Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

239 Transparent Fruit! Rubber Fruit! Temporarily Refused! Charles' Request! (3 More)

"I recovered? Hahaha, I really recovered!"

The stone man was excited.

It just makes him look a little bit stronger than normal.

Compared with his stone, his body is much slimmer.

He did change from stone to flesh.

But as he transformed into a physical body, Shishi fruit has been consuming his physical strength.

This situation is more expensive than Logan's quick cut fruit.

Because Logan doesn't need to maintain the power of the quick cut fruit all the time.

It will only transform under special circumstances.

For the most part, his skeleton is still Adamantium.

Because Adamantium provides him with more amazing strength than ordinary bones.

But it's clear that the Golem would have required far more physical strength than Wolverine Logan.

However, this is nothing to Ben.

Having withstood the solar storm, his whole body has undergone mutation.

His physical strength is astonishing.

In addition, the stone stone fruit is the physical strength consumed by his stone man's body.

And the physical strength of the stone man's body is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It is quite difficult to consume the physical strength of the stone man.

The only problem with this now is that Shishi 04 Renben continues to use Shishi fruit.

Then his physical strength will never be in a perfect state.

The longer the transformation time, the more stamina consumed.

When the fruit Ability needs to be used at that time, the rocks that can be manipulated will become smaller.

But Ben obviously didn't care about that.

Even if the rock he manipulates becomes smaller, his strength is still astonishing.

"Very well, it seems that the test of Shishi fruit is over, let's go back.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he directly opened a portal.

Opposite the portal is the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When the group returned to S.H.I.E.L.D, Hill agent immediately sorted out the information just now and prepared to report.

Meanwhile, the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D are now choosing to stay with Qin Xiao and the Fantastic Four.

They wanted to see that Johnny the Human Torch had matched the Shayao fruit.

The stone man originally matched the stone stone fruit.

Then the remaining two, Dr. Reed and the invisible woman Susan can match what kind of terrifying fruit.

"Consultant, I want to know, what kind of devil fruit can my sister match?"

Others may be embarrassed to speak.

But Johnny the Human Torch didn't have the slightest idea of ​​that.

He asked the question directly.

"What Susan can match is the transparent fruit, which is the same as her current Ability.

What Dr. Reed can match is the rubber fruit, which is also the same as his Ability.

The fruit of the two of you, there is no big surprise. "

Qin Xiao not only revealed the devil fruit matched by the invisible girl Susan.

Even the fruits of MR.Fantastic Reid's matching were also mentioned.

The fruits of these two people are indeed not like the burning fruit and stone fruit that can bring about obvious changes.

Because their strengths highly overlap.

Crucially, this coincidence isn't yet like Thor's Thunderfruit.

The Thunder Fruit somehow makes Thor immune to physical attacks.

Because the thunder fruit can also be elementalized.

It's not like the burning fruit of Thunderbolt.

Burning the fruit to Thunderbolt also directly strengthened his strength.

However, rubber fruits and transparent fruits do not have such abilities.

When everyone heard this result, everyone reacted differently.

Both Susan and Reed were obviously disappointed.

After seeing the elementalization of Thunderbolt, they had already aroused their curiosity.

And the stone fruit made them look forward to the devil fruit even more.

But they never expected that the final result was not what they thought.

A devil fruit can make them stronger.

On the contrary, the fruit power overlaps with their Ability.

And S.H.I.E.L.D agents like Natasha Romanoff and Phil Coulson are relieved.

The shock brought by Shishi fruit is not over yet.

If there are a few more powerful fruits, then their life may be difficult.

"Well, then we need to think about it."

Reed made his choice.

Since they are all the same, there is no choice for the time being.

"No problem, you can think about it.

Qin Xiao did not urge them.

"Since this is the case, then perhaps we should have a good fight next.

Qin, give us a fighting space, I want to fight with him.

At this moment, the abomination who had been waiting for the matching here finally made his request.

As Qin Xiao's "beater", his dedication to fighting is the highest.

Right now, he just wants to fight the stone man.

"Hulk fights too!"

When Hulk hears the words of hatred, he wants to fight too!


Even the Cursed Warrior had no intention of giving up the fight.

This time, it seemed that it directly aroused everyone's interest in fighting.

Even Captain Rogers has the desire to fight.

"If that's the case, you go to fight there just now.

Qin Xiao used another portal to send everyone back.

Originally, Mirror Space was a good place.

But in the mirror dimension, Shishi fruit is basically useless.

Because it is impossible for him to absorb the stone from the mirror dimension.

In the mirror dimension, it is impossible for the shaking fruit to shake the ground.

In this way, their true combat effectiveness cannot be reflected.

Several people who wanted to fight passed through the portal again.

After everyone left, Charles took the initiative to find Qin Xiao.

"Qin, I don't know if your devil fruit can solve the side effect of the ability of the little naughty?

Her Mutant powers make it impossible for her to even have normal contact with other people now.

We can't find out how to solve her problem for a while.

Since you have so many kinds of devil fruits.

Is there a solution to her problem?"

Charles actually asked this question.

As for this problem, in fact, Qin Xiao has no solution.

This kind of mutant power that can't even be touched is really helpless.

The opponent can indeed match some fruits.

Such as diamond fruit, slippery fruit.

This kind of fruit can make her body become like a diamond.

I don't know if such a body can't be touched by 117.

Another slippery fruit is more interesting.

It will make the body of the eater become as if there is zero friction.

Such power actually prevents contact with other people to some extent.

Think about it, you slide away the moment you touch the other person.

This kind of short-term contact will not affect others.

In a sense, this is the protection of others.

However, this does not change the Super Ability of Little Rascal.

As long as she wants to, she will still cause harm to others.

This is a really amazing Ability with backlash.

Not only that, Little Rascal even matched several fruits that can increase her Ability.

For example, transparent fruit, silent fruit, rubber fruit

Think about it, a transparent person comes up to you and almost kills you just by touching you.

Is such power terrifying?

And the fruit of silence can make the approach of the little rascal silent.

This power is not comparable to the transparent fruit, but it is also a fruit that can get close.

The rubber fruit can change the body.

You were far away, but she stretched out her hand towards you.

Such a result is also extremely terrifying.

Qin Xiao shook his head directly.

"Her situation is too special. It is very difficult to prevent her damage. Instead, I still have the calendar to increase her strength."

"Is that so? It seems that I need to think of other ways."

Charles understood Qin Xiao's words.

"Actually, there may be a way to eliminate her power."

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