Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

280 Thanos! Fruit For Everyone! Buddha Form!

Qin Xiao wanted Thanos to introduce some devil fruits that the other party could match.

Animals. Phantasmal Beasts. Human Fruit‧Great Buddha Form.

Composite fruit.

Heavy fruit.

fluttering fruit.

Lava fruit.

Hearing Qin Xiao's introduction, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Sure enough, Thanos' matching devil fruit is getting stronger and stronger.

There is now a nature fruit among Thanos' matching devil fruits.

This is a fruit that can save him from most physical damage.

The most important thing is that this fruit also has a strong offensive.

Compared with several other natural fruits, it is much more aggressive.

The destruction of the environment by lava is violent, and it is more violent than the rustling fruit.

The power of the rustling fruit needs to wait until the desert reaches a certain level before it can be displayed.

But where lava can flow out, his threat is extremely terrifying.

This fruit that just appeared is already so powerful.

The key is there are two very powerful fruits that they already know.

Heavy Fruit and Fluttering Fruit.

In terms of destructive power alone, the destructive power of these two fruits is not small.

Even heavy fruits, which can trigger meteorites, are more powerful than lava fruits.

But in Qin Xiao's introduction, there are still two fruits that are ranked in front of these fruits.

From the introduction of the combined fruit, everyone already has a full understanding.

Just say that it fits with holy place No. 1 or holy place No. 2.

The horror of this power has surpassed the imagination of ordinary people.

You know, Holy Place No. 1 and Holy Place No. 2 originally possessed powerful firepower.

Their firepower is even capable of striking a planet.

How horrific would the star's personal battles be if he were fused with Thanos?

And compared with lava fruit and fluttering fruit, the power depends entirely on its own fruit.

Combined fruits can also use technology!

The improvement of technology is obviously the fastest.

Just like Ronan used his fleet to attack the earth, bombard the earth directly from the sky.

Had it not been for the existence of Carol, the earth would have been destroyed by Ronan at that time.

Thanos' Legion can even take down Xandar.

The Xandar star signed a peace agreement with the Kerry Empire.

The basis of all this is because of Xandar Star's scientific and technological strength.

In this universe, the improvement of technology is always much stronger than the development of individual Ability.

Unless the individual power of some people can override technology.

It's as if Carroll's individual strength can hit the opponent's battleship with his face.

Encountering such a character, it can only be regarded as bad luck.

This is the power brought by the combined fruit.

In front of the combined fruit, there is also a devil fruit in the form of a giant Buddha, a human-human fruit of the animal species.

Others don't quite understand why this fruit is ranked first.

After all, there is no special introduction in the introduction of this fruit.

Become a Buddha?

What exactly is the Buddha?

The only thing everyone knows is that this fruit can become huge.

And almost all-round improvement of their physical fitness.

The powerful Shockwave can even cause huge amounts of shock.

The power of the nearby shock can be compared with the shock fruit.

Thinking of the Zhenzhen fruit, everyone's eyes focused on the loathing.

Everyone has a full understanding of his strength.

Here, few people can beat him.

So this fruit is theoretically very powerful.

The only one who had any guesses in his mind was Rocket Raccoon.

Because he also ate a human fruit.

However, what Rocket Raccoon eats is the most common human form.

And Thanos eats the Buddha form.

After eating this fruit, Rocket Raccoon obviously felt that his intelligence had been improved.

This is a very obvious improvement.

Let Rocket Raccoon understand a lot of things that he didn't understand before.

During the days waiting for Thanos to arrive.

Rocket Raccoon also tries to learn new things.

He found that his learning ability became more terrifying.

That is to say, the fruit of everyone will increase a person's intelligence naturally.

Thanos also matched a human fruit.

Everyone's eyes are still guessing what the attack power of the Buddha form is.

Rocket Raccoon focused his attention on the improvement of intelligence of this fruit.

If Thanos ate this fruit, how terrifying would his intellect become?

You know, Thanos is already amazing in the entire universe now.

With his strength and wisdom, he spread a great reputation in the universe.

If it makes his personal strength and wisdom even more terrifying.

Then no one knows what will happen.

Subconsciously, Rocket Raccoon wants to prevent the opponent from obtaining this fruit.

But then, he stopped.

Now Thanos has no choice, if he stops, will he remind the other party.

Perhaps the other party hadn't thought of this.

As soon as I stopped it, the other party realized the abnormality of this fruit.

Moreover, the strength of the other party is so strong, if you stop the other party yourself.

Maybe I will be targeted by the other party.

Besides, now is the time to deal with the planet devourer.

If I prevent the opponent from causing the destruction of the planet devourer.

Then you are the sinner of the entire universe.

The more Rocket Raccoon thought about it, the more he couldn't make a sound.

For your own safety, but also for the entire universe.

"I don't know, have you decided which fruit to choose now~々?"

Qin Xiao looked at Thanos and asked.

"I've chosen."

Thanos reaches for one of them.

Animals. Phantasmal Beasts. Human Fruit. Buddha Form!

In the end, Thanos chose the fruit.



Thanos ate the fruit with a purple face.

"Why did you choose this fruit?"

Qin Xiao asked curiously.

"Although the other fruits are also very powerful, they can even cause huge amounts of disasters.

But this is not important to me.

Because my fleet is able to do many of the same things.

In this case, I don't have much sense of urgency to improve my own strength.

But this human fruit is very interesting.

The transformed Buddha was originally to strengthen his physical fitness again.

That's enough for me.

I investigated what happened here before I came here.

That little monkey ate a human fruit.

At that time, in your introduction, it was able to improve intelligence.

Even animals can possess intelligence that surpasses that of humans.

This shows that the fruit of everyone has the function of strengthening intelligence.

Although I think my intelligence is top-notch in the entire universe.

But I still want to see if the devil fruit produced by the Eternal God can also improve my intelligence. (of Zhao Wang)

According to my calculations, there is a possibility of more than 80% that it will increase again.

Therefore, I will choose this fruit. "

Thanos talked to himself about the reason why he chose the Buddha form of the fruit of everyone.

He is very confident in his personal strength.

Even if someone surpassed him, he didn't really care.

What he cares more about is improving his intelligence again.

He had a more pressing question on his mind.

How the entire universe can better maintain balance.

There were so many questions that even he felt he couldn't get the answers.

He wants to continue to improve his intelligence to see if he can figure out those things.

Originally, he himself did not expect that he would match a human fruit tail.

He felt that such fruits should be very rare.

In the end, he himself really matched such a one.

And it's obviously a much rarer species.

Hearing Thanos' words, Qin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, it was the same as what I thought.

Power! Wisdom!

Thanos wants it all!

"Well, I'm not a little monkey~".

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