Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

165 Devil Fruit! Gossip In Mutant! Calling From Tony! (2 More)

"Can you, keep Logan at the Mutant school?"

Jean Grey made her request.

This time, Qin Xiao was stunned.


What is this?

Keep Logan?

Why, it's only been a few days, and you guys still don't understand?

Logan and Jean Grey were born to wear hats for Cyclops?


Qin Xiao subconsciously spoke.

"Logan's self-healing factor is very powerful.

All this time I've been watching Charles healed by donating blood dandelions.

It was discovered that At the moment in the professor's body also possessed part of Logan's Self-healing power.

In fact, it was precisely because of this self-healing power that Charles was able to recover the strength of his feet so smoothly.

For other people, it will take at least a few months or even a few years to walk with support like now.

But Charles can do it in a few days.

So I would like to ask Logan to stay and collect a little blood donation dandelion from him again later.

And I talked to Logan, and he said he hasn't had a big deal lately.

So I want to ask you if you can keep him. "

Jean Grey gave an answer.

When Qin Xiao heard it, it turned out to be the case.

I thought it was because you were starting to be unclear again.

This matter, sure.

Anyway, the few of them have been idle recently and are about to get moldy.

"No problem, as long as he wants to."


After saying goodbye, Qin Xiao returned to their secret base with hatred, Frank, and Lily.

Although they left, the legend about the devil messenger in Xavier's School gradually spread.

Charles' body was gradually recovering, but his abilities were not affected.

In the past few days, Mutants have gradually been found and returned.

When these Mutants see Charles who is retraining and can walk.

Everyone felt the shock.

You know, the image of Charles sitting in a wheelchair has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

That elegant and easy-going old man always taught them all kinds of knowledge in a wheelchair.

And tell them everyone's Ability is a gift from God.

Let them accept their abilities and protect themselves.

Many Mutants have wondered why none of the Abilities could heal Charles.

Why does such an old man have to endure such a thing.

But when they came back after being separated, they saw a Charles who was exercising and recovering his legs.

The emotions and shocks in each Mutant's heart are only known to them.

Afterwards, the news about Qinxia's healing of Charles was revealed.

It was also revealed that there was another person who played a major role in this healing.

This person had been breaking school rules and wandering around with a cigar in his mouth during this time.

People passing by couldn't help pointing at him.

This made Wolverine feel increasingly uncomfortable living here.

As a last resort, I could only extinguish the cigar, and then wandered around the school sullenly.

But this did not stop some people from observing him curiously from a distance.

Because they all knew, the reason Charles was able to walk again.

It seems to be relying on what mentor Jean Grey extracted from this person's blood.

Everyone looked at Wolverine as if they were looking at a walking healing kit.

Since decades of injuries like Charles's can be healed.

Then, can they be treated if they are injured in the future?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that studying at Mutant School is really a good thing.

Just based on the relationship of studying here, there may be some benefits in the future.

So the students who figured this out, some bold ones went directly to Wolverine and started chatting and exchanging feelings.

Don't say anything else, it's not too much to be familiar.

This is only part of the rumors.

Although there are still some hidden parts in the rumors, they are still known by some people.

The reason why Jean Grey was able to heal Charles this time.

It's because Jean Grey ate something called a devil fruit.

That's why she has this magical healing ability.

Not even she ate it, even Charles ate it.

This time, a group of people became more and more curious about this devil fruit.

Later, a technical nerd inquired a lot of news.

It was discovered that in the recent New York War, many people who had eaten devil fruits participated in the battle.

They call themselves Fruit Abilities.

There are even rumors that these fruit abilities have been officially recognized.

At this moment, everyone started to discuss about Devil Fruit and Fruit Ability.

Some even dared to ask Charles directly about what happened to this matter.

As a last resort, Charles could only briefly explain.

And warn everyone, don't try devil fruit lightly.

Because there will definitely be a price behind it.

Well, while agreeing with Charles, a group of children imagined what kind of devil fruit they could get in the future.

In short, after Qin Xiao left, he had no idea that the name of his devil fruit had spread among Mutant.

This paves the way a lot for him to trade Devil Fruits in Mutant in the future.

On the other side, Qin Xiao returned to his secret residence.

This time, he did not go to S.H.I.E.L.D to report on the inspection.

The meeting between Hill agent and Charles has formed the initial cooperation between the two organizations.

This makes it seem like they don't need to continue contacting Mutant.

So everyone continued to develop the fruit ability in the S.H.I.E.L.D branch.

Now it seems that Captain Rogers' blob fruit has the upper hand.

His fruit Ability is being developed by him to a greater power.

and even more terrifying uses.

For example, photographing items directly to a fixed place.

