light cluster directly bloomed on the green plant.

Donate Blood Dandelions!

When the dandelion was flying, Wolverine's hand immediately returned to normal.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"Is this the ability of this fruit? I don't even feel it."

Wolverine looked at her arm, and then glanced at the glowing yellow light cluster with curiosity on her face.

Others also looked surprised at At the moment.

I don't know if this ball of light can have an effect.

Jean Grey directly used Psychokinesis to transfer the light cluster to Charles again.

The light group directly merged into it.

Ten seconds later, Charles regained feeling in his feet.

This time, though, he didn't try to get up from the wheelchair.

Because he wasn't sure how long he would be able to stand.

So he just moves his legs constantly in the wheelchair.

As time passed, Charles' legs remained numb.

"This, is it true that the stronger the physical fitness, the longer it will take to take effect?"

"This time, how long can Charles remain conscious?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I've seen 540."

A group of people At the moment discussed Charles' healing effect this time.

At the beginning, everyone was still guessing enthusiastically.

But half a day passed, and Dr. Charles's feet still kept feeling.

He even tried to exercise his leg muscles with the support of others.

This is a sequela left over from decades and cannot be resolved overnight.

Next, the people from Xavier's School directly settled Qin Xiao and his party in the school for a temporary stay.

It doesn't matter how many people there are in Wolverine, they're all in a daze anyway.

A group of people just waited for the healing effect of Charles this time.

Then, as the days passed, Charles seemed to be doing just fine.

At this moment, the group of people who were still waiting to see the effect seemed to have lost interest.

Qin Xiao probably had a guess in his mind.

According to Wolverine's Self-healing Ability, even if Charles' injury cannot be fully restored.

It can also keep him for a long time.

As for how long in the end, it needs final verification.

It is even possible that this is a permanent cure!

After all, Logan's Self-healing factor is really powerful.

"Charles, what you're doing right now is trying to get the strength back in your feet.

According to the results of the past few days, Logan's blood donation dandelion effect is very powerful.

Let me know when you have the result.

After a few days here, I'm leaving too. "

Qin Xiao found Charles who was exercising to say goodbye.

At the moment, Jean Gray was by Charles' side most of the time.

From time to time, Charles used encouraging fruits to cheer Jean Grey up.

Jean Grey, on the other hand, monitored Charles' physical condition throughout the process.

"Are you going to leave? This time, thank you very much."

Charles' gratitude wasn't fake.

Whether it is Qin Gelei's change or his own change, it is a good thing.

As for signing a contract with the devil, they don't really care.

At least for now, they are making money.

"Qin, I wonder if we can discuss something."

At this time, Qin Gelei made a request.

"What's up?"

"Can you, keep Logan at the Mutant school?".

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