Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

238 Shishi Fruit! Restore Your Body! (2 More)

"Suddenly, it seemed like I didn't want to be normal anymore."

This was the first sentence the stone man said when he returned to everyone.

He realized the powerful power brought to him by the Shishi fruit.

This power exceeded his expectations.

This feeling of ordinary people suddenly gaining great power and transforming like a god will always make people lost.

This kind of power is much stronger than the feeling brought by his own transformation into a stone man.

Turning into a stone man, he felt nothing but inconvenience.

For this body, his wife left him.

But now, after possessing the power of Shishi fruit.

He suddenly fell in love with such power.

The stone stone fruit can use its own body to assimilate the stones around it.

In this way, the stones around him can be transformed into a part of their own body.

However, my own body was originally a stone!

This makes it almost unnecessary for me to assimilate the "four two three" stones around me.

What I need is to "integrate" into it.

Others may feel a little uncomfortable with a body made of stone.

After all, a body and a stone are two different things.

But I was originally a rock!

During this period of time, all he manipulated were stone bodies.

When those outside stones are manipulated by the stone fruit.

It was like a continuation of his body.

There is no barrier or discomfort.

That feeling is really like manipulating one's own body.

The only regret is that the more stones are incorporated, the more "bulky" the body will be.

This cumbersomeness is the only limitation of the stone titan file size that the stone man can control.

When he is too heavy to a certain extent, he can't move!

The first time he used the stone fruit, he directly controlled the stone titan hundreds of meters away.

This is the balance point where he can act more normally.

With this size, his speed, strength, and reaction can all be controlled.

Similarly, it was also because he originally possessed dozens of tons of strength.

That's why it is possible to override such a large stone titan.

If it is an ordinary person, perhaps only one percent of this stone titan can be manipulated for the first time.

Because their physical and mental strength can't keep up.

This feeling of overlooking the world with one's own huge body of hundreds of meters.

Just one time has already made the stone man intoxicated.

Qin Xiao, who was one kilometer away, looked like an ant in front of Shi Titan.

It seemed that if he stomped his feet casually, these people would have been shot to death.

It really is a feeling of omnipotence.

Just this moment, shattered his original idea of ​​wanting to be an ordinary person.

That's why he said "Suddenly, it seems that I don't want to be an ordinary person anymore".

But no one answered his words At the moment.

Everyone looked at the stone statue standing in place.

Stone titan At the moment turned into a stone statue.

He stood motionless in the distance.

It's as if it was specially carved to look like this.

However, this carved stone statue is only a few hundred meters high.

Moreover, it is surrounded by a huge pit.

"So after the change he's going to be permanently like this?"

It was Dr. Na that first raised his question.

The stone man had already come out of the stone statue.

Normally, shouldn't these things be restored?

"It seems that there is a place where this exists, and stone carvings and the like are completely unnecessary.

As long as you use its power, you can create any style of stone sculpture you want. "

Someone At the moment even made a joke.

"I want to know one thing now, since Ben was able to walk out of the stone carving.

Does it mean that his body is actually only hidden in this stone statue.

That is to say, attacking this stone statue can't actually hurt his body.

The only thing that can be done is to weaken the File size of the stone statue, so as to find out the opponent's position in the stone statue?"

Tony directly asked an interesting question.

Because he has been thinking about how to deal with such a power as Shishiguo.

Judging from the strength Shishiguo showed just now, it is likely to be just like what he said.

The body of the stone man Ben is hidden in this huge amounts of stone statue.

Trying to eliminate the huge amounts of stone statue originally is useless.

Ben's body hidden in the stone statue must be found.

"That's right, the general situation is very similar to what you said, his body can swim constantly in the rocks.

Even the stone statues he created with his strength did not affect his ability to walk in them. "

Qin Xiao directly pointed out the characteristics of this power.

Because even if you knew it was such a characteristic, so what?

If you want to attack his body, you have to face this huge stone statue.

And if you can defeat this huge stone statue, then you can definitely defeat his body.

This was originally a paradox.

Hearing Qin Xiao's affirmative words, everyone did not feel happy...

Because everyone thought of what Qin Xiao thought of.

However, Qin Xiao's gaze At the moment shifted to the stone man Ben.

"Next, you can try to see if you can use the power of the fruit to transform your current stone body into a human form again."

In fact, this is the biggest reason why the stone people have eaten the fruits of implementation.

Like Wolverine Logan, turn your own full body Adamantium bones into flesh.

The stone man's body also wants to become flesh.

This is what he wanted to do the most.

But after a baptism of a huge stone statue.

He seems to have lost that strong desire to return to his human body now.

But he still wanted to try, thinking that turning into a flesh body would not affect the power of the fruit.

It's like the burning fruit of Thunderbolt.

It's like Wolverine's quick cut fruit.

"I try to control the power of Shishi fruit."

The stone man gently closed his eyes.

He is feeling his power, which belongs to the power of Shishi fruit.

"Can it be successful? Can he become flesh again?"

Susan At the moment looked nervous.

"But since he can use the stone fruit to conjure such a powerful stone statue titan.

It should be possible to transform myself back into the flesh again, right?"

Dr. Reed is also full of hope for the stone man.

As long as Ben changes back again, his equipment research can be stopped.

Because he didn't have much confidence in this kind of conversion equipment.

After all, this is the first time I have encountered such a 1.8 thing.

But if waiting fails, his research will continue.

The final result is not necessarily better than the present.

The others actually looked at each other expectantly.

Transforming into a flesh body, maybe the difficulty of arresting will be much lower at that time.

This idea, at first glance, comes from everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Stone people don't know what other people think.

He At the moment is working hard to mobilize the power of Shishi fruit in his body.

Thankfully his body looks like it's all stone.

But there are still some guts.

These internal organs are also internal organs after strengthening.

But after all, there is still a little bit of "meat".

The power of Shishi fruit gradually penetrated from these flesh to his body skin.

Afterwards, in the eyes of everyone, Ben became a normal human again.

"I recovered? Hahaha, I really recovered!".

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