Even the next goal is to try to see if the living thing can be photographed in a fixed place.

What this represents is the rapid transmission of terrifying combat power!

Hawkeye's Ability is a close second, and he's now under the heavy care of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even the body strengthening potion that had been discontinued had started to be tested again.

Besides Captain America's Super Serum, Hulk's serum is definitely the most powerful.

However, Hulk's serum has too many side effects, otherwise it wouldn't be an abomination.

So they are constantly looking for and developing new serums without side effects.

The stronger Hawkeye's body is, the stronger he will be!

And Natasha Romanoff has been consuming a little too much lately.

Her Ability is the ability to absorb the lifespan of others and bestow upon them.

In order for Natasha Romanoff to succeed in empowering some powerful weapons.

Many criminals are passively aging in the hands of Natasha Romanoff.

But now, her strength has really increased greatly.

It is impossible for anyone to look at the group of Gatlings walking around her without fear.

Even she alone started to take over the defense of this base.

A group of walking Barretts are constantly patrolling the roof of the base.

This operation is really a bit slippery.

Now she set her sights on a tank.

And this thing seems to have "liveness"|sex" now.

Wait until she actually turns tanks into artificial living things.

The next step is that S.H.I.E.L.D specially built heavy firepower weapons for her.

On the contrary, Phil Coulson's progress is not very obvious.

His Ability needs to be developed, obviously waiting until Awakening.

And Awakening, it is not so easy.

As for the Hill agent, the development of Slow Lightwave went very smoothly.

In particular, the method of extending the effective distance of light waves has been successful.

If the effective distance of the slow light wave of Hill Agent was one hundred meters before, it has at least doubled now.

As for releasing light waves in other places besides hands, this is not an easy task.

Dr. Banner is now more and more reluctant to leave.

His Huahuaguo has always maintained a duplication and a double body.

Even working towards a second duplication now.

Dr. Banner participated in Hawkeye Barton's super soldier serum research.

His girlfriend Betty, the whole process is to guard against the insurance that Hulk appears.

As for Crossbones Rumlow, the practice now gives him a spot alone.

No way, his shear fruit allows him to cut anything.

This thing makes the vault unsafe.

It can only limit his range of activities.

There is really no way to limit Dr. Banner's flowers and fruits.

Just cut the fruit and supervise him, unless he breaks in by force.

The situation of S.H.I.E.L.D's Fruit Ability branch made Qin Xiao really not interested in going there.

After two days of salting fish, he suddenly received a call.

~jingle bell~~”

Qin Xiao looked up and saw that it was Tony.

"Hey, Tony, what's up?"

"Well, I've been waiting for your Adamantium, and you were busy a while ago so I didn't rush.

But during this time I heard that you were neither in S.H.I.E.L.D nor in Charles.

I've been waiting for you for two days, why don't you come?"

Tony started complaining.

Qin Xiao told Tony about getting Adamantium.

Originally, I said I would wait until the time to deal with things was over.

As a result, I didn't expect to turn around and forget about it.

Today Tony finally couldn't bear to urge him.

"All right, all right, I see, come right away."

Qin Xiao directly opened a portal and came to Tony's villa.

At the moment's Tony is experimenting with armor modularity and neural response control using microchips.

That is, Mark4 (Get Zhao) 2 Armor.

The famous "Anti-Tony Armor".

Tony At the moment is debugging the arm micro-dynamic system of the armor.

And he is connecting with Qin Xiao through J.A.R.V.I.S.

"Mr. Qin."

J.A.R.V.I.S saw Qin Xiao passing through the portal, and greeted him politely.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, do you have any jokes about Tony recently? Send me a copy later."

When Qin Xiao came over, he greeted J.A.R.V.I.S directly.

The current Qin Xiao occupies 16% of the shares of Stark Enterprises and is the second largest shareholder.

And J.A.R.V.I.S is also responsible for the company's computing management in many cases.

Tony gave a part of Qin Xiao J.A.R.V.I.S permission.

That's why Qin Xiao greeted J.A.R.V.I.S so casually.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, Mr. Stark has recently developed the mark42 armor, and watching him work is a kind of enjoyment.

Maybe you'll be curious to see what this suit looks like in action.

Well, definitely, and the interesting stuff that happened between Mister Stark and Warframe. "

The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S is calm.

But even Stark could hear a schadenfreude in his tone.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, you have to understand that the research of new armor will eventually have a little bit of setbacks.

Also, I'm telling you, don't spread my embarrassment.

Otherwise I will never end with you. "

Tony gave J.A.R.V.I.S a straight lesson.

Then, he looked at Qin Xiao.

"Dude, show me Adamantium quickly.".

